Prophetic word for today The London whale (Part 1) First posted: February 3, 2006 Word received: January 20-23, 2006 Received by: Shamah-Elim Bible Studies
According to a Yahoo! News AP report, a 17-foot northern bottle-nosed whale appeared in London's River Thames on Friday January 20, 2006. This was the first whale sighting in London since the Natural History Museum began taking records in 1913. The whale swam through the murky waters of the Thames, going past "Big Ben" and the Houses of Parliament, as hundreds of onlookers watched from the river's edge. That Friday night, the whale disappeared from view at around 17:30, and he was spotted again the next morning as he struggled upstream, swimming against the tide.
According to observers, the whale would swim upstream and then come back with the current, going "one step forward and one step back". Because of the river's shallow depth, people in London became concerned about the whale, whose natural habitat are the deep waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. The northern bottle-nosed whale is the world's deepest-diving whale. Such whales generally grow to 26 feet in length (the length of a traditional red double-decker London bus), and they normally travel in pods.
Animal experts believe that the whale must have been in ill health, which may have led to his "disorientation" and to the "poor creature not knowing where to go". According to witnesses, the whale's snout was bloodied, and he showed damage to one of his eyes, as well as a number of cuts in his torso. Appearing to be in great distress, the whale made 2 seemingly deliberate efforts to beach himself. Blood could be seen coming out from a cut in his tail.
There were reports of a second whale sighted in the river on Friday, January 20. The week before, marine officials reported 2 bottle-nosed whales in northeastern Scotland, which was a strange occurrence, since they are normally seen in northwestern Scotland.
The whale's sighting drew a great deal of attention and concern from the people of London. Onlookers jumped into the 48oF (9oC) river waters and began to splash, in an effort to coax the whale away from shore. Londoners called radio and TV stations asking if they could do anything to help the whale. Rescuers and port officials literally stood by the whale's side, pouring water over him in an effort to save him. The Port of London Authority even had boats that were ready in case the whale became stranded in the low tide.
According to a report posted by UK's The Guardian newspaper, London's hope of saving the whale turned into despair on Saturday night (January 21), when the whale went into convulsions and died at 7 pm as he was being carried by a rescue barge, named "Crossness", that was trying to get the whale to sea. The barge was still 2 hours away from the Thames estuary near Margate, which was the place where rescuers planned to release him. The Crossness was carrying him on an upturned inflatable boat that acted as his "hospital bed", according to the Guardian's report. Tony Woodley, director of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue Group, described the whale's death as "a great shame". According to Mr. Woodley, the rescue operation went "like clockwork"; onlookers joyfully cheered as the whale was being taken to sea, but the whale's release into the English Channel was not meant to be.
While the rescue attempt was underway, news emerged that another whale, a baby whale, had been found in the Thames at nearby Putney. Therefore, some began to suspect that the larger whale was a mother who went into the Thames looking for her baby. However, the larger whale was really a "he", not a "she", and the "baby" whale was in fact an adolescent harbor porpoise; such porpoises are often washed up in the Thames.
According to a Yahoo! News AP report posted on January 25, scientists declared that the whale suffered a combination of dehydration, kidney failure, and muscle damage. According to the scientists, the dehydration was caused by the whale's period of up to 3 days in the shallow waters of the Thames. The whale was young --- no older than 11 ---, and he was no longer reliant on his mother for food. According to Paul Jepson, head of the UK Marine Mammals Strandings Programme, the whale's condition quickly deteriorated as he was being transported by the barge, and rescuers decided to euthanize him. As Paul Jepson was drawing the lethal injection, he died.
Since there seemed to be no physical explanation for the whale's trip up the Thames, Paul Jepson and others believe that he was using his instincts to try to find his way home. Some scientists believe that northern bottle-nosed whales get into the North Sea by taking a "wrong turn" at Scotland, and then use their innate sense of direction to head back west.
According to a Reuters report (posted on Yahoo! News), Paul Jepson said that he hoped international coverage of the whale's odyssey and death would raise awareness about the protection of endangered species, thereby helping to save other creatures.
