Prophetic word for
today (p.i.)
Turban threat
First preliminary posting: August 21, 2006
April 8, 2006
by: Chelsea Brown
Last night, I had a dream. Actually, a dream within
a dream that I would like to share. I sense it is a prophetic word, and also
that I was supposed to share it. I submit it to you for interpretation...and
This was my dream:
I was traveling with a young man around my age (I am
21). I don't know him in my real life, but, in this dream, I knew him, and we
were on the way to my church because I was supposed to be playing violin on the
worship team. We stopped to get coffee at Starbucks. The place we stopped was
sort of a combination of a strip mall and a terminal (trains, buses). There were
people of many cultures coming and going. As we entered to go into Starbucks, I
noticed a man come in behind us. He had a turban on, but it was shaped
differently than any I've seen, and it was a goldish-sage-brown color. This man
completely caught my attention to the core, and I was afraid, shaken, unnerved. Then, I bought my coffee, and, when the clerk gave me change, instead of US
dollars, I was given 10 shekels. I looked at them and thought, "Cool ...
shekels!" But it also wasn't at all out of the ordinary that I was given
foreign money instead of the currency I had paid with.
My friend and I went back to our van and headed to
my church. When we got there and went into the lobby area, I saw the man in the
turban come in behind me. I was again taken aback and wondered what he was doing
at my church. No one else seemed to notice him. This time, I gleaned more about
his personality. He was absolutely horrifying, but not frightening. He was calm
and cool, smooth but completely devious. He was almost oblivious to things
around him, but very precise, and I knew he had a dark deed in mind. He had very
clear but penetrating and enticing eyes ... Overall, he was rather beautiful to
look at. He walked the same way I did to get to the church auditorium (as a
note, my church is pretty large, but, in this dream, the auditorium was a huge
stadium). I watched as the man with the turban walked down a few rows of steps
and put down a large metal box. It was a bomb, and I knew it was going to cause
a HUGE explosion ... destroying a much larger territory than just the stadium
and my church. I went back to the lobby and tried to tell people, but the right
words didn't come out. Instead of saying "Hey people! There's a bomb...run!!",
to whomever I met, I said, "Hey, leave the auditorium, come upstairs." I
was mildly frustrated that I couldn't say what I wanted, and, also, no one was
getting it at all. They just said, "OK, thanks Chelsea" (which is what is
said to me a lot at my church in the natural). I told everyone I saw.
I got my mother and the young man I had been
traveling with, and they came upstairs, but no one else would listen. The man in
the turban seemed to follow me. He knew that I knew there was a bomb, and he
knew I couldn't speak or change anything. He didn't even have to flaunt. Also, I
didn't make any effort to go outside the church and leave. I knew I should, but,
somehow, it just wasn't an option. Eventually, I went back to the auditorium to
try and tell the worship team, but they too didn't listen. But David Ruis was
there as a guest worship leader, and he perceived what I was feeling, and he
talked with me and prayed with me, let me play the piano, and, then, he had me
pray for four people who were all slain in the Spirit as soon as I touched them.
David was the only person who listened. That's pretty much the end of my dream,
and I thought I woke. I thanked God that it was just a dream, and I wanted to go
tell my mother my dream (she's an intercessor), but I ended up going to Wal-Mart
and talking with my family about the dream I'd had. They all listened, but still
brushed me off. I got very frustrated and went to the shoe section to buy good
traveling shoes. Girls around me were laughing at my shopping (I was very intent
on finding good traveling sandals). Then, I actually woke up.
I've been very disturbed all day. I also talked to a
few friends who all had very similar dreams/visions that all include large
explosions and stadiums over the last 10 days. Two specific people had
dreams/visions of bombs going off.
brief comments
{Fellow believer, there are threads in
this dream that have been left unexplored or partially explored. We pray that
you will follow up on these threads. If the Lord shares something with you
regarding this dream, please let us know. Thank you.}
This dream has
several elements to consider:
This e-mail was sent to us on
April 8, 2006. As we
shared in a word posted exactly 1 month after April 8, 2006, the date "April
8" speaks of how God's latter-rain glory will be manifested
in America (and the world), even when we are being forced to wait through an excruciating
"off-season" due to the stubborn
half-heartedness of man.
Sister Chelsea mentions that her age (and the
young man's age) was 21.
As we have said before, the number "21" speaks of spiritual warfare that enables angelic
visitations from above. As we have also
the number "21" is related to the date and time "May 19, 2006 6:00 pm
and to the deceitful calm in the atmosphere before the storm that is
about to rain down upon America, which correlates with the danger that looms
throughout the dream. The number "21" also points to the transition "from
7 to 8" that the American Church was unwilling to make, but which she
shall be forced to make. God will force this transition out of His love for
His remnant in America. This transition, however, will require judgment
against the American Church's
spiritual indolence; God has been using that
same indolence to lull America into a false sense of confidence before the
storm hits.
According to a
website, the name "Chelsea"
is from the name of a district in London that means "landing place
for chalk or limestone" in Old English. This is also the name of the
current football ("soccer") champions of the English Premiership,
who also
won the title last season, their first title since 1955. The Chelsea team
are known as the "Blues" because of
their blue uniform. Therefore, the name "Chelsea" points to the following:
It points to London and the UK, and
to the
spiritual shift towards the UK and Europe on account of America's
spiritual indolence. The fact that "Chelsea" is the name of a London
district also points to the "London
whale", which revealed that the UK is at present more spiritually
aware of the "sign
of Jonah"
than America, for which reason God shifted His attention from west
to east across the Atlantic.
