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Questions & Answers


Here is a list of answers to some of the questions we have received via e-mail. Whenever we post an answer to any of your questions, we will be careful to remove any personal details (both in the question and in the answer) so as to protect your privacy.


As always, we urge you to judge the answers in the Spirit.


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{Latest articles: Joel - Part 7 (Dec 4 2024) ... - Part 6 (Jul 29 2024)}
{Latest Q & A's: Fathers and sons (Dec 28 2023) Abe got shot (Jul 16 2022)}
{Latest videos: Song of songs 3:6-11 (Pt 65) (Feb 1) ... (Pt 64) (Jan 25)}
Latest audio snippets: {America's fiery crash (Feb 1) Lack of thought fuels the fire (Jan 25)}
{Latest prophetic words: Second fiddle (Apr 26 2023) Georgia (Part 10) (Jun 13 2022)}
{Latest tweets: It is sad that Trump ... (Aug 6 2016)}
{Latest major changes to an article: Sheep jump (Jul 5 2024)}
{Latest p.i. prophetic words: Coming (May 11 2013), Tree 96 (May 17 2009)}
{Latest major changes to a prophetic word: Lingering blackness (Part 1) (Feb 7 2011)}
{Latest train of thought: Bearers absent, bearers present (Part 2) (Apr 18 2010)}
{Latest major change to a train of thought: Enemies in the UK (Apr 29 2007)}


{The "PFV" column below allows you access to the "printer-friendly version" of each answer}
Question First posted PFV
What are true ordination and true fatherhood? December-28-2023 PFV
What is the spiritual meaning of Shinzo Abe's assassination? July-16-2022 PFV
How can we hear God's voice? July-4-2022 PFV
Why was polygamy allowed in Scripture? September-8-2019 PFV
Are we called to forgive people who do not repent? August-31-2014 PFV
What is the meaning behind Proverbs 9:7? May-23-2012 PFV
What is the meaning behind the 11 descendants of Canaan in Genesis 10:15-18? February-07-2012 PFV
What is the meaning behind the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Part 5)? January-24-2012 PFV
What is the meaning behind the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Part 4)? January-9-2012 PFV
What is the meaning behind the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Part 3)? December-31-2011 PFV
What is the meaning behind the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Part 2)? December-19-2011 PFV
What is the meaning behind the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Part 1)? December-02-2011 PFV
What is the meaning behind the name "Shamah-Elim"? September-29-2011 PFV
What is the meaning behind the 27 July 2011 tragedy in Quinton, OK? August-13-2011 PFV
Why did the black bear cross the road? June-28-2011 PFV
What is the spiritual meaning behind the animals in Genesis 15:9? April-12-2011 PFV
Is tithing still required? November-22-2010 PFV
Should Christians ever curse people? October-11-2010 PFV
How can a female believer operate in the "male" Spirit and remain "female"? August-29-2010 PFV
Does Isaiah 35:7 contradict Ezekiel 47:11? January-17-2010 PFV
What is a "flagellant" soul and how does it speak? August-11-2009 PFV
What is the spiritual meaning behind the word kurios in John 12:21 and Acts 16:30? February-15-2009 PFV
What is the spiritual meaning behind Nimrod? January-7-2009 PFV
What is the meaning behind the Chicago lottery results on Nov 5, 2008? December-14-2008 PFV
What constitutes a true "visionary"? June-9-2008 PFV
What is the meaning of the "water tunnel" mentioned in 2 Samuel 5:8? April-28-2008 PFV
What is the spiritual significance of the Monmouth dead whale? (Part 2) November-27-2007 PFV
What is the meaning of the bow in Revelation 6:2? November-11-2007 PFV
What is the spiritual significance behind July 19, 2007's Dow Jones record? October-18-2007 PFV
What is the spiritual significance of grains, especially mustard grains? September-24-2007 PFV
What are the spiritual underpinnings of cancer? September-17-2007 PFV
What does the Lord have to say concerning home-schooling? January-2-2007 PFV
What is spiritual impartation? December-7-2006 PFV
What is the spiritual significance of the Monmouth dead whale? (Part 1) October-6-2006 PFV
What do the rainbow colors represent? September-25-2006 PFV
How do you recognize your gifts? (Part 2) September-12-2006 PFV
What is coming to Barbados? September-3-2006 PFV
Is John 7:53-8:11 legitimate? June-8-2006 PFV
How do you recognize your gifts? (Part 1) May-29-2006 PFV
What is the meaning behind R.H.'s trek across America? May-16-2006 PFV
What is the meaning behind Fort Wayne? May-8-2006 PFV
What is the meaning behind the 2005 NFL playoffs? January-27-2006 PFV
What Spirits are listed in Isaiah 11:2? December-30-2005 PFV
Is the Lord's return literal? December-26-2005 PFV
What are the 7 sins and virtues? November-23-2005 PFV
What is the meaning behind the 2005 MLB playoffs (follow-up)? November-8-2005 PFV
What is the meaning behind the 2005 MLB playoffs? October-21-2005 PFV
What is the meaning of the "salt covenant" in marriages? October-8-2005 PFV
How do you curse the Canaanites? August-30-2005 PFV
What are dog-eating bears? August-26-2005 PFV
Is the Word "simple"? June-26-2005 PFV
Will there be a latter-rain revival? June-19-2005 PFV
What are doron gifts? June-15-2005 PFV
What are the dimensions of God's love? June-12-2005 PFV
When is killing "murder"? May-27-2005 PFV
Is it right to rejoice over someone's death? April-6-2005 PFV
What is the spiritual root of homosexuality? March-20-2005 PFV
What is the spiritual root of smoking? March-20-2005 PFV
What is the meaning behind the Lord's supper? February-20-2005 PFV
What is the Spirit of Joshua? February-18-2005 PFV
Can cousins marry cousins? February-18-2005 PFV
Are tongues a pre-requisite for salvation and Holy Spirit baptism? February-9-2005 PFV
What is the spiritual root of "trichotillomania"? February-7-2005 PFV