According to an AP Yahoo! News report, a bright red plastic watering can was put up for auction on eBay on Monday, January 23, 2006. The can, of the type used by gardeners to water their plants, was used to moisten the whale's skin during the rescue efforts. The red can appeared in the live TV reports and the photos of newspapers covering the story. All the auction profits will go to the British Divers Marine Life Rescue, the all-volunteer charity organization that attempted the whale's rescue. Bids began at $9, but, by the morning of the next day, the bid had surpassed $10,000. The auction was scheduled to last for 10 days, ending on February 1, 2006.
This is the prophetic interpretation of these events: This is what an editorial by the UK's Guardian newspaper (posted on Sunday, January 22, 2006) had to say about the whole incident: "Leviathan's strange and forlorn visit to London was a moment of reality television that provoked only the finest emotions - pity and wonder, and finally sorrow - among thousands of onlookers." The editorial goes on to add the following: "In the Old Testament book of Jonah, the authorised version's 'great fish' that swallows the prophet eventually tunes its radar to the right frequency, receives the word of God and, after a long weekend in the depths, saves the errant holy man by spewing him up on to dry land, whence he goes on to rescue the reprobates of Nineveh from the wrath of the Almighty." [The entire editorial can be read at observer.guardian.co.uk]
The minute I learned about the whale's appearance in London, the Lord spoke to my heart and said: I have sent that whale to London as a sign to My people, to My precious remnant, that I shall do a mighty work in London, for I have sent Jonah to them as My messenger, and they have received him well. They beheld the sign of Jonah, and they were receptive to it, and, therefore, I shall bless them greatly, for the kindness that they have extended to this whale, they have extended to Me, says the Lord.
Fellow believer, tears are in my eyes as I am writing these words to you. Only those who have suffered under the full burden of the remnant spirit can truly understand the plight of this suffering whale as it was desperately seeking his way home, and only those connected to God's heart can truly come to comprehend the significance to Almighty God of how London treated this whale. The people of London were truly and sincerely concerned about this creature. To them, he was more than a mere "curiosity". One of the most important cities in the world (economically, politically, and militarily) came to a standstill in sincere concern for him. They emotionally joined him in his despair, collectively rejoicing when things seemed to be going well, and collectively mourning when things took a turn for the worse. For a few days, the entire city of London shared in the experience of the suffering remnant, the remnant that has been rejected by human structures, the remnant that has been forced to wander in the solitary wilderness, with no support or encouragement from man and his earthly structures. Instead of acting indifferently, the people of London sympathized with him; they put aside their schedules and their daily activities, and they did all they could to help him.
The spiritual reason why the whale was trying to beach himself in London was as a figure of the great fish that went ashore to vomit Jonah out upon dry land:
"And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land" (Jonah 2:10)
The whale that appeared in the Thames belongs to the deepest-diving whale species in the world, capable of swimming 600 feet below water. Therefore, his surfacing in London is a figure of the remnant resurrecting out of the depths of despair in Sheol. It is a figure of God's resurrected prophets, of God's green horse appearing in London. Unlike America, London received His green horse with open arms, and made him feel welcome and beloved. The only reason why Londoners wanted the whale out of the Thames was because they were concerned for his wellbeing, not because they hated him, and they thoroughly rejoiced in his brief visitation.
In English, the name "jonah" can be easily changed to "noah" by removing the letter "j" and by switching the letters "o" and "n" around. This is no coincidence. As we have shared before, Scripture equates the "sign of Jonah" with the "sign of the Son of Man":
"29And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. 30For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation. 31The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 32The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here." (Luke 11:29-32)
"29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:29-30)
The "sign of Jonah", therefore, represents the Lord's visitation. Those who accept the green-horse's "preliminary manifestation" shall be "shaken unto blessings", and those who despise his manifestation shall be "shaken unto destruction". Those who welcome the green horse shall see the spiritual atmosphere around them shaken, and they shall share in the green horse's resurrection. Those who reject the green horse shall have their earthly structures shaken, and they shall have their roof of comfort cave in on them; they shall perish without sharing in the green horse's resurrection.