It points to the spiritual "chalk line
of compromise" drawn by
half-hearted America. We were stunned when we learned that the name
Chelsea has to do with "chalk", since we just posted the word on the
American chalk line
yesterday. The Lord told us that the chalk-line dream and this dream had
to be posted consecutively. Now we know why. Our God is an awesome and
fearsome God!!! He is worthy of all praise and honor and glory, for His
thoughts are inscrutable and His greatness beyond comprehension! Glory
be to the God of Israel!
Manchester United was 2nd to Chelsea in the
Premiership this past season (2005-2006). Before Chelsea's 2 consecutive
titles, Manchester United had won 5 out of the previous 7 titles
(Arsenal won the other two, though not consecutively). As we have said
before, Manchester United represent the spiritual impartation from
America to the UK and Europe that God had scheduled, but which was
fouled up by the American Church's spiritual
negligence in the spring of
2005. Therefore, Chelsea's sudden resurgence over Man-U as the top team
in England (winning titles for the first time since 1955) is a prophetic
figure of how America has been relegated for a season as God shifts His
spiritual focus towards the UK and Europe.
{You can read more about the English
Premiership at wikipedia.org}
The fact that Chelsea are known as the
"Blues" points to the
blue prayer shawl
that God's remnant have
wrapped themselves
in, which, in turn, points to the
green horse of the
Apocalypse and to the "blue
kingdom" (the UK). As the green-horse remnant have allowed
themselves to be "killed" in America and be "taken away", the stage has
been set for the release of God's vengeance upon America, a
that will serve to restore and bless America, for it will remove all the
roadblocks that are preventing His Glory from being manifested in the "land of Samuel", which
is currently the "land of Thomas".
The dreamer's last name, "Brown",
points to the "brown
loaves adrift in the sea" neglected by America. The "idiotic"
(i.e.- self-absorbed) American Church was too busy contemplating her
religious grandeur to visualize the potential of the brown loaves across the
Atlantic Ocean (i.e.- the remnant in the UK and Europe). The American Church
failed to see the potential of others outside the reference of her
matriarchal structures. Anyone outside those structures is
automatically "a zero to the left". That's because they don't see the One
standing all the way to the left of all those zeros, the One hidden outside
their natural view.
The "young
man" that sister Chelsea was with points to the
in a previous prophetic
word. Sister Chelsea says that she does not know the "young man" in the
natural, but she did know him in the dream. This is a figure of things that
are unfamiliar or
strange to the natural soul, but which are familiar to our God-like
spirit. America was inhospitable to the "spiritual stranger" sent to her,
choosing instead to be hospitable to workers of iniquity. For this reason,
danger looms in the air, a danger bred by the Ammonites America has so
graciously harbored in her midst.
In the beginning of the dream, sister Chelsea
was on her way to church to play the
violin. The
musical instrument that most closely resembles a "bow and arrow" is the
violin. To launch an arrow, you need a flexible stick with a string
connecting the ends of the stick, along with a shaft that pulls on
the string. Therefore, the violin's bow can be seen as the shaft (i.e.- the
arrow), with the violin itself providing the strings that the shaft must
pull on (i.e.- the bow). As we have seen
"bows and arrows" are spiritually related to the
prophetic ministry. Thus, the violin is an instrument that
launches "prophetic arrows" as it is being played. As we have seen
before, the prophetic ministry has a strong emotional component. This
explains why violins are capable of touching people's emotions in
such a profound way. Oftentimes, violins are played in the background,
creating a subtle influence that changes the entire texture of the
song or composition. This correlates with the "hidden" nature of the
prophetic ministry. As they play softly in the background, violins have the
effect of "filling" the entire musical piece, giving it a
thickness. This correlates with the spiritual "fullness"
caused by the prophetic anointing and with the thickness of God's prophetic
coffee in the dream speaks of people
awaking to
God's judgments. As we accept God's judgments as good (instead of
rejecting them, as the
matriarchal Church
does), we begin to discern and make judgments in God
outside the boundaries of natural man's understanding because we begin to
operate in the mind of the Anointed One, i.e.- Christ (1 Corinthians
2:14-16). It was in her quest for "coffee" (i.e.- God's judgments that wake
you up to spiritual reality) that sister Chelsea perceived the presence of
the evil man with the turban. |
place where they stopped for coffee was a combination of a "strip
mall" and a terminal for trains and buses. Strip malls have a common
parking lot shared by all the stores, and parking lots have the
connotation of a temporary place where you stop on the way to your final
destination. A terminal is also a temporary "holding place". Terminals are
not designed for people to go and "live there". They are designed as places
that you go to because they
enable you to reach your final destination. Therefore, the
temporary place where they stopped for coffee points to 3 interrelated
It points to
"stage 4" in our
processes of spiritual growth. As we have said before, "stage 4" is a
middle ground where you cannot stay for too long. If you overstay "stage
4" without making the final "total-death"
push into "stage 5", you will inevitably slide back to "stage 3", thus
entering into a "religious
mediocrity" that is displeasing to God (Hebrews 10:37-39). As we
have said before,
the American Church had reached "stage 4" and was on the verge of
entering "stage 5", the stage at which God's Glory would have broken out
across America. However, because of her unwillingness to
let go of her "minister-layman"
paradigms, she slid back to "stage 3". In the process, she killed the
green-horse messengers sent to her, the ones propelling her to take the
final step into "stage 5", and, because of this, God's
vindicating vengeance looms in the air over half-hearted America.
