Prophetic word for today U.S. Revival delayed First posted: May 15, 2005 Word received: April & May 2005 E-mailed: May 3, 2005 Received by: Cindy Segerberg
I have to tell you something about Stephanie [sister Cindy's 5-year-old daughter] .... all of a sudden, just out of the blue, she has been asking about God and what He is doing. This has been going on for quite some time now. Yes, I read her Bible stories out of children's books, but something is bothering her. The answer that comes up in my mind every time she asks is, "He is watching over you, Stephanie, He is always watching and listening." Then, she responded yesterday with this one, "Are you sure about that??? Something is gonna happen, and real soon. Are you ready for it?" When I asked her what I am supposed to be ready for, she said I will know when it happens. Then she said, "Nobody is listening to what He is saying. He listens to us but we are not listening to Him." Now, mind you, the look on her face was serious, almost saddened.
Then, I asked her what I am supposed to hear, and she said, "You know; you all know, but, yet, you wait. What are you waiting for?" I didn't know what to say. I was picking up John [sister Cindy's husband] from work, and we were waiting in the van for him. And, when John opened the door, Stephanie stopped talking about it and was back to her silly self, goofing off. That serious look on her face was gone. She did it once while we were at home alone, just the two of us, and several times in the van, when we are getting John from work. It's always the same question, "What is God doing?"; it's how she always starts it.
I just don't know what to make of it. That's when it hit home ... when she told me about it yesterday as we were picking up John; it finally came to me that there is something more that I'm not understanding.
This is the prophetic interpretation: One of the questions that Stephanie keeps asking is "What is God doing now?". For starters, her question is a question that challenges people to the awareness of God's presence, which means that it's a prophetic question, since the prophetic anointing imparts an awareness of His shamah presence. If one looks closely, her question is very similar to the question in the following passage:
What sister Cindy is saying to her is that God is "watching" and "listening". Notice that both verbs are passive in nature. In other words, sister Cindy's response implies that God is in a passive, non-active state. This is why young Stephanie keeps asking her, "What is God doing?", which is a question that challenges us to see God as a God of action, not passivity. After that, Stephanie said, "Nobody is listening to what He is saying. He listens to us but we are not listening to Him". Notice again that this portrays God as a God who is not simply listening (passively) but who is also actively speaking. Still, the Church doesn't hear Him because it believes in a passive, status quo God who has nothing new to say (it burdens my heart just to say that). This is the reason why Stephanie's face turns serious and almost saddened as she is saying these words.
When sister Cindy asked young Stephanie what she was supposed to hear from God, she replied, "You know. You all know, but yet you wait. What are you waiting for?" Stephanie stopped talking when brother John (sister Cindy's husband) opened the van door, and she went back to her regular, playful self. According to sister Cindy, this has happened several times while she is picking up her husband from work. When I read Stephanie's reply, I immediately related it to a "spirit of delay" that God has been making us aware of. This spirit of delay is trying to delay the inevitable fall of the pastoral matriarchy inside the Church.
If you have read the last few prophetic words
we have posted, you will notice that the
theme that runs throughout all of the recent words is the theme of "stalling" and
"delay". Consider, for example, the last 2
dreams that we posted, which
God (not us) very explicitly picked out as the next dreams to post. Consider also the
"Terri Schiavo" word, which has to do with how man was trying to delay Terri's death,
and consider the "Rats"
word which deals with the consequences of postponing judgment against identified
unrighteousness. Consider also the "Hospitality" word, which has to do with how a non-discerned
"angelic visitation" led to
problems later on; when a visitation goes un-discerned, it leads to either
unnecessary delay or to God casting the person (or persons) away. The Lord declares the following in Scripture:
"He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster" (Proverbs 18:9)
The word "slothful" in the verse above is a mistranslation of the Hebrew word raphah, which literally means "to sink, relax, be negligent". The word "waster" is a mistranslation of the Hebrew word shachath, which literally means "to destroy, ruin, corrupt, decay". The word "work" was translated from the word melakah, which means, "occupation, work, business", and is derived from the word malak meaning "angel, messenger". Therefore, melakah has the connotation of an activity that requires:
Because of the connection between melakah and malak, we can translate the word melakah as "errand". Combining all of the above, a more correct translation of Proverbs 18:9 would read as follows:
"He also that is negligent in his errand is brother to him that is a great destroyer" (Proverbs 18:9)
Therefore, this verse delineates three types of individuals:
Notice that both the Girgashite and the Canaanite spirits represent the spirits that dominate believers' souls when the pastoral matriarchy (i.e.- pastors and teachers) is in control. Therefore, the pastoral matriarchy leads to negligent believers who miss out on God's visitations and who allow a spirit of delay to settle in.