As we have said before, the green horse is a terminator. He comes as a "stranger" that provides the knockout punch that terminates the matriarchal structures so that God's Spirit structures may arise. Therefore, those who do not believe in regeneration (i.e.- in tearing down in order to start anew) will not be grateful hosts to the green horse. They will either ignore him or reject him because he is a foreigner who is not interested in tolerating or sharing in the corruption of the current structures. They will ignore or reject him just as they did with Noah, a man who did not reject God when He spoke of devastating the Earth with a flood in order to start anew. By his faith, the judgment-loving Noah cursed the world of his days unto destruction (Hebrews 11:7), and, because of this, he was able to see the "sign of Noah" in a new world: my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. 14And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud" (Genesis 9:13-14)
Those who believe in the God of regeneration, in the God of judgments, in the God who "kills" in order to "resurrect", shall see the rainbow of life after the flood of death. They shall experience the 7 colors of the rainbow in their life; they shall freely move in the 7 Spirits of God, because they will walk in the newness of resurrection life. There is no resurrection without regeneration, and there is no regeneration without judgments. Those who hate the God of judgments will be hostile to the Noah spirit, and they shall therefore not see the sign of Noah. The Church is constantly hoping for the Lord's Coming (His parousia), but they hate the "curse" that precedes that parousia (1 Corinthians 16:22). This reveals that the Church is clueless as to what the Lord's Coming is all about.
You cannot welcome the Lord, without welcoming "Jonah", and you cannot welcome "Jonah" without welcoming "Noah". Let him who can bear this bear it.
According to wikipedia.org, the River Thames flows from west to east, starting near the village of Kemble and ending at an estuary near Southend-on-Sea. The London whale, however, was traveling from east to west, which meant that it was swimming against the current. Even in its weakened state, it persisted in its intended direction. As we have said before, God writes "from right to left", meaning that God travels "from east to west", like the sun that rises in the east and sets in the west. This is because all that God does is founded on right-handed righteousness. The resurrection Sun of Righteousness rises in the east and travels across the sky, establishing the dominion of God's judgments across the entire Earth. This is the reason why the whale was determined to travel from east to west, because it is a figure of the prophetic remnant that is determined to operate on the foundation of God's right-handed spiritual judgments.
As we have said before, God's red-horse riders are "salmon begetters". They are spiritual pests who are unafraid to swim against the currents of Canaanite emotions and Girgashite traditions. Therefore, we can say that the London whale was endowed with the "red-horse" anointing. This red-horse anointing is emphasized by the trail of red blood that he was leaving in the water as he swam against the current.
There is a spiritual significance behind the red watering can used to moisten the whale's skin. As we have said before, the teaching ministry is the one most directly related to "containing vessels", and it is a ministry spiritually related to the color red. When teachers "go Girgashite", their "red containing vessels" (i.e.- methods) become rigid clay jars that limit God's people instead of enabling them, because they hinder the free flow of God's prophetic anointing. The red-horse's vessels, however, are different. Even though red-horse riders are teacher-apostles, they are prophetic teachers who have chosen to move in the freedom of God's prophetic anointing. This means that their "red vessels" enable the free flow of God's prophetic waters. This is the reason why the red can could be used to pour refreshing water on the whale's skin. Even though the can was designed to contain the water, it had watering holes that allowed the water to flow out. God's teacher methods are not bound by the Girgashite structures and traditions of man (Matthew 15:3-9).
The red can's prophetic nature can also be seen in the fact that the can was auctioned on eBay to raise money that will help in the rescue of other creatures. The prophetic anointing impels believers to give themselves in sacrifice that blesses others. The fact that the red can was auctioned for 10 days also points to its prophetic nature. As we have said before, the number "10" speaks of prophetic death and sacrifice for others.
Just as the red-horse anointing is evident on the whale, the black-horse anointing is also evident. The London whale was a dark-colored whale, literally and figuratively. It appeared out of nowhere, like an "unknown" and a "stranger". As we have said before, "blackness" or "darkness" (when used in a positive sense) is spiritually related to "anonymity" in Scripture. The whale had no predefined name given by man. No one even knew if he was a "he" or a "she". He simply appeared in the Thames, defying all the "orthodox" behavior that man normally attributes to whales.
As we have said before, the black horse comes to launch invisible spiritual judgments of scarcity into the Church's structures from the lonely wilderness outside. This speaks of the ability to "throw your voice" (Revelation 6:6) across long distances. Whales are known for their ability to call to each other with "clicks" and "whistles" that can travel over hundreds of miles, which points to the black-horse anointing over the London whale.