It points to
every believer's ministerial role towards the rest of the
brethren in the Body. As ministers of our God (Isaiah 61:6), each of us
is called to exercise the
grace in
us in order to enable the manifestation of God in all the people around
us (Ephesians 4:11-16). Our role as "enabler" is temporary in
nature. Various people will be placed under your spiritual care for a
season, and you will serve as a
between them and God (Galatians 4:1-7). The problem with the Church's
"ministers", however, is that they see their role as "permanent". They
believe that they are the
intermediaries between God and the "non-ministerial folk", which
turns them into
spiritual "anti-Christs" who act as roadblocks, rather than bridges, between God and their brethren. This is what happened in the
American Church in 2005. As God was telling America's ministerial caste
to get out of the way, they said, "No way!",
to which God replied,
OK, have it
your way!
This parking lot is the place where your
cadavers dead will lay!
Your foolishness has added to the price I
was calling you to pay!
I spoke to you in
May, and all you gave to
me was
You say, 'We are the ministers and they are
the lay'
But I say, It is time for
Independence Day!
I Myself shall swoop down upon you like a
bird of
For you have challenged Me to a fray!
No gifts or
prayers shall My decision sway
My wrath against you shall not go away.
When My horses
came to your land to survey,
All was
calm and still before the
dawn of
No black or white, just tones of
sleeping land in slow decay
As I tear down your house of clay,
You'll know your way was but for a day!
'Alas', in awe, you will surely say
'The Lord
God of Israel did have His way!'
Sister Chelsea and the young man stopped at
Starbucks for their
coffee. Even though this might seem like a "meaningless" detail, there are
powerful principles connected to this:
According to
Starbucks was born in Seattle, which points to what we have
shared about "Seattle"
as a figure of London as a
host. "Coincidentally", the Lord prompted us to write about Seattle
(as a figure of London) as He said to us, "You are
back in the 1970s".
Starbucks was born in 1971. |
The name "Starbucks" is in part derived from
the character named "Starbuck" in the famous 19th century novel "Moby
Dick" by Herman Melville. The name Melville points to "Michael
Melvill", who piloted the first privately-financed spacecraft to reach
outer space (in
September 2004). As we have said
before, this is a
figure of the spiritual skies being opened so that all mankind may have a
direct relationship with God, independently of man's "established
institutions" (i.e.- the religious "NASAs").
As indicated on
wikipedia.org, the
narrator in Moby Dick calls himself Ishmael. This correlates with
the evil man with the turban, and it correlates with all that we have
said about Ishmael and the "skunk door" left open by America's tolerance
of Ammonites.
The novel "Moby-Dick" was written by
American Herman Melville, but it was first published as "The Whale"
in London on October 18, 1851. This correlates with the "London
whale" and the fact that the dream speaks of things that will happen
in America as God shifts His focus towards the UK and Europe.
Coincidentally, the date "October
18" was the date (in 1009) when the so-called "Church of the Holy
Sepulcher", a "Christian" church in Jerusalem, was destroyed by Islam's
leader at the time, who ruled over Egypt. When this "temple" was
destroyed, its foundations were hacked down to bedrock. God shall open
the door for judgment against those who kill Jesus (i.e.- His
green-horse remnant --- Matthew 25:40) and who then turn around and
build Him a "Holy Sepulcher" to "honor" Him, and God shall use Ishmael
as part of that work.
"47Woe unto you! for
ye build the sepulchres of
the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your
fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.
49Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them
prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:
the blood of all the prophets,
which was shed from the foundation of the world,
may be required of this
generation; 51From
the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between
the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of
this generation. 52Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken
away the key of knowledge:
ye entered not in
yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered."
(Luke 11:47-52)
[Notice the reference to those who permanently
"get in the way" of God's people (v52). Notice also how Zechariah was
killed in a "temporary place", halfway between the altar and the temple
(v51). All of this correlates with the "parking lot" and terminal
mentioned above.]
October 18 was also the date (in 1922)
when the British Broadcasting
Company (BBC) was founded. In other words, on the same date that Moslems
destroyed the "Church of the Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem (which, in
this context, signifies judgment against America), the UK's main
broadcasting company was born. October 18 was also the date (in
1988) when the group "Green Day" held its first- ever concert.
"Coincidentally", the Lord has had us sharing on "Green
Day" in the context of God's anger against
America for its
inhospitality to His green-horse remnant; that inhospitality has prompted the cloud
of judgment looming over America, the cloud portrayed in sister
Chelsea's dream.
{Information on the date "October 18" was
retrieved from
After being published in England, the novel
"Moby-Dick" was published in New York on November 14,
1851. Stunningly enough, "November 14" was also the date (in
1922) when the BBC began its radio
service in the UK. It was also the date (in 1991) when American and
British authorities announced
indictments against 2 Libyan intelligence officials in connection with
the downing of Pan Am Flight 103, a flight that was heading from
London to New York's
airport and was destroyed by a plastic explosive as it flew over
Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988. According to
189 Americans died in this attack, making it the deadliest attack
against American civilians until the 9/11 attacks. Libya is an Arab
nation, and are literal sons of Ishmael.
Therefore, we can say that,
just like "Moby-Dick", God's "latter-rain novel" shall be "published" in the UK first, and it shall be "published"
in New York only until America is willing to indict the Ammonite
influence freely
moving about in its midst. This will happen after a
major attack from Ishmael. God shall not bring the latter-rain anointing
from London back to America until then, which is why the Pan Am Flight
was not able to make it out of the UK on its way to New York.
