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Questions & Answers

Dead bear crossing

First posted: June 28, 2011




A visitor sent an email asking about the spiritual significance of a recent news story posted on 8 June 2011 on the UK's Daily Mail website. As you may read by following the link, the story is about a deadly car accident in Quebec, Canada that involved a black bear. The accident can be summarised in a few words as follows:

On June 6, 2011 at around 10:30pm local time, a car travelling west near Luskville, in Quebec, Canada hit a 21-stone black bear. The black bear became airborne and struck a car travelling in the opposite direction. The bear went in through the windscreen and out the through the black window, killing the female driver and a person in the backseat, with only the person in the front passenger seat (the driver's boyfriend) surviving the impact. It goes without saying that the black bear died as well.


In short, the news story begs the question,

"Why did the black bear cross the road?"




Unlike with other Q & A postings, we will share the spiritual meaning behind this news story in bullet form. Considering that this story emphasises things that we have been forced to share time and again, there is no longer any point in speaking in "extended prose" when it comes to most of the truths revealed by this news story.


Black, thou shalt not cross


The 21-stone bear

The number "21" speaks of hard-fought spiritual warfare that eventually leads to an angelic visitation.



The bear exited through the back window

The bear crossed through the car, meaning that this story is about spiritual crossings.



The accident happened on Highway 148

148 = 37 times 4, which points to Psalm 37:4, which in turn speaks of someone having the delights of his heart fulfilled.



The other vehicle was travelling west

This speaks of people heading for the black-horse wilderness (i.e.- they were "going black").



The vehicle the bear went through was travelling east

This speaks of people trying to migrate from the black-horse to the green-horse stage (i.e.- they were "going back from black").



The female driver that died was studying to be a dietician


"Dieting" speaks of the scarcity and personal sacrifice on experiences in the black-horse wilderness.



The sense of holiness caused by the self-discipline of this "dieting" tricks many black-horse riders into thinking that they can forge the revival on their own, on the merits of that "holiness" (consider Deuteronomy 1:19,46).



Luskville's municipality of Pontiac, where the car accident took place, is in the Les-Collines-de-l'Outaouais Regional County Municipality, which is bisected by the Gatineau River, as indicated on

The Gatineau River flows down, from north to south.



It is said that the name "Gatineau" is derived from Nicolas Gatineau, a fur trader who drowned in the river in 1683, according to



The local Indian tribe says that the name comes from a phrase in their language meaning "The river that stops [one's journey]".



Therefore, the River Gatineau speaks of a path with a tragic end that prevents you completing your journey.



The Ottawa River forms the southwestern boundary of Les-Collines-de-l'Outaouais

According to, the Ottawa River is called "The Kichissippi" by the local Indians, which means "The Great River"; hence, it points to the River of God.



Therefore, trying to reach the Ottawa River by travelling down the Gatineau River is a figure of people trying to forge the manifestation of the River of God the wrong way, taking a path that results in the traveller perishing short of the destination.



The black bear was dumped on them by the car ridden by black-horse riders

... as if to say, "Mates, you are black, not green, and you are not authorised to proceed!"


Perfection through descent to weakness


The female driver of the car that was "crossed-through" by the bear was 25-years-old

In a negative sense, the number "25" speaks of people abounding in ministerial grace who are not willing to envelop themselves in weakness to fulfil God's calling.



A 40-year-old named Steven Leon was killed in the backseat

The number "40" speaks of people who have completed the journey and have crossed the Jordan to take the Promised Land.



The name "Steven" speaks of people who make dramatic green-horse sacrifices and who do not "live" to see the fulfilment of the vision, but through whose sacrifices a future generation of "Paul"s is enabled to fulfil their calling (Acts 7-9).



Through their spiritual foolishness, this generation has caused the unnecessary (second) "crucifixion" of the truly green remnant that did possess the anointing to cross the Jordan. As a result, this remnant were forced to surrender their lives in sacrifice so as to prevent this generation's damage being so dramatic that it would have killed off the possibility of God's revival being manifested in the next generations. This is why Steven Leon was so oddly killed in the backseat.