The whale was at an age where he was no longer dependent on his mother for food. This again points to the black horse, since the black horse comes to emphasize independence from man and dependence on God and God alone.
According to wikipedia.org, the name "Thames" is derived from the Latin word Tamesis, which is apparently derived from the Celtic word Tamesa, meaning "the dark one". Again, we see the whale's spiritual connection to the black horse.
The fact that the whale was "bottle-nosed" is a figure of a remnant that is looking at the Church "from the outside in". The whale's "flattened face" speaks of a remnant that presses its nose against the window to gaze into the Church. It speaks of the "outsider" nature of the mysterious black horse that appeared in the waters of the Thames.
As we said above, the northern bottle-nosed whale is the world's deepest-diving whale. Therefore, the London whale is a prophetic figure of God's green-horse riders who resurrect out of the depths of Sheol to regenerate the Earth.
As we have said before, green-horse riders are "restless watchmen" who cannot go to sleep. This coincides with the nature of a whale. According to a report posted by the UK's Guardian newspaper, whales must be conscious in order to breathe, so they never fully fall asleep. Only one hemisphere of the whale's brain sleeps at a time. In the same way, God's remnant cannot rest until God's vision is fulfilled.
As you may know, the color "green" is generally associated with groups interested in protecting animal species and the environment. Therefore, the fact that the London whale raised so much "green" concern certifies its green-horse anointing even further.
During Friday January 20, the whale kept swimming against the Thames' current, revealing its red-horse nature. Around 17:30 of that day, the whale disappeared from view, which is a figure of God's black-horse riders who operate from the "blackness" of anonymity and who launch invisible spiritual judgments into the Church's structures from the lonely wilderness outside. He then resurfaced early on Saturday morning. This is a figure of God's green-horse riders who resurrect out of Sheol to regenerate the Earth. Therefore, the whale's behavior reveals the anointing of the red, black, and green horses.
Through his heroic effort, the whale conquered the hearts of Londoners and of people around the world, which reveals his white-horse anointing, since the white horse comes to conquer the Church and the world unto God. As we have said before, the white horse is the "umbrella" under which the other 3 horses operate. It is impossible to fully move in the anointing of all 3 horses (red, black, and green) without a white-horse zeal to conquer the Church and the world unto God; the white horse does not come to "win by 1 point". It comes to utterly dominate and obliterate the enemy. Cursed are those who get in the Lord's way!!!
Even though black-horse riders are "nameless judgment-launchers", some Londoners did begin to assign a specific name to the whale. Some began to call him "Willy", in reference to the 1990s "Free Willy" movie. There is a spiritual reason for this. As we have said before, a "William Pitt" remnant anointing shall flow out from the UK to conquer Europe and impact the entire globe unto God.
The London whale had a "double" anointing about it, as shown by the following facts:
All of this reveals that the London whale is a figure of a prophetic remnant under God's 2-witness anointing of Revelation 11 and Zechariah 4. A close study of Revelation 11 reveals that the "2 witnesses" move in the anointing of all 4 horses of the Apocalypse. This is the reason why all 4 horses were clearly manifested in the whale, including the resurrected-prophet green horse of earthquakes (Revelation 11:11-13).
Despite the whale's determination to swim against the current, it seemed to observers as if he was going "one step forward and one step back". This is a figure of the remnant's current condition. As the Lord revealed through the "morphing horse" drawing (posted earlier), God's remnant has basically "given its all". In its weakened condition, the remnant is looking for a place where it will be allowed to lay down and die. Those with the remnant spirit looked for such a place in America, but the Church in America was unwilling to yield any of its "precious" ground so that the remnant could die and rest from all its works. This is why the whale suddenly appeared in London, desperately seeking for a place to beach itself and die. While he was there, Londoners gave him water to refresh himself and a "bed" to rest on. While he was there, Londoners did not hesitate to immerse their feet in the uncomfortably cold waters of the Thames to comfort him. While he was there, Londoners lovingly patted him and caressed him, crying with him as he lived out his last hours on Earth. The tired whale found a "Green Bay of refuge" in the city of London, a refuge that he was denied in America. This is why the Lord shall bless Europe over the next 3-and-a-half years as America deals with the consequences of her institutionalized religiosity.