According to Proverbs 18:9, the two types of people above are "brothers", meaning that God sees them as members of the "same team". Those who belong to group number 2 are quick to say, "Hey, I am not out committing evil; I mind my own business and I let the world be". Because they are not actively promoting the unrighteousness, they believe that they are exempt from God's judgment regarding that unrighteousness. However, God lumps group number 1 and number 2 into one evil "band of brothers".
If this is the case, it means that God has created the human being with an inherent responsibility to act as a spiritual judge who proactively goes after unrighteousness, even when that unrighteousness may not affect him personally.
Consider what the Lord says in the following psalm:
"1God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. 2How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. 3Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. 4Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. 5They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. 6I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. 7But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. 8Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations." (Psalm 82:1-8) [To the stubborn believers who may argue that this psalm does not apply to us because it is in the "Old Testament", consider the fact that the Lord Jesus quoted from this very psalm in John 10:34. In the next verse (John 10:35), the Lord declares that no Scripture can be ignored, meaning that He emphasized the psalm's validity, not its "irrelevance"]
Notice that God sees us as "gods" (v1) and "judges" (v2). Notice also that God does not condemn us for judging. On the contrary, He condemns us for judging unjustly and for being partial towards the wicked (v2). He then calls us to defend and do justice to those who are weak (v3), which speaks of proactively working in favor of the righteous but weak who are being oppressed by the unrighteous. He calls us to "deliver the poor and the needy" (v4), which again speaks of proactive behavior (you cannot "deliver" another person with your arms crossed). It is worth noting that the references to the "poor" and "needy" in verse 4 are spiritual in nature. Obviously, they may have literal interpretations in certain contexts, but I know plenty of people who are literally "poor" but who are so unrepentant about their unrighteousness that they are anything but "poor" and "needy" in the eyes of God. A "poor and needy in spirit" is a person who is reduced to "beggary" by the unrighteous because of his or her determination to abide in the Spirit and not follow unrighteousness. Such a person recognizes his or her need of God, meaning that a proud and unrepentant person cannot be considered "poor in spirit", even if the person is literally poor.
Therefore, when Stephanie said, "You all know, but yet you wait", the Spirit was confronting the group of "negligent" believers in the Church who have refused to become "proactive judges". Through sister Stephanie, the Lord is confronting the believers in the Church who are aware of the "prophetic remnant" but who are passively waiting for God to manifest that remnant without acting themselves.
In recent days, the spirit of delay has been very strong in the USA. Consider the following examples:
There are other examples of "delay tactics" in recent events in the U.S., but we believe that the events above are enough to prove that there is a "spirit of delay" over America's spiritual atmosphere that is trying to prevent the full-blown entry of God's spiritual judgments. The words spoken by sister Stephanie under the Anointing of the Spirit bear this out.
As a result of the spirit of delay, God began sending warning signs to America, telling her the following: "If you do not cut out your negligence and your stalling, I will make a decision, and, when I do, your own restoration will be delayed because no one can play games with Me and get away with it"
These are some of the many warning signs:
A close study of these warnings reveals that each one of them is associated with a Canaanite spiritual door (we will not go into detail here in order not to digress into too many specifics). In other words, all of these warnings were given by God to reflect a looming spiritual danger that was approaching as a result of the Canaanite doors that America continues to keep open.
The spirit of delay in America that led to the looming danger was let in through tolerated unrighteousness.
Fellow believer, as we always say, you must judge the prophecies, meaning that you must discern in the Spirit whether what we are saying is from the Lord.
Shortly after the Cessna scare of May 11, 2005, on that same day, I received the following impression in my spirit: America's spiritual revival has been delayed. As I shared this with a sister in the group, she was reminded of the following passage:
"20And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. 21And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh’s hand: 22But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them. 23Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him. 1And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river." (Genesis 40:20-41:1)
Just as Joseph was forced to wait 2 years due to the butler's negligence, the prophetic remnant's manifestation in America will be delayed 2 years.
An hour before the Cessna scare of May 11, 2005, a brother in the group had an interesting dream. We got together the next day (Thursday May 12, 2005) to meditate on what the Lord was trying to say to us through the dream, and it became evident that God was confirming that the USA's spiritual revival had been delayed and that Europe would gain spiritual preeminence in God's plans while America pays the consequences of its Canaanite spirit of delay.