As a personal parenthesis (which you may ignore if you wish), I find it rather curious that this person's surname has the same exact spelling as this writer's. Just as this person lost his physical life in this accident, so has this writer's life been a lost investment on behalf of this generation. Just like the "Leon" in the car, this writer could do nothing but watch helplessly as others were at the wheel, and even as this writer warned others time and again (both in my "secular" life and in the "spiritual" realm) of the tragedy that would follow if the "car" was taken down the current path, those at the wheel simply brushed the warnings off as irrelevant, and stepped on the accelerator, as if to emphasise how foolish my warnings were. I would simply brush these accidents off as the pathetic consequence of others' recalcitrant foolishness if it weren't for the fact that all those "accidents" have affected me dramatically, to the point of murdering everything I had been compelled (by the Lord) to sacrifice for. Just as the death of the backseat driver seems so "senseless", so does the life investment I was forced to make when I look back on it, even with the eyes of God's Spirit. Instead of being used to build God's project now, this writer's massive investment had to be used as part of God's "stopgap measure" to prevent the project being cancelled altogether for the next generation. Since this writer had no control over the steering wheel, the only thing left to say is, "So be it, but how I wish it had not been so".



The fact that "Steven Leon" died in the backseat is also a figure of the "figurative", "behind-the-scenes" nature of his death, as opposed to the death of the front-seat driver, which had a more "literal" and "naturally visible" aspect to it.



The 25-year-old female driver was a student who was to graduate in September


This is a figure of a generation that got close to the finish line but did not complete the journey that was assigned to it.


Warning! "Female" at the wheel!


The person in the front passenger seat survived, though with injuries to his upper body

For one, this illustrates the freak nature of the accident.


This is God's way of emphasising: "This is a crossing-over issue".



The person in the front passenger seat was the 25-year-old driver's boyfriend

This emphasises the fact that it was the "female" soul, and not the "male" spirit in the driver's seat (a "matriarchal" situation).



The fact that the boyfriend survived is God's way of emphasising that the things of the Spirit are permanent and the things of the soul are temporary.



The boyfriend's age was 28 at the time of the accident

The number "28" is a number of perfection, meaning that, had the car's passengers been driven by the "male" Spirit, they would have been perfected. Instead, they were being driven by a 25-year-old "female" soul; though advanced, the age of "25" is still short of "28". The spiritual age of "25" is lacking, like a student in her last year of university who is close to graduating but hasn't yet.



Oprah recently ended her show after 25 years; her show was from Chicago, a "bear city".



The male and female in the car's front row point to the ("male") prophet and ("female") pastor at the helm of the green-horse ship, but only in the wrong order

The "male" prophet is supposed to be "at the wheel", with the "female" pastor acting in a co-pilot supporting role, but the car in the fatal accident had them in reverse order.



In a spiritual sense, the car was trying to emulate the blueprint for a "green-horse" ship, but it failed tragically in one "small" detail.



Black-horse riders who try to act "green" are driven to forge God's revival by soulish reasons such as emotion-centric compassion for others and an egocentric concern for their own personal ambitions; if the revival will not happen in their generation, they see their dreams of "spiritual greatness" slip through their fingers, so they feel compelled to "keep the dream alive" at all costs, even when God has said that the dream is dead. This is what happened to the Israelites who had successfully gone through the red-horse stage (when they crossed the Red Sea) and were out in the black-horse wilderness. When God told them that they could not cross the Jordan to take the Promised Land, they shouted "Yes we can!!", and they launched themselves against the enemy, only to make pathetic fools out of themselves (Deuteronomy 1:34-46).


Black is black


The 25-year-old female driver's name was not released, at her family's request

This points to the anonymity of the black-horse rider, emphasising her "blackness".



The occupants of the other vehicle were unharmed

This is because they were going west, from "red" to "black"; unlike the other car, they were not pretending to be "green" when they were still "black".