When the remnant was thirsty, America gave them gall, embittering their existence instead of refreshing them, pressuring them into becoming bitter against God's judgments so that they would deny the Gospel of Justice and Judgments. But those who held on to the remnant spirit were unwilling to budge from their position; they rejected the gall of bitterness against God's judgments, reaffirming that God is indeed a God of Truth and Judgments. Even though the wolves howled around them, they held on to a righteousness-based Gospel.
"They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink" (Matthew 27:34)
Yeshua's rejection of a "mixed" drink (Matthew 27:34) is also a figure of how God's remnant is unwilling to work within a system that mixes the methods of God with the methods of carnal man. God's latter-day remnant is more "stubborn" than the stubborn enemies it opposes, for its forehead has been made harder than flint.
The London whale died as it was being taken out towards the English Channel, which separates the UK from France. As we have shared before, history records migratory waves of Britons who crossed the English Channel to settle in the French province of Brittany. In a figurative sense, "settling in Brittany" represents a reneging of one's commitment to "British" apostolic judgments in order to settle down in a "French" atmosphere that is systematically hostile to it. This is one of the reasons why the whale died while it was still within British territory. He preferred to die before "going to Brittany". The whale's body remained in Britain for the necropsy, and his skeleton is to be donated to the National History Museum in London. This means that the whale's wish of staying in Britain was granted. Just like the remnant, the whale was determined to die before compromising its principles to "settling in Brittany", and his wish was granted. The wish shall also be granted to the remnant believers who are willing to hold on and not waver until the end.
In an editorial by the UK's Guardian newspaper, the writer narrates the following incident: 'He's lost his pod,' I heard a mum tell her daughter as she lifted her for a better view above the crowd, back when the crowd was manageable. And then, seconds later, 'No, darling, not his iPod. He's lost his ... well, his friends. His family.'
This comical incident is an ironic illustration of the whale's lonely condition, which is a figure of the loneliness God's remnant is forced to endure:
"1Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. 2Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? 3I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. 4For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. 5And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me. 6And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth." (Isaiah 63:1-6)
"For thus hath the LORD spoken unto me, Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds is called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof" (Isaiah 31:4)
With steely determination, the remnant is willing to plow on through, even if that means periods of overwhelming loneliness. Undeterred by the refusal of others to tread the winepress, the remnant continues with its launching of spiritual judgments into the atmosphere. Undeterred by the human "gospel" of unrighteous mercy, the remnant remains faithful to the Gospel of Justice and Judgments, and it remains faithful to a type of mercy that requires a much higher personal price, but which in the long run produces a true and everlasting transformation in the lives of others because it is based on a foundation of righteousness. In the midst of their "bloody treading", the remnant is practicing a much deeper mercy than the matriarchal Church will ever get to practice or understand. Even so, the blood on their garments causes menstrual believers to walk away from them in disgust, leaving them to fend for themselves. Ironically, menstrual believers are quick to notice the "blood" on the remnant's garments, but they are slow to notice the menstrual blood on their own clothes.
Just like the London whale, most remnant believers are forced to wander in "iPods", i.e.- pods where the only member seems to be "little i".
Because of the supposed "baby whale" that was spotted in the Thames during the whale's ordeal, many thought that the whale was a mother looking for her baby. Even though the "baby" turned out to be an adolescent harbor porpoise, there is a spiritual reason why God allowed a young porpoise to die and wash ashore on the very day that all these things were happening. He was revealing the pregnant nature of God's prophetic remnant.
God's remnant is pregnant with the vision of God's Glory, and, like a pregnant woman in labor, the remnant has a sense of desperate urgency that will not allow it to rest until the "baby" is born. The remnant shall not rest until the regenerated Church is born upon the Earth: For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. 2And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. 3Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God." (Isaiah 62:1-3) [Notice that God's remnant is longing for the manifestation of God's righteousness in the Church (v1). It is not groaning for "blessings" and "happiness". It is groaning for the manifestation of a Church whose righteousness and judgments shall be undeniably real.