The name
"Pan Am" means "Pan-American", which speaks of America united to the
rest of the Americas, including Latin America. As we have said before,
the Ammonite influence in America is literally represented by the
illegal immigration from Latin America that America so casually has
tolerated. Ishmael knows where the unguarded door is, and he will use
it. As you may know from the news, Ishmael recently tried to enter
America through the UK door, but that door proved too "apostolically"
secured. America now has a false sense of confidence over its safety, a
"religious" confidence that God shall use against her.
{Information on the date "November 14" was
retrieved from
The novel "Moby-Dick" was of the
"Romanticism" school, which, according to
originated in western Europe in the late 18th century. The Romanticism
movement emphasized the intensity of human emotions in an effort to
counteract the mind-oriented and more "rationally scientific"
approach of the Enlightenment. Romanticism made an effort to emphasize
intuition, along with the invisible but powerful forces that shape human
experience. God was trying to take America to a new level of
understanding about the workings and operations that go on in the
invisible spirit
realm. God spoke to the American Church about invisible forces that were
eroding her, but she was unwilling to see the multiplied danger (and
potential blessings) of things occurring in the invisible realm.
Therefore, God shall expose America to the smooth operator Ishmael, to
people who operate outside the visible range and who put on a facade of
grace to hide their evil agenda, just like the "turban man" in the
dream. The American Church continues to be gullible towards the visible,
and Ishmael knows it. |
The 10-shekels
change points to several things. The "shekels" speak of the God of Israel.
As we have shared
the descendants of Shem (the Jews and the Arabs) are aware of the fierce God
of judgments and justice. To them, it is not "ludicrous" or "uncivilized" to
think of a God who unleashes prompt vengeance upon His enemies. This is the
reason why Israel did not think twice about ruthlessly bombing strategic
points in Lebanon after Hezbollah provoked them recently. This is the reason
why Muslim radicals are not hesitant about engaging in acts of deadly
violence against those whom they perceive as their "enemies". The
Europeanized version of "God" is more "civilized", more "Victorian"; the
European "God" is more "diplomatic", less "barbaric", focusing more on "Gentilized"
"harmony" and "coexistence" than on
integrating all peoples under One Truth
and One righteousness.
Those who believe in the "non-Shemite" version of
"God" are inevitably forced to interpret the Bible as a book about a "Jekyll and
Hyde" god. The "Hyde" god is described in the first 39 books (also known as
the "Old Testament"), while the "Jekyll" god is described in the next 27 books
(also known as the "New Testament"). Those who believe in the "non-Shemite" God
blush whenever they read verses such as the following:
"7Remember, O LORD,
the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it,
even to the foundation thereof. 8O daughter of Babylon, who art
to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served
us. 9Happy
shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."
(Psalm 137:7-9)
[Interestingly enough, the first part of this
Psalm became a hit song in the 1970s called "Rivers of Babylon", by "Boney
M". According to
wikipedia.org, "Boney M" is a group comprised of West Indian singers who
were working in Europe (London, Germany, and Holland) when the group was
formed. Their song "Rivers of Babylon" was a huge hit throughout Europe in
1978, making it to #1 in the UK. It was played in discos and radio stations
all around the world. In the song, "Boney M" literally sing the first 4
verses of Psalm 137, along with the last verse of Psalm 19, powerfully
projecting the intercessory cry for restoration of God's people. Unbeknownst
to all who danced to this song, the psalm upon which the song was based ends with
a wish to see "little ones" dashed against the stones. No cry for
restoration is complete in the eyes of God if it ignores His fierce judgment
nature, a nature that did not die at Golgotha 2000 years ago. Any
prophetic intercession that does not delight in God's judgments (Psalm
19:9-10) will eventually become a repulsive aroma in the nostrils of
"Curiously" enough, Boney M's biggest selling
album was called "Nightflight to Venus".]
the city shall be accursed,
even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall
live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the
messengers that we sent. 18And ye, in any wise
keep yourselves
from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of
the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.
19But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron,
are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the
LORD. 20So the people shouted when the priests blew with the
trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the
trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down
flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before
him, and they took the city. 21And
they utterly destroyed all that was in the
city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with
the edge of the sword." (Joshua
"Non-Shemites" are unable to reconcile the God
of the "Old Testament" with the God of the "New Testament", and they are
forced to live with a "schizophrenic" God. As they read their Bibles, they
find episodes where their nice "Jekyll" god suddenly morphs into a hideous
"Hyde" god, and when that happens, they quickly close their Bibles and say,
"That God is no more!!". They pretend as if the "Jekyll-to-Hyde
transformation" they just beheld did not happen, and they mark the
passage as "non-relevant" for our times. This is the reason why most of the
Bible remains unexplored and non-understood. As you may have noticed, most
preachers preach on the same passages over and over again, for years on end.
Most of Scripture remains shrouded in mystery to them (and to the Church in
general) because believers are more willing to cover up the true God than to
question their own understanding of the Christian faith. If the Bible really
does portray an "unnecessarily nasty" God, I would much rather tear up my
Bible and become an atheist than pretend as if that "nasty" God is not
there. Instead of hiding that "nasty" God under the rug, believers should be
facing Him, as Jacob did at
Peniel. They should be wrestling
with Him, asking Him, "Why would you tell Joshua to kill the kids and babies
in Jericho? Aren't the kids innocent? What did they do? Why would you even
consider the thought of dashing babies against stones in revenge?" Such
sincere wrestling with God would yield a far deeper understanding of God
than all the religious propriety in the world. Religious propriety is a "whitewasher".
A sincere quest for the truth is a deep "whitener". There is a difference.