It is dangerous to arrogantly tackle things for God's sake outside of God's will and purposes. This is not about you doing things for God, it is about God doing things through you; therein lies the difference between a wide-gate and a narrow-gate believer.



The black bear died

This is because this was a "black-horse tragedy".



The bear was trying to cross the road (i.e.- the River Jordan) enveloped in "blackness".



The bear was drawn to the motorway by a "bear bait" station

Bear hunting is illegal in Quebec, but people are free to lay bait to attract them.



The bears are being lured into the area from their natural stomping grounds; there is a motorway, a playground, and many houses all around the area where the accident took place, meaning that the bear bait station is in a very inappropriate place.



satan, cursed is it, is luring black-horse people to cross over when they are not supposed to, thereby deceiving them into challenging God (Numbers 13, Deuteronomy 1, 2 Samuel 6).


Green land


The area of Luskville, where the accident took place, is in the municipality of Pontiac in western Quebec

According to, Pontiac is trying to attract new immigrants to improve the economy. There is a strong "foreigner" nature to the green-horse rider.



The name "Luskville" points to the village of Lusk, in County Dublin, Ireland

Ireland points to the green horse.



The village's name, "Lusk", is believed to be from an old Gaelic word "Lusca" meaning "cave", "underground chamber". This points to the 5th-seal hibernation that follows the green-horse walk.



According to, Lusk's population has quadrupled since the millennium due to an influx of immigrants from the EU, Africa, South America, and Asia.

This emphasises the "foreigner" component of the green-horse stage.



As indicated on, Ireland's Central Statistical Office says that 62% of private dwellings in Lusk were built between 2001 and 2006, and the population went up from 2500 to 5200 during that period. The population had remained relatively static during the 20th century

This speaks of someone leaving "25" to enter into "52" (the reverse).



"52" speaks of the green-horse willingness to go through suffering, even unnecessary suffering (for a season) for the sake of others. That unnecessary suffering is caused by the stubbornness of others; the willingness to go through such suffering reveals a green-horse rider understanding that his/her future is dramatically conditioned by the will of others.



The population growth during the 21st century emphasises the number "21" and the struggle to forge an angelic visitation.



As indicated on, the "Round Tower" is the only tangible remnant of the village's early Christian foundation, originally standing 32 metres tall

The number "32" speaks of the preeminence of the "male" ministries over the "female" ministries.



The word "Round" in the tower's name points to the "circular" process of purifying judgements.



The Round Tower was built by 9th-century Christians to foil the Vikings, who were after both slave labour and loot. Hence, it speaks of a "male" spirit presence that stands against Canaanite pastoral enslavement and the Girgashite coveting of earthly things.


Green land with a black threat


The village of Lusk is in County Dublin

According to, the name "Dublin" literally means "black pool".



Dublin was originally founded as a Viking settlement, and it eventually evolved into the Norse "Kingdom of Dublin" (the earliest and longest-lasting Norse kingdom in Europe outside of Scandinavia, with the exception of the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles, according to



Therefore, we can say that, in this context, Dublin represents an atmosphere conquered by the black horse.



The world-famous pipe band, the Black Raven Pipe Band, was formed in Lusk in 1910

The black raven was very special to the Vikings (the very ones that the people of Lusk had tried so hard to fend off in the past). The black raven per se is a figure of a black-horse prophet abiding in the desert of scarcity, the way Elijah did by the Brook Cherith (1 Kings 17:1-6). This means that, in this context, the Vikings were a figure of black-horse hoards, and the effort by the people of Lusk to fend them off is a figure of their effort to stay "green" and not regress to "black".



Bagpipes point to Scotland, which, in turn, points to the black horse. Therefore, it makes sense that Lusk's pipe band would choose to call themselves "Black Raven".



The presence of a "Black Raven Pipe Band" in the middle of "green" Lusk speaks of a persistent influence endeavouring to taint the remnant's greenness, especially in the middle of an environment conquered by "blackness" (as represented by County Dublin). The people of Lusk had built an impressive tower to fend off the Vikings, yet there was a group within Lusk that chose to name their band in honour of those very Vikings.