Notice also that the remnant shall not rest until the Church is named by a "new name", a name which the mouth of the Lord shall declare (v2). God does not deceive Himself. He will not name the Church by a "new name" if the Church is not truly "new" from the inside out. He shall only name her by a "new name" when her inner nature is regenerated, and that regeneration can only come through God's redeeming judgments (Isaiah 1:26-27).]
As we said above, God's remnant has the green-horse watchman anointing over it. Like a woman in labor, the remnant cannot "go to sleep". It must push and push until the baby is born:
"6I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, 7And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." (Isaiah 62:6-7)
A pregnant woman can at times behave in seemingly "irrational" and "emotional" ways, and that "irrationality" intensifies as labor pains begin. A person watching from the outside will not be able to understand the woman's "irrational" behavior unless he or she is able to empathize with what the woman is carrying inside of her.
A pregnant woman becomes very "instinctive". Paul Jepson, who headed the whale's rescue efforts, believes that the whale was using his instincts to try to find his way home. Nose-bottled whales make what seems like a "wrong turn" at Scotland, and then use their instinctive sense of direction to head back west. In the same way, the remnant will at times make decisions that seem completely illogical to those looking from the outside, and it will then follow "instinctive currents" that are not perceived by those who do not empathize with the remnant's pregnancy. As the American Church watched God's green-horse remnant, it only perceived an "errant" group of believers making "irrational" and apparently "suicidal" decisions, but, in the midst of the remnant's instinctive madness was the Spirit of God birthing a brand new Church on the face of the Earth. Only those who share in the pregnancy can understand that there is an underlying method to the remnant's "instinctive madness".
It is no spiritual coincidence that the barge on which the whale died was called the "Crossness". What the world was witnessing was a "whale" carrying a "cross" to Golgotha in order to die in sacrificial love. The whale's convulsions before his death were a figure of the liberating spiritual earthquakes unleashed by God's green-horse riders as they expose themselves in apparent weakness before the enemy:
"50Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: 56Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s children." (Matthew 27:50-56)[The onlookers in London who watched the whale's agonizing odyssey were acting like the women of verses 55 and 56. These women shared in the Lord's agony until the end.]
Those who examined the whale's body after he died say that the whale suffered from 3 ailments: dehydration, kidney failure, and muscle damage. There is a spiritual reason for each of these ailments:
Therefore, the whale was carrying (on his physical body) the effects of a Church that has been deprived of its 3 "male" ministry anointings (apostle, prophet, and evangelist). This is a figure of how God's remnant believers have been called to suffer the punishment of others so that others may be restored. Through their suffering, remnant believers are restoring a Church that has been emasculated by the pastoral matriarchy.
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5)
"Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church" (Colossians 1:24)
Scientists believe that the whale's dehydration was caused by a period of up to 3 days in the shallow waters of the Thames. This correlates with the following passage:
"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40)
The whale is believed to have been no older than 11 years old. This correlates with the fact that Yeshua died at a "young" age. It is believed that He was around 33 when He died at Golgotha. Both the numbers 11 and 33 are multiples of 11, and, as we have said before, the number "11" speaks of God's purifying judgments. This shows that those who are against God's judgments will never share in Jesus' Golgotha. It is impossible to pay a voluntary price for others when you believe that there is no price to be paid.
Paul Jepson, who headed the rescue efforts, says that, as he was drawing the lethal injection to euthanize the whale, he died. This correlates with the following passage:
"32Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him. 33But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs" (John 19:32-33)
Just as with Jesus, the whale's quick death was to symbolize the fact that he had voluntarily given his life:
"17Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father." (John 19:17-18)
Only those who give their lives voluntarily can share in the fullness of God's resurrection. As we have said before, "resurrection" in Scripture is more than returning from "biological death". Otherwise, Paul would not speak of striving to "attain resurrection" (Philippians 3:11).
"23And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. 24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:23-24)[Notice the word "daily" in verse 23, which speaks of a constant state of surrender. It is a state that goes beyond the moment when you surrender your life for the first time and are born again.]