{The Lord prompted me to do a search on the word
"whitewash" on
Yahoo! just now. The second result of the search was an article posted
www.thespoof.com, which, to my amazement, is spiritually related to the
10 shekels also point to God's judgment against for America for its
willingness to
compromise on and divide the land that God has given to the
people of Israel. They also point to the "10 days" and to the witnesses
testifying to the reality of this threat which are mentioned at the end of
sister Chelsea's narration.
As we have said
before, the number
"10" speaks of prophetic sacrifice. Therefore, the fact that sister Chelsea
received 10 shekels
speaks of a prophetic intercession in the God of the Israel, i.e.- a
prophetic intercession that does not "go Canaanite", denying the God of
judgments and justice.
At the strip-mall/terminal, sister Chelsea saw
people of many cultures coming
and going. Since the strip-mall/terminal is a figure of a
"temporary holding place", the Lord is declaring that non-unity brought
about by cultural differences is understandable at the beginning, but
that it is to be seen as a temporary process. As we have studied before,
God's intention is not to forge a "patchwork quilt" where people from
different cultures coexist as independent little cultural units, "together,
but not integrated", with each cultural unit operating by its own set of
moral values and standards. America is called the "Great Melting Pot", and
things that are thrown into a "melting pot" are supposed to melt
in such a way that they become indistinguishable and inseparable from the
rest of the elements in the pot. America is to be a "baked cake" where all
the ingredients are fused into each other, not a "Caesar's salad" where each
ingredient can "live on its own", demanding that the other ingredients
respect its "differences". Ironically, those who believe in "Caesar's-salad"
cultural tolerance are very intolerant of those within their cultural unit
who defy the unit's accepted values. Any of "their own" who "breaks ranks"
with the rest of the cultural group is automatically deemed a "traitor" and
a "liar". Therefore, such unity is, at the end, an effort to shield cultural
fallacies from God's independent truth. All men have descended from "one
blood" (Acts 17:26), and we are called to share
in the same Truth and
the same set of values, even in the diversity of our gifts, for many are the
gifts but the Spirit is One (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). Gifts do not determine values. You cannot shape
values around the gifts you have. Values are shaped around the Truth, and
the God of Spirit and Truth is One (Deuteronomy 6:4).
The fact that sister Chelsea
could not say, "There is a bomb,
run!" has spiritual significance. This means that God will not
warn His people through natural
means. Those who will discern the danger are
those who discern it in the invisible spirit realm first. This is the reason
why sister Chelsea could only say, "Leave the auditorium, go upstairs!",
which is God's call to believers to rise above the "auditorium of religious
activities" and to enter into the realm of spiritual understanding upstairs.
No one paid attention to sister Chelsea's call because they demanded
"tangible" evidence and an "earthly"
in order to accept the need to "go
upstairs". A call at the spirit level was just too "ambiguous" for them.
This is a figure of how the American Church did not understand the
sign of
"29And when the
people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil
generation: they seek a sign; and
there shall no sign be given
it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
30For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the
Son of man be to this generation. 31The queen of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them:
for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 32The men
of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall
condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold,
a greater than Jonas is here."
(Luke 11:29-32)
When Chelsea the prophet was speaking her word
of warning in the dream, it was someone greater than Solomon and Jonah who
was speaking; it was Yeshua speaking through her. Yet, all that the
brethren saw was "little Chelsea" giving her opinion. Had the "pastor" given
out the same warning, a stampede of believers would have rushed out of the
auditorium in a split second. At the moment she was giving her word of
warning, sister Chelsea had the "10 shekels" with her, which, as
we said above, means that she
was endowed with a prophetic anointing in the God of Israel. In a way, she
was speaking like "the prophets of old". These "prophets of old" are men and
women endowed with the
2-witness anointing that
judgments with
grace. This is the reason why she entered the
church with the "young man", meaning that they entered as a 2-witness
Since these "prophets of old" are both
apostolic and prophetic, they are willing to release massive
apostolic judgments on
the enemies of God by shedding themselves in prophetic
sacrifice, like a
kamikaze fighter launching himself against a ship below. Because the
American Church refused to hear these "prophets of old", the door has been
opened for Hittite "prophets of old" to attack America.
It is
worth noting that God's "kamikaze" believers allow themselves to be
launched to their death. They deliberately place themselves in circumstances
where they know that they will be driven by others to their death
(Acts 21:8-14). The Lord Jesus did not "kill Himself", but He did
place Himself in a vulnerable position which allowed others to kill Him.
All whom sister Chelsea warned would
figuratively "pat her on the head" while
replying, "OK, thanks Chelsea!".
They would not reject her warning outright, but they would dismiss it with a
"polite" thank you. This is typical of the Church, which believes in
"harmony" and in the art of "avoiding conflict". This pseudo-pacifism has
led to a Church that never faces the Truth, which allows her to live in a
perennial state of self-deceit, a state which allows you to say, "Everything
is OK!!", even when the Spirit of God inside of you is saying, "No,
My child, everything is NOT OK!!! As a people, you are stirring My anger,
and yet you act as if everything is OK!!!"
After no one listened to her, sister Chelsea
"knew" that she had to leave, but, to her,
"it just wasn't an option".
This reflects the difficulty many believers have when it comes to "leaving"
the religious structures. The matriarchal Church (i.e.-
Babylon) has "fiddled" with various
verses in Scripture (such as Hebrews 10:24-25) in such a way that any
believer who leaves the structures is immediately labeled a "spiritual
dropout". The sense of
guilt and
becomes a human chain that keeps many believers trapped inside the
structures. God willing, we will be posting words in the future explaining
the true meaning of passages such as Hebrews 10:24-25. When you study the
Greek words in the original text of these passages, and when you study these verses in the context of the
surrounding verses, it becomes evident that God is talking about something
completely different than what most people understand when they read those
verses. To understand these verses, you must be willing to "go upstairs". If you
stay at the lower level, you will misconstrue them, and you will end up with
an interpretation that actually contradicts the surrounding verses.