Les-Collines-de-l'Outaouais is in the region of Outaouais in western Quebec, Canada; according to, Outaouais is one of the most bilingual regions in Quebec, which is, in turn, the only province in Canada whose sole official language is French (as indicated on

The dominating presence of French within Quebec (in the midst of a country that is mostly English-speaking) speaks of an element of spiritual ambivalence or limbo, which, in turn, points to the 5th seal.



The fact that the Outaouais region is so bilingual points to a struggle to fend off the prevailing antagonistic climate. In this context, the black-horse stage is represented by the French language, whilst the green-horse stage is represented by the English language.


Canadian Kerosene


Around the time of this accident in Canada, the Lord said to me "Kerosene"

It was 6 June 2011 at around 10:30 pm California time when the Lord made me feel that He wanted to say something very specific to me. As I silently waited in prayer, the Lord spoke the word "Kerosene" into my heart.



Apparently, the accident happened on 6 June 2011 around 10:30pm, Quebec time (i.e.- around 3 hours earlier).



The word "kerosene" is derived from the Greek word keros meaning "wax". As you may know, the word "wax" can be used in English to mean "to increase gradually in size, number, strength, or intensity" (as indicated on Oddly enough, the word "keros" appears as a Hebrew name in both Ezra 2:44 and Nehemiah 7:47 in reference to a family of temple slaves who returned to Israel with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile. This Hebrew name "Keros", which means "ankle", is derived from the Hebrew word qarcol meaning "ankle" or "feet"; this word appears only twice in Scripture, in 2 Samuel 22:37 and Psalm 18:36. Both times, it is used in the context of God enlarging the psalmist's steps so that his "ankles" or "feet" would not slip as he pursued his enemies and overtook them. Hence, the word keros is somehow related to progress and enlargement, especially in the midst of a "6th-seal" overtaking of one's enemies.



"Kerosene" is the North American name for what is better known as "paraffin" in the UK, Ireland, and other places. Etymologically speaking, the word "paraffin" means "little affinity" or "lack of association", according to This points to the spiritual "disconnect" between God's remnant and the rest of the Church. This is due to the "fractal" nature that makes green-horse riders so "foreign" to the matriarchal Church.



Paraffin is typically stored in a blue container (in some places, it is legally required that it be stored in a blue container). The colour blue is used to avoid it getting confused with the more flammable petrol (which is kept in red containers), according to The colour blue speaks of the "blue prayer shawl" of weakness that God's green-horse riders wrap themselves in.



Kerosene was invented by a Canadian geologist named Abraham Gesner

According to, Abraham Gesner pursued a career at sea from a young age, which points to his spiritual connection to the green horse.



He was twice shipwrecked in his early 20s, which speaks of green-horse expeditions that could not be completed due to external circumstances. The first shipwreck points to the unavoidable "failure" and death that green-horse riders are forced to go through. The second shipwreck points the unnecessary "failure" and death that green-horse riders go through when those around them are too stubborn to understand God's "green" purposes. It is this writer's conviction that the first shipwreck (the unavoidable one) can vary in intensity, depending on the initial stubbornness encountered by God.



In a broader sense, the first shipwreck suffered by Gesner points to the 4-year revival delay decreed by God over America in 2005, and the second shipwreck points to God's decree on 4 April 2010 that cancelled His revival for this generation.



It was whilst living in London that Gesner became interested in geology. This linkage between his geology career and London reinforces his spiritual connection to the green horse, as evidenced by the green-horse whale that visited London in 2006.



The surname Gesner has spiritual significance

According to, the surname Gesner means "one who was a goatherder". As we have shared before, this American generation has behaved like a stubborn goat, and the phrase "one who was a goatherder" points to how God became tired of herding this stubborn American goat around. Thus, it points to a green-horse remnant who have been forced to "move on" to other endeavours because this generation refused to go green. Whereas the green remnant are being forced to "move on", those stuck in black are refusing to do so, and they are getting into their black-horse cars to have an encounter with a flying black bear.