It is no coincidence that the man who headed the rescue efforts is named "Paul", for it was a man with the same name who wrote the following, under the Anointing of the Holy Ghost:
"20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. 21I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." (Galatians 2:20-21)[Notice how brother Paul associates the grace of God with a life of "constant death". When we choose not to "live in crucifixion", we are actually frustrating the grace of God, meaning that we are denying the intended purpose of His grace. This "life of crucifixion" is not lived through the performing of many church activities. It is lived through a constant surrender and a constant willingness to pay the price so that the purpose of God may be fulfilled in others. Surrender is, in a sense, a "passive" action where you yield the steering wheel to God and allow Him to do whatever He wants to do with your life, no matter how much loneliness, suffering, and despair that may entail. When you surrender, you are not "figuring out" ways to please God. Instead, you are allowing God to live His life through you. When that happens, you will feel what God feels, you will think what God thinks, and you will desire what God desires. When God gets angry, you will get angry. When God rejoices, you will rejoice. When God longs for something, you will long for it as well.]
"10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 11For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. 12So then death worketh in us, but life in you." (2 Corinthians 4:10-12)
Paul Jepson said that he hoped international coverage of the whale's odyssey and death would raise awareness about the protection of endangered species, thereby helping to save other creatures. This again points to the sacrificial nature of the whale's death. The Lord Jesus did not die at Golgotha to get "blessed" Himself. He died so that others could be redeemed. In the same way, the whale gave his life in a sacrifice that will help other creatures, as a figure of how God's remnant believers are willing to pay the price so that the Church and the world may be restored unto God.
In an editorial by the UK's Guardian newspaper, the writer declares that at 11:53 on Saturday January 21, the whale's dorsal fin burst out of the water, this time facing east, towards the sea. This raised people's hopes that the whale might head out to sea on his own. It is interesting how God made sure that the writer would remember the exact hour and minute when this happened. The number "11" represents God's purifying judgments, and the number "53" points to Isaiah 53, where the Lord details the sacrificial sufferings of the Anointed One for the sake of others. Therefore, the time 11:53 speaks of a remnant that abides in God's apostolic judgments and is willing to lay down its life in prophetic sacrifice unto God. It points to a remnant that abides in the apostolic and prophetic 2-witness anointing.
The time 11:53 also points to Isaiah 53:11: He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. 12Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:11-12)
The whale's temporary turn back towards the sea at 11:53 was as if to say, "It is finished". It is as if the whale were saying, "I have seen the travail of my soul, and I am satisfied; I can go back out to sea; I can rest because my job is done". Because of its willful sacrifice, God's remnant shall divide the spoil with the strong. Because it has poured out its soul unto death and has allowed itself to be labeled a "transgressor" by the religious system, God's remnant is unleashing a spiritual nuclear bomb that shall not be contained by the enemy. God's purposes shall be fulfilled through the blood of the Lamb and through the word of the remnant's testimony:
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death" (Revelation 12:11)
As we said above, the name "Thames" is derived from the Latin word Tamesis, which is apparently derived from the Celtic word Tamesa meaning "the dark one". This points to a "black car" prophesied in a narration and dream we posted before. Revival visitation came to America in the form of a tired spiritual "stranger" asking for some "R & R", but the Church in America was not interested in giving spiritual "R & R" to this unknown. Instead, she chose to continue giving R & R to the unrighteous in her midst, and, by doing so, this spiritual "stranger" was forced to hop on a "black car" and ride on over to Europe. This is why a "stranger" appeared riding a "black car" called the River Thames (the "dark one") on January 20, 2006. There, the "stranger" was well received, which means that Europe shall receive the blessings of God's visitation while America gets reprimanded for her faithlessness.
In English, the name "Thames" is very similar in spelling to the name "Thomas", and, as you may recall, the apostle Thomas is famous for his "doubting incident" (John 20:24-26). He could not believe that Yeshua could resurrect after He had died; in other words, Thomas doubted that a man could die and then be regenerated into newness of life after that. He doubted that destruction could be the key to newness of life. The same happened to America. As we have said before, America got stuck at "16", desiring a revival without exalting God's weakly remnant; it desired a fresh blow of the Spirit without surrendering matriarchal control. God was calling the Church in America down a path unknown to her. But, like Thomas, she hesitated, so the Lord was forced to go to other lands for a season.