Sister Chelsea did not want to leave, in part
because she did not want her brethren to perish. This shows that, besides
the guilt, another reason why many believers do not leave the religious
structures is because of a sincere concern for the ones left behind.
However, if people staunchly refuse to listen to you, it is detrimental and unGodly if
you choose to remain. Once you have given out a repeated warning, you must
leave. You must not allow the stubbornness of others to become your own
deathtrap. God is bent on destroying the old structures so that a new, true
Church may be raised. By leaving a "church building", you are not leaving the Body.
Those who are truly connected to the Body are those who remain
connected and concerned about God's people throughout the Earth. The day
will come when we will all be able to gather, both in the Spirit and
physically, as a true righteous Church manifesting God's glory on Earth.
Whenever God calls you to leave a human structure, whether it be a building,
an organization, or a doctrine, you must leave it. Let the dead bury the
would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her,
and let us go every one
into his own country:
for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
10The LORD hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us
declare in Zion the work of the LORD our God. 11Make bright the
arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings
of the Medes: for his
device is against Babylon, to destroy it;
because it is the
vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple."
(Jeremiah 51:9-11)
Sister Chelsea "knew" that she should leave, but
she didn't. Because of this, she exposed herself to a very subtle form of
deceit that entraps many remnant believers inside the "matrix" (i.e.- the
pastoral matriarchy). If you read through the narration of the dream, you
will notice that David Ruis
(D.R.) did listen to her, but, when push came to shove, neither he nor
anyone on the worship team left the auditorium. In the dream, D.R. was
different from all the others in that he was
pastorally "sympathetic" to sister
Chelsea's concern. He made her feel as if he understood her, as if he "felt
her pain". However, D.R.'s ministering merely focused on "healing" sister
Chelsea's disturbed emotions. D.R. was working to bring "emotional peace" to
Chelsea's heart, not in dealing with the real threat at hand. As we have
before, the spirit of "false prophecy" is one that fosters
mental peace and
emotional peace, but is not interested in
peace between God's heart and
ours (Jeremiah 8:11). Sister Chelsea "felt better" after talking with
D.R., but the danger did not go away.
D.R. got sister Chelsea to play the
piano for a while.
According to wiktionary.org
and wordreference.com,
the word "piano" literally means "softly" or "slowly" in Italian. Therefore,
the "piano playing" speaks of D.R.'s effort to soothe sister Chelsea's
agitated emotions,
without actually dealing with the root issue which
agitated her emotions in the first place.
In a sense, those who said, "OK, thanks Chelsea"
were enjoying "mental peace". The eyes of their natural minds did not
see anything worthy of concern, so they concluded that there was nothing to
worry about. D.R., on the other hand, was enjoying "emotional peace". To
him, the most important thing was to soothe
his own emotions and the
emotions of others. As long as that was achieved, the victory had been won.
No one, however, was interested in level-3 peace, the peace of hearts. The
heart is where the will resides (Ephesians
6:6), and there was one in their midst whose will
(i.e.- heart) was to destroy them. There was no level-3 peace, but no one
seemed to care.
Therefore, the 4 people that D.R. got sister
Chelsea to "slay in the spirit"
are not a figure of God at work. Had God been at work, the people touched by
sister Chelsea would have
bolted out of
the auditorium rather than fall to the ground in "restful ecstasy". The 4
"slain people" are a figure of the
4 Faces of God being
neutralized in God's people because of
the matriarchal Church's indolent spirit. When people are truly slain in the
Spirit, their wills become submitted to the will of God. Yet, the people in
the dream did not show a submissive will, because God's will was for
everyone to leave! God must be loved "in deed and in truth",
not just "in word and in tongue" (1 John 3:18). The deed to perform
at that moment was to leave the auditorium, and the truth to accept was that there
was a bomb in the auditorium, which entered through the door of
indolence opened by the Church's
compromising attitudes.
By getting sister Chelsea to play the piano and
do some "spiritual" work, the spirit operating on D.R. in the dream was
using an old spiritual tactic: Dulling the spiritual senses of believers by
entertaining them with literal "privileges" (playing on the worship team,
collecting offerings, etc.) and more spiritual "privileges" (prayer
meetings, Bible studies, etc.).
According to webpages posted on
David Ruis (in real life) lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and
his 4 children. The 4 children correlate with the 4 persons "slain in the
spirit" by Chelsea. As we have studied
before, the word "Ammonite" means
"sons of My people", and it refers to the believers begotten by the
Church through her compromised methods, instead of being begotten by God in
Truth. In other words, they are "sons of the Church", not "sons of God". The
distortion of the prophetic anointing has led to a church full of Ammonites,
because it begets children of "D.R." ("Distorted Reproduction") rather than
children of God. Therefore, it is no spiritual coincidence that the
real-life David Ruis lives in Los Angeles, California. As we have said
before, Los Angeles ("L.A.") is the epicenter of a "Latin American"
("L.A.") contamination that has led to an affirmation of the Ammonite spirit into
America. This spiritual contamination from Latin America may seem "harmless"
or "irrelevant" to most in the Church, but it is very real, and it has
helped to stifle God's visitation of America; satan stifled God's work in
Latin America with the help of a stubborn culture that refused to see its
own unrighteousness; satan was unable to do the same in America, but he realized
that he could use his cursed work in Latin America to delay God's work in
America, because he realized that the American Church would cooperate with
him ... and she unfortunately did.