In a deeper spiritual sense, the "goat" reference in the name "Gesner" points to the Azazel goat that God's green remnant had to turn into in order to fight for this generation's restoration. God is tired of herding Azazel goats into the wilderness for a generation that refuses to budge. He may have done it once, but he is not interested in doing it again. The fact that God's Love is so deep does not mean that He is willing to descend into self-loathing stupidity to satisfy the capricious behaviour of others.



According to, "Gesner" is a German name from the region of Bavaria, and is derived from the German word "Gasse" meaning "street, alley", and it denotes someone who lives either on the main road of the village or in an alley. The duality in this meaning speaks to the "dual" nature of the remnant's experience. In the spiritual realm, they are on God's main road, but, in the natural realm, they are "lying by the wayside", waiting to be enabled by those on the "main road". The day this duality ends, the glory of God shall be manifested.



Gesner was born in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia


As we have shared before, "Cornwallis" was the surname of the British governor who pressured the Acadians in Canada to come out of their spirit of compromised loyalty.



As we have also shared before, "Cornwall" speaks of people who are willing to go through suffering for the sake of others, even if it involves "unnecessary suffering" (a green-horse trait).



As we have also shared before, "Cornwall" speaks of a small "green" stronghold that enables a green-horse transition for an entire region, allowing it to go from the ministerial strength of "5" to the vulnerable weakness of "6". "Cornwall" also points to God's attack on the Flatts-the-Flounder spirit of stagnation that refuses to "go green".



As we have also shared before, "Nova Scotia" speaks of an America that was called to walk in a green Britannia anointing that would enable a mighty outpouring, but which ended up mired in the black-horse stage due to stubborn, half-hearted compromise.



Gesner died in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Prior to now, the only other time we had mentioned "Halifax" on this website was in the "Daylight come" posting, where we mention it as the birthplace of Denny Doherty, the main voice of "The Mamas and the Papas". As we shared in the context of that posting, Denny Doherty represented the spirit of compromise in America that made her receptive to the "L.A." Canaanite spirit and unfriendly towards God's judging green remnant. Hence, the fact that Gesner died in the place where Doherty was born is a figure of the spirit that killed the manifestation of God's revival in this generation. In a sense, "Halifax" represents a place that gives birth to people of compromise and hands death to uncompromising green-horse riders.



The city of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada was named after the town of Halifax in west Yorkshire, UK. According to, local legend in Halifax, West Yorkshire has it that the head of John the Baptist was buried there, for which reason the town's coat of arms carries an image representing John the Baptist. As we have shared before, myths and legends are often distortions or exaggerations of spiritual realities, even if they may be literally "untrue". Therefore, we can say that this legend is a spiritual reflection of how Halifax stands for a place where those opening the way for God's manifestation are murdered before they are allowed to see the fulfilment of that which they have sacrificed so deeply for (just as John the Baptist was murdered before he could behold the resurrection of the Lord).



In short, we can say that Gesner was born in "Cornwallis", a place that represents those who come against the spirit of compromise, and he died in "Halifax", a place where such people are killed before their vision is fulfilled.



Gesner died on 29 April 1864

As some of you may recall, the Lord had us post a word on the date "April 29" in the context of a dream where the dreamer's brother had a noose tied around his neck, with the Lord declaring with a thunderous voice that "Your time is up". In that posting, the Lord had us focus on the spiritual significance of 29 April 2009, the 100th day of obama's pseudo-presidency. Therefore, the date of Gesner's death points to a people to whom God has declared "Your time is up" because they have chosen to remain "black" rather than go "green", to the point of choosing the ("black") thief and the liar barrabas obama over God's green remnant.



The date 29 April 1864 is exactly 145 years before 29 April 2009. Coincidentally, the number "145" equals 29 times 5. The number "29" points to the roaring voice of God that causes the earth to tremble and the cedars to fall (Psalm 29), which correlates with the thunderous voice in the "April 29" dream that declared "Your time is up". As we have also shared before, the number "145" per se points to the roaring of God's thundering male voice against those who claim to be spirit "male" but are actually soulishly "female". It also points to Psalm 145, a psalm that speaks of one generation announcing the greatness of God to the next generation, which, in this context, speaks of how the blessing of forging God's latter rain has been passed from this generation to the next (due to the impenetrable environment of stubbornness created by this generation).