When He visited the Thames in the form of a young whale, the people of the Thames received Him well. Instead of acting like Thomas, the people of the Thames said, "Behold the stranger among us. Blessed are we because of His visitation". When the Lord said to the land of Thomas, "Prepare a place for Me so that I may touch the world through you in 2012", the land of Thomas said, "We are too busy; we have stuff to do". When He said the same to the land of Thames, they replied, "Please do not pass us up; we shall be blessed if You deem us worthy to be used by you in 2012". By switching the vowels around in the word "Thomas" and replacing the "o" with an "e", you get "Thames". What a difference a vowel makes! What a difference a continent makes!
To quote an old rock band from Seattle (called "Nirvana"), the people of London said to the spiritual stranger, "Come as you are"...
Come as you are, as you were [Lyrics adapted from lirama.net]
In the spirit realm, the intercessory remnant believers in the UK said to God, Come as you please, Lord. We shall not set any parameters. We shall not set any conditions.
Come as you are, come as you were in the days of old, during the former-rain visitation. Come as the Ancient of Days, as the God of Israel, as the God of Judgments and Justice.
Come as the friend of the righteous (Genesis 18:16-19). Come in the strange form that has prompted the Church to call You our 'enemy' instead of our friend. For too long we have called You our 'enemy', our 'adversary', whenever You have come to regenerate us through Your purifying judgments.
Take Your time, for You are the One who sets the seasons (Jeremiah 14:11-12, Acts 1:6-7), and we recognize that we cannot open the spiritual doors at our capricious fancy. Even so, we beg of You, please hurry up, for we need You, Lord! Hurry up, Lord, because we desperately need You! Save us before it is too late! Save us before we perish in our unrighteousness! Save us, Lord! Hosanna! Save us from the false prophets in our midst! Save us from the servants of Baal who hold us back and prevent us from beholding Your Countenance! Cursed be those who are holding us back from You! Break the yoke of our oppression, Yeshua! Break the yoke!
When You come, we shall treat You as a close friend. We shall be grateful hosts to You, and we shall give You rest. We shall not leave You out in the cold to fend for Yourself. We shall not be like the Pharisees. We shall not say to You, 'May God help him if he really is of God'.
We shall recognize You, even if You come dowsed in mud. We shall recognize You, even if You are wrapped in youthfulness and clayey weakness, and we shall not dismiss You simply because You came in a form different from what our natural mind would expect. We believe in Immanuel!
We shall receive You, even if You come soaked in bleach. We shall not dismiss You if You come demanding purity and righteousness. We shall not abhor the smell of bleach, for we know that it is a temporary price to pay in order to smell permanently clean before You.
Come as a "trend", if You so desire. We shall not dismiss Your visitation as just another "religious emotional trend". If you come to agitate the emotions of men, please do so, for we shall not be stuck up in 'reverent, intellectual religiosity'. We shall not dismiss Your agitations as emotional madness.
Come as a "friend". We shall not dismiss You if You come to us saying that You want to be the intimate friend of men. We shall not dismiss You if You say to us that we can be as close a friend as Abraham was to you. We shall not dismiss You if You say that we can be as close a friend as Moses, Elijah, and the prophets were to you, for we know that you are not a respecter of persons.
Come as an "old memoria", if You so choose. We shall not dismiss You if You come to remind us of what You wrote in Your Scriptures. We shall not dismiss You if You come to pronounce the words that You spoke of old (2 Kings 22:8-11). We shall not dismiss You as 'boring' when You come to stir our minds and not just our emotions. We shall not dismiss You when You come to remind us of Your laws and Your judgments. We shall rejoice in You when You come as a teacher, Lord God of Israel, for every word of Yours is a treasure to us!
We want the True God of Israel. Come as we want You to be: Real and Unadulterated by carnal man. That is the One we long for; we long for the True God of Israel. Come as You are, as we want you to be.
And we assure You, Lord, that we don't have a gun. We are not planning to ambush You in order to kill You. If You come, we shall serve You and we shall bless You, no matter what form You take. We shall not point a gun at You to rob You, because we are not after things from You. We want Your voluntary presence in our midst. We want you to want to be with us! Please honor us with your voluntary presence. We know that Your grace can only abide in righteousness, so we ask that You clean us up so that we may be honored with Your presence. Please come, Lord! Please come! We have been waiting for You since the days of old! Even from the days of our ancestors, we have been waiting for Your visitation. Maranatha!
There is much more to say regarding the London whale, but we will share it in the next posting... |