{Fellow believer, our references to David Ruis
in this word are in the context of his role within the prophetic drama
portrayed by the dream}
In the dream
within the dream, God had prompted sister Chelsea to leave the auditorium,
but she stayed, due to a sincere concern for her brethren. However, she was
supposed to "wipe the dust off her sandals" and leave, because the people
there had been unwilling to hear the word of the Lord:
whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city,
shake off the very dust from
your feet for a testimony against them"
(Luke 9:5)
People in the days of Jesus' earthly ministry
wore "sandals" instead of the shoes we wear today (Mark 6:9). Therefore,
when sister Chelsea went to get some
traveling sandals after she woke up from the dream within the
dream, it was a prophetic figure of her deciding to leave the "auditorium",
wiping the dust off her feet. Since she was choosing to travel away from the
"auditorium", she became the object of ridicule, which is typical of those
who choose to leave the matriarchal structures (literally and/or
spiritually). Just like Noah, who was ridiculed for
building the ark on dry ground, those who are in the Spirit are spiritually
(and even literally) separating themselves from many "brethren", because
they are aware of a God of judgments who cannot be seen with the
matriarchal eyes. In the dream, sister Chelsea saw a danger that others did
not see, and, in the same way, Noah saw a flood in the horizon that no one
else saw. The people of Noah's days did not believe in a God of judgments,
and they perceived a devastating flood as too "harsh" a judgment. They did
not see themselves deserving of such a treatment from God. Their "God" would
not do such a horrible thing. This is why the Lord said that the days of His
return would be as in the days of Noah. The story is happening all over
again, only at a more
profound level that lies
below the
surface. This is represented by the fact that sister Chelsea had a dream
within another dream.
"27They did eat,
they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day
that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
as it was
in the days of Lot; they did eat, they
drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29But
the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from
heaven, and destroyed them all. 30Even
thus shall it be in the
day when the Son of man is revealed. 31In
that day,
he which shall be upon the
housetop, and his
stuff in the house,
let him
not come down to take it away:
and he that is in the field, let him likewise
not return back."
(Luke 17:27-31)
"9With my soul have
I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee
early: for when thy
judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness. 10Let
favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the
land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty
of the LORD. 11LORD,
when thy hand is lifted up,
they will not see: but they shall see, and be ashamed
for their envy at the people;
yea, the fire of thine
enemies shall devour them."
(Isaiah 26:9-11)
As we have said before, "woman" is often a
figure of the soul in Scripture, while "man" is a figure of the
Spirit. Therefore, the girls
mocking sister Chelsea as she bought the sandals are a figure of the
immature souls in the Church that never matured. These are the
Ammonite souls "converted" and taken into the Church through compromised methods;
these Ammonites are very prone to "mocking" when they see God's remnant in a state of
rejection and desolation. Spiritually speaking, the girls in the dream were
mocking sister Chelsea because no one had listened to her, and she was being
forced to leave the "auditorium" on her own.
"1The word of the
LORD came again unto me, saying, 2Son of man,
set thy face
against the Ammonites, and prophesy against them; 3And say unto
the Ammonites, Hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD;
Because thou saidst, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned; and
against the land of Israel, when it was
desolate; and against the house of
Judah, when they went into captivity; 4Behold, therefore
I will
deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession, and they shall set
their palaces in thee, and make their dwellings in thee: they shall eat thy
fruit, and they shall drink thy milk. 5And I will make Rabbah a
stable for camels, and the Ammonites a couchingplace for flocks: and ye
shall know that I am the LORD. 6For thus saith the Lord GOD;
Because thou hast clapped thine hands, and stamped with the feet, and
rejoiced in heart with all thy despite against the land of Israel; 7Behold,
I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and will deliver thee for
a spoil to the heathen; and I will cut thee off from the people, and I will
cause thee to perish out of the countries:
I will destroy thee; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD." (Ezekiel 25:1-7)
After waking up from the dream within the dream,
Sister Chelsea wanted to go to her mother, who is an intercessor, but,
instead, she went to buy the traveling shoes. This correlates with what the
Lord has been saying regarding His judgments against America:
"10Thus saith the
LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not
refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now
remember their iniquity, and visit their sins. 11Then said the
LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. 12When
they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and
an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword,
and by the famine, and by the pestilence. 13Then said I, Ah, Lord
GOD! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither
shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.
14Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I
sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they
prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and
the deceit of their heart. 15Therefore thus saith the LORD
concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet
they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine
shall those prophets be consumed. 16And the people to whom they
prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine
and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them, them, their wives, nor
their sons, nor their daughters: for I will pour their wickedness upon
them." (Jeremiah 14:10-16)
There is no point in interceding. The word of
judgment against America now is not so that "intercessors will stand in the gap
and pray". Katrina was not stopped by intercession, and what is coming shall
not be stopped either. God will not hear the intercession of
who are more concerned about natural
destruction than about spiritual destruction, and who are more
concerned about safeguarding the
short-term interests of non-repenting people
than about
enabling the long-terms
purposes of God.
Cursed be such prophets, for, through their intercession,
they only make things worse instead of better, and they only intensify the
judgments they are trying to delay!!!
Sister Chelsea says that the auditorium in the
dream was like a huge stadium.
As I read that, I immediately thought of the Los Angeles Coliseum,
especially because of a dream we received via e-mail on February 18, 2005,
which, God willing, we will be posting in the near future.