The process for making paraffin (i.e. kerosene) discovered by Gesner allowed paraffin to become an excellent and safer lamp fuel

This points to the parable of the 10 virgins, some of which had enough fuel for their lamps and some of which did not. Therefore, Gesner's "paraffin making" is a figure of a remnant enabling others to have enough fuel for their lamps in preparation for the Lord's Coming. Unfortunately, this generation was not too interested in the paraffin being offered by God, thereby earning God's rejection. Thinking that they remain approved, this generation's "bravest" are embarking on a ride east that leads to an inevitable encounter with the "black bear" near "Luskville".



Gesner discovered his paraffin-making process in 1846

As indicated on, the Mexican-American War started in 1846. Through that war, America was able to fulfil its Manifest Destiny, conquering the territory that God had assigned for it across the North American Continent. Hence, the fact that Gesner's discovery happened in 1846 is a figure of the kairos door of opportunity that God opened up before this generation, telling them that the time to fulfil their destiny and conquer the Promised Land had come. God had made available for them a "paraffin-making process" that would allow them to fill their lamps with "oil", but all the spiritual "paraffin" that was being made available to them was simply ignored, leading to the spiritual (and literal) conditions we have today.

For the liberal American fools who litter America's western landscape and who claim that all the territory won during the Mexican-American war was "stolen" from Mexico, I propose a simple thing: "GET THE SHEOL OUT!!!" If you, as an American, are living on stolen territory that does not legitimately belong to you, why are you still residing there? When you find out that something in your possession does not belong to you, isn't the ethical thing to give it back? Hypocrite! Live by the same standards that you use to place demonising labels on others! Either put up or shut up! You can't have your liberal cake and eat it too!



As for you, resentful Latin Americans who hate the fact that America was able to take that land from you, I ask a simple question, "What do you think California or Texas would look like if it were still under Mexican control?" If you do not know the answer, just cross the border from San Diego into Tijuana and perceive the difference. Any "progress" or "economic development" that you may perceive in Tijuana is a direct result of its proximity to America. If you remain unsure about that, just continue travelling south, away from America, and you will see how the landscape becomes cruder, sadder, and poorer. If you do dare to travel into Tijuana and further south into Mexico, be very, very careful because you will be entering territory with much crime and violence; and, if you happen to be a "European-looking foreigner", be extra careful, for the "kind" Latin American locals you will encounter will see you as a "gold mine" that they can take advantage of. If you carry out this same "crossing-over" experiment by crossing from El Paso into Chihuahua, you will achieve similar results. Considering how Latin American countries revolve around their capital cities, can you sincerely believe that any of the land north of the Rio Grande would have received much attention and development from a government in a Mexican "D.F." that was thousands of miles away? If the centralised Mexican government has problems controlling the territory it already has, can you sincerely expect it to have done any better with regions as far away as San Francisco and Colorado? Only a self-deceiving fool would answer "yes".



And, to the Latin American pseudo-Christians who see America's taking of territory from Mexico through military might as an "inherently immoral act" that could never have been approved by a "loving" God, I ask a simple question, "Were the Israelites acting immorally when they went into the land of Canaan and violently snatched that land away from the Canaanites, massacring entire cities in the process (as they did with Jericho)?" If we applied the same moral standards to the Israelites that these pseudo-Christians apply to America, we would have to conclude that God's commandment to take the Promised Land through warfare was immoral, and, if the God of the Bible is immoral, why do these fools continue to tuck a Bible under their dirty armpits every Sunday?