After meditating for hours that day (May 12), we found out about the 150-foot section of a retaining wall along the Henry Hudson Parkway in Washington Heights, New York, that had suddenly collapsed around 4:00pm (New York time). Tons of rocks and dirt fell onto the highway, blocking off the northbound lanes. No one was injured, even though some parked (i.e.- non-moving) cars did get buried under the rubble. This incident led to major rush hour delays for commuters. The cause of the collapse is still under investigation at the time of this writing.
Later that evening (May 12), a railway bridge over the Hackensack river in New Jersey (south of New York) caught fire. The railway bridge is used by New Jersey transit trains, which transport thousands of New Jersey residents who work in New York. It is also used by the Amtrak railroad company to transport people to New York from cities to the south like Baltimore and Philadelphia. For reasons that are still unknown, the fire began at 7:46pm (local time). A single boat from the New Jersey Fire Department fought the fire at first. They called the New York Fire Department (NYFD) at 8:15pm to get backup, but the NYFD backup arrived until 9:55pm, more than 2 hours after the fire had started. Again, we see how the "spirit of delay" stalled the arrival of backup from New York.
The fire was eventually stopped, and the integrity of the bridge's structure was apparently unharmed. Due to damage to the railway signal system, however, trains were forced to reduce their speed to 5 miles per hour as they crossed over the bridge. New Jersey commuters faced major delays as they went to work in New York on the morning of Friday, May 13.
As we have said before, the mighty calling for Latin America was cast away by God on a very specific day: Sunday, June 29, 2003. The Lord directly confirmed this word to us through the news of a sudden bridge collapse and major ground cave-ins in a certain Latin American capital on that very day. It was interesting to us that similar things happened in New York on May 12, 2005, only that they happened at a lower scale and without permanent damage.
It is interesting to consider that both "delay" incidents in New York on May 12, 2005 affected northbound traffic into New York the most. As we have said on several occasions, God has decreed New York as the starting place of the great "revival outbreak" in America in these latter days. In Scripture, the south is a figure of "weakness", and is many times associated with the prophetic remnant that will rise from "southern weakness" in order to manifest God's Glory on Earth. By allowing a "spirit of delay", America has delayed the remnant's spiritual trip from its "southern weakness" so that it may be manifested in "northern" New York and the rest of the world.
Just as the "south" is a figure of "earthly weakness" in Scripture, the "north" is a figure of "prophetic power". There was a remnant of believers in the USA with "northern, prophetic power" who were being called to assist in the manifestation of a "southern, weak" remnant so that God's Glory could be manifested in the U.S. and all the world. However, the "northern" believers were spiritually negligent in assisting their "southern" counterparts, just like the New York fire department was late in assisting their New Jersey colleagues in fighting the railway fire.
From a previous e-mail we received from sister Cindy Segerberg (Stephanie's mom), the Lord revealed to our hearts that young Stephanie has a strong impartation of the "two-witness anointing". As you may recall from dreams we have posted recently, believers with the two-witness anointing are the ones who are in direct conflict with the Canaanite stall-artists. It is not surprising, therefore, that Stephanie was able to perceive the spirit of delay. She was prophesying what was about to happen a few days later: On May 11, 2005, America's spiritual revival was delayed 2 years. Despite all the warnings, America refused to hear. Just as Stephanie said, "Nobody is listening to what He is saying. He listens to us but we are not listening to Him."
On Thursday or Friday night (May 12 or 13), I casually tuned to the TBN channel on TV. One of the renowned eschatological parrots was on the air, and he was asking the question "Where is America in Bible prophecy?". This seemed interesting to me because we were answering that very question on Thursday (May 12) with the brother with whom I met that day. Since the eschatological parrots interpret Scripture literally, the man on the air went on to say that America was not in Scripture, which evidences the spiritual ignorance of these men who never take the time to truly listen to God in the Spirit (they are too busy listening to each other). America is indeed in Scripture, and, God willing, we will share more on this in a future article. However, the fact that the eschatological parrot decided to address that very question immediately after America's latter-day revival had been delayed served as prophetic confirmation from the Lord to my heart.
Yesterday (Saturday, May 14, 2005), there was a minor scare on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. A truck was left unattended. At first, a terrorist bomb was feared, but it turned out that the driver had left the truck there when he realized that his truck exceeded the bridge's height limit. Fearing that the truck might not be able to make it through the entire bridge because it was too tall, he went to get help. Of its own volition, America is currently "too short" for the spiritual revival God had prepared, so the "driver" (i.e.- the prophetic remnant) will have to hide for a little longer before the revival may be manifested.
"As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him" (Proverbs 10:26) |