The evil man in the dream wore a "turban"
that was of a "goldish-sage-brown"
color. This
points to the following:
According to
wikipedia.org, turbans
are closely associated with Sikhism, a religion that was born in
what is modern-day Pakistan. Pakistan is where many of al-Qaeda chose to
hide after they fled from Afghanistan.
According to
wikipedia.org, 90% of
all Sikhs in the world live in the Indian province of Punjab. As
we have seen
before, India is infested with the "peace-and-harmony" frog
spirit which is willing to
tolerate unrighteousness as long as the
is in charge (and not the Spirit). This distorted "tolerance" has opened
the door for the judgment that is coming to America.
According to
wikipedia.org, the
name Punjab means "land of 5 rivers". The number "5" points to
"ministerial grace", which emphasizes the fact that God's judgment is
coming against the American Church because her "ministers" have been
unwilling to surrender control of God's people, constantly getting in
the way between Christ and the people of God. The American Church is the
"land of 5 rivers" because it remains a "land" ruled by matriarchal
ministers. God called these ministers to make the transition
from "5" to
"6", but they chose to remain in their grace ("5") without recognizing
their weakness before their brethren ("6").
The turban is a piece of cloth wrapped
around the top of your head, just as a shroud is used to wrap a dead
body. Therefore, the turban in the dream is a figure of an American
Church that is "brain dead" because it is unwilling to make righteous
judgments (as we have said before, the mind is the soul's judgment
factory). God is coming to remove the cadaver of America's
Korah "mind".
According to
wikipedia.org, turbans
are an important spiritual element in Arab and Muslim culture.
Islamic leaders are prone to wearing turbans, especially Shia Muslim
scholars such as the last 2 "supreme leaders" of Iran, the leader of
Hezbollah, and a religious leader currently prominent in Iraq (who was actually
born in Iran). The recent conflicts spawned by Hezbollah and Iran are no
coincidence. The spirit that operates in the "turban people" is "stirring" in the spiritual
atmosphere, and it will attack the people without the name of God on them.
Those who are fully committed to God's will (no matter what) shall not
be hurt. Those who are stubbornly half-committed shall be attacked, for
they have the worst of both worlds: they will draw the attack of this
enemy because of the 50% in them that is for God, and they will not be
protected by God against the attack because of the 50% in them that is
against God. Talk about getting caught in the middle! This attack is
courtesy of the pastors who entrenched themselves "in the middle", and
it is courtesy of a
Tyrian remnant that chose to stop in the middle
between "3" and "5"!
Ishmael is coming because of what you did to Mishael!
The 3 colors
mentioned by sister Chelsea when describing the turban are "gold",
"sage", and "brown". As we have said before, "gold" in Scripture is
often a figure of the glory of God, and "brown"
speaks of a prophetic anointing hidden under a weak exterior.
"Sage" refers to the gray-green color of sage leaves;
as we have said
before, America was supposed to progress from "black" to a
sold-out "green", but, instead, she regressed from "black" to a
colorblind, undefined "gray" that belittles "subtle" details.
Therefore, the 3 colors mentioned by sister
Chelsea are God's way of saying:
I was calling you to
enter into your Green stage so that the weak brown vessels before you
would unleash the gold of My Glory in the land. But your "sage" version
of green has gotten in the way between My brown vessels and the
manifestation of My gold Glory through them. Therefore, I shall send
"goldish-sage-brown" turbans to judge you for your grayness.
Sister Chelsea went to
Wal-Mart with her
family after she woke up from the dream within her dream. As some of you may
know, Wal-Mart has been "famous" in America for its practice of hiring illegal
immigrants, especially Hispanic immigrants. As you may read on
www.alipac.us, Wal-Mart was recently forced to pay US$11
million dollars (as a judgment) to settle federal allegations that it used
large numbers of illegal immigrants to clean its stores. Recently, a
Wal-Mart in central New York state was accused of using illegal immigrants in a
construction project (according to a report posted on
central New York's
channel-3 website. Therefore, Wal-Mart is a figure of an America that is
unaware of the invisible spiritual danger brought about by the influx of illegal
immigrants from Latin America. This is the reason why sister Chelsea was
with her family at Wal-Mart, and it is also the reason why her family
refused to believe her word of warning while they were there. It was after her family refused to
hear that sister Chelsea understood that it was time to get some "traveling
large metal box left by the "turban man" points to the following:
The fact that it was large means that
it was big enough to be easily visible. But, even so, its danger remains
invisible to most who behold it. In the same way, the illegal Latin
American presence in America is "large" enough to be seen by anyone, but
very few perceive the spiritual implications of that presence. That
illegal L.A. (Latino Ammonite) presence is symptomatic of a much deeper spiritual
unawareness: the American Church's unawareness of the Ammonite spirit
and the spirit of Korah.
The fact that it was metallic points
to things "mechanical", which, in turn, point to Girgashite
and efficiency. The attack that is coming shall be done with the
efficiency and perfectionist methodology of a
Girgashite teacher. It
shall be a very scientific attack, involving a great deal of
technological know-how. This "metallic" judgment against America is coming
because, when the remnant sought a "green bay of refuge" in her, she was
more like a cold room with metallic, impersonal walls than a warm room
with a fire place, a warm cappuccino, and a warm human embrace. The
remnant were seeking for warm-hearted support, but America gave them a
cold, metallic reception, instead.
The box also points to "methodology",
and it speaks of how the American Church tried to fit the remnant into
her religious box, not realizing that God was after a deep
transformation too great,
too glorious to fit in her silly little box.
Because the American Church tried to "box" God in, God shall use a "box"
to judge her. |