As a parenthesis, to the "wise guys" who may want to use the above to condemn what we said in the previous posting about Japan's massacres we say the following, "You must consider the motivation behind and the spirit with which an action is carried out in order to judge its morality". When Americans defeated Mexico in the 1840s, they did not throw Mexican babies in the air to catch them with their bayonets (the way the Japanese did with Chinese babies). They did not enter Mexican villages and capriciously rape women by the thousands just to satisfy some sadistic sense of superiority. Even after overrunning the Mexican capital, America eventually retreated back into its territory and allowed Mexico to continue as a sovereign, independent state that retained its "national dignity" and a large geographical size despite losing all the land above the Rio Grande. As opposed to Japan, America's motivation was not to humiliate the Mexicans, and neither was it to turn Mexico into a Soviet-style satellite whose only raison-d'être would be to serve America's interests. The Mexican-American War was born out of very complex issues that involved a Mexican dictator's repression of Americans legally in Texas (Americans not used to Latino-style authoritarian rule), as well as the relative state of abandonment by Mexico that these territories were in. Before war broke out, there was much internal debate within America regarding the war's morality (as indicated on, though with a slight liberal bias), meaning that America did not go into the conflict like a "shameless, racist thug with no conscience". In fact, as indicated by even the liberally-biased editors of the Wikipedia article on Manifest Destiny, the racists in the South were the ones who provided the greatest opposition to the annexation of much Mexican territory because it would imply granting American citizenship to "millions of Mexican Indians"; this means that it was the morally incapacitated in America who provided the greatest resistance to the war. Besides the moral sobriety with which Americans entered into the Mexican-American War, there was also an invisible spiritual force behind the war, a clear and distinct sense that God was calling America to take a land that would span "from sea to shining sea", from the Atlantic all the way to the Pacific. Thus, there were higher principles motivating America into war, which contrasts with Japan's thuggish raping of its neighbours. Hence, any one who would equate the Mexican-American war with Japan's atrocities (or even Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait) is showing not only crass historical ignorance but a clearly twisted moral compass. America was destined by God to possess the land it now has, and the way America has managed that land since then is clear proof that that destiny was God-ordained (he who misuses or ignores what he has shall have it taken away, and those who appreciate it shall have it multiplied - Matthew 25:28-29). Just like those who resent God handing the land of Canaan over to Israel, those who resent God handing America its land are showing the typical resentment of Ham against God's decree that Shem and Japheth shall have dominion over him. That decree cannot be annulled by the Ham-infected Arabs, and it cannot be annulled by the Hamite Mexicans, no matter how many pathetic temper tantrums they may throw.


{Fellow believer, it is no coincidence that the Lord had us typing all of the above one day after the United States played Mexico at the nearby Rose Bowl in the final match of the "Gold Cup", a biennial "friendly" football (or "soccer") tournament. As I turned to watch the local news that night, I was appalled at all the overjoyed fans in the background who were wrapped in the Mexico flag as the news reporter described the US's defeat. I did not care to watch the match, but I learnt from various news reports that the American side were booed and hissed at by most of the crowd and that it felt more like a match being played in Mexico than a match on American soil. By the looks of the fans cheering in the background during the postgame report, it was evident that they were not tourists who had crossed over from Mexico to watch the match. By the numbers and their appearance, it is more than evident that the large majority of those cheering for Mexico and against the US were Mexican immigrants living in the US, most of them illegally. This prompted me to look up a posting from late 2005 entitled "Coming to America (Part 3)" where the Lord had us talk about what "home" is. "Oddly" enough, the Lord had us talking about L.A. and southern California in the immediately preceding paragraphs (despite the fact that, at the time, the Lord had me in the New York area). As we shared then, "home is where your heart is". By cheering against America and for Mexico, these illegal immigrants were proving where their heart really was, thereby exposing what their true "home" is. Interestingly enough, I later heard part of an audio clip where a fan called a local radio station to say, "I have been living in the US for a long time, but my heart still remains in Mexico, and that is why I am so happy that they won!!". All of this exposes the clear difference between Latin American immigration and previous immigration waves into America. Previous immigrants would come to America because they were in love with America and its ideals; they yearned for its freedom and opportunity, and, by leaving their place of birth, they were recognising that the culture they were leaving behind was inferior to the culture they were now immersing themselves in. They would embrace America in their hearts, and they would be thankful for the blessing of being in this land. By contrast, most Latin American illegals harbour a deep Ham-ite resentment against America and its success, and the only reason why they cross the border is to make some money and send it back to their relatives. They care little for this nation and its culture, something they made clearly evident by booing the very nation that is providing them with an opportunity to prosper. Mind you, there are a few exceptions to this; not all illegal immigrants hate this country, but I can tell you, both from "literal" and spiritual evidence, that the vast majority do (Matthew 12:30), and they proved it by fervently cheering against the American side in that match. Cursed be those who equate Latin American illegal immigration to the immigration waves of the past, and cursed are those who are in America illegally merely to rape her out of a few dollars. Cursed are you and your families, both in America and wherever you came from. May judgement fall on these unrighteous anti-American souls, and may judgement fall on the stupid and naive Americans who defend these unrighteous souls, granting them a "moral purity" that they do not have. Cursed are you, and may death follow you wherever you go. A time-release curse shall emanate from these words into your lives until the coming of the Lord. And woe be unto the Americans who do not realise their responsibility to harbour the "Lazarus" immigrants that really do love you and who have been ordained by God to dwell and possess in your land.


