Pending/Partial interpretationsLast updated: May 11, 2013
We will be posting prophetic words for today on this page. If the Lord gives you a prophetic word that He calls you to share with us, we invite you to send it to info@shamah-elim.info. We will be posting the word that you send us based on the leading of the Holy Spirit. We will also be posting prophetic word that the Lord gives us at Shamah-Elim Bible Studies. For each word posted, we may add our comments expanding on the meaning of the message being given. If you send us a prophetic word, please warn us in case you want us to omit your name.
If the Lord gives you a vision or a dreamthat you feel needs to be shared with the Body of Christ, you can send it to us, if you feel the Spirit's leading to do so, even without giving us its interpretation. All the words, visions and dreams whose interpretation may be "pending" or "partial" will be listed on this page. Whenever we add a "full" interpretation to any of these postings, we will transfer it to the "Prophetic word for today" page. If the Lord gives you a word with regard to any of these postings, we would be blessed if you shared it with us.
As a believer, you are called to judge and discern these prophecies.
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{Latest major changes to a prophetic word:
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{Latest major change to a train of thought:
Enemies in the UK (Apr 29 2007)}
{The "PFV" column below allows you access to the "printer-friendly version" of each word}