The fact that the US lost the match 4-2 (after being ahead 2-0) is a figure of how America squandered the opportunity for conquest that God had laid before her, going from "conqueror" to "conquered", all because she was too naive to acknowledge the nature of the enemy, and too proud and stubborn to accept the internal changes that God was calling her to make.}




The black bear accident happened on 6 June 2011 (local time)

6 June happens to be D-Day, i.e.- the Day of Decision. Therefore, the Lord is emphasising that the Decision has been made regarding this generation, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Anyone who may want to challenge this decision will have to run into a flying black bear.



Oddly enough, on 6 June 2011 (shortly after noon local time), the Lord had me perform an action to sever all ties with a person who has stubbornly decided to challenge God's decision about this generation and who was bent on "proving" to me that my understanding on this generation is the result of flaws in me instead of flaws in this generation. Therefore, this accident that happened in Canada on the very same calendar day (6 June 2011) that the Lord spoke directly into my heart about "kerosene" and Canada is spiritual confirmation that the Lord has already decided against this generation, and that there is no turning back His decision, regardless of how many black bears may be trying to cross the Jordan.



What is even more interesting is that the "D"ramatic battle posting (posted on 28 June 2009, exactly 2 years ago) resulted from an email sent to us on 6 June 2009, i.e.- 2 D-Days ago. In that posting, the Lord had us talk about how there was hope that this generation might just be able to see God's manifestation. Looking back, it seems as if the words in that posting now point more towards hope for the next generation. This is why the little bird was fighting against the hawk to save its young (i.e.- to save the next generation of birds). In that posting, the Spirit kept emphasising that "the plan has changed". Looking back, it seems as if the plan has unfortunately changed even more than it had already changed 2 D-Days ago. The remnant were forced to go into "Leonidas mode". Though they did not save themselves, the remnant are preventing the next generation losing what this one has lost. That was the only thing left to fight for. As a final parenthesis, we strongly urge you to read the words in the "D"ramatic battle posting; maybe the Lord will speak something into your heart about what is to come in the short term.



In short, we can say that the answer to the question "Why did the black bear cross the road?" is

"Because he thought he could, even when God had decided he couldn't"

21 And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go. 22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn: 23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn. 24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision." (Exodus 4:21-26)


"1 Again, David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. 2 And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims. 3 And they set the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drave the new cart. 4 And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was at Gibeah, accompanying the ark of God: and Ahio went before the ark. 5 And David and all the house of Israel played before the LORD on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals. 6 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. 7 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. 8 And David was displeased, because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzzah: and he called the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day. 9 And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the ark of the LORD come to me? 10 So David would not remove the ark of the LORD unto him into the city of David: but David carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite. 11 And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obededom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obededom, and all his household." (2 Samuel 6:1-11)