Train of thought Markers First posted: August 31, 2008 Word received by: Peter Cirillo (emailed August 17, 2008)
{Hyperlinks added by us}
I was reading "P.I. - Circle in the Sand", and a few things came to mind as I was reading it.
First, in paragraph 3 of the post, it speaks of markers, and, in section 3, paragraph 3, it speaks of a white stone. Both are forms of markers. (As a side note they are possibly marking a bible passage such as Jeremiah 33:3 or something like it, although I would almost expect it to be 3:33, not 33:3. The book of Numbers, maybe?). Markers are signposts, but also instruments of writing. They bleed through paper and are permanent.
Second, the one time I have ever given someone a personal prophecy about a white stone, I saw the stone and read the name on it. It was Mark. Mark means "warlike" (in latin), and it was something I knew by the Spirit without ever having researched the name. I asked someone else, and they confirmed that it meant just that. I didn't know this kid's name before I told it to him, but it was Mark.
The phrase that also came to mind was "hitting the mark." I was very touched by this word on an emotional level, for which I can't explain. But I felt like it "hit the mark" all the same. Hitting the mark is an archery term. A bow is an instrument of an archer, a kind of warrior, and is used to hit a mark.
In regards to the instruments, there are 3 examples given. The bride played on a stringed instrument. A cocoon is made of a form of string (silkworms spin silk, etc.). The weaving is also done with string. I think it has to do with God tying something (or some people) together to hit the mark. But it only comes when the bride who is lovesick comes through the process of metamorphosis and transformation and is set aside as a finished product who doesn't need to work anymore because he/she is perfected in Him. Not that we are all perfect, but as His children, when we step into that place of true childship, we realize that we have already hit the mark, and the striving goes out the window.
{Our brief comments}
Like an able marksman, the Lord God is sending Gustav the Vandal directly towards the New Orleans area, and He is doing so precisely during the third anniversary of Katrina to emphasise the fact that this is not a coincidence. The 6th seal is beginning to be broken as God's remnant are released from their 5th-seal bunkers. God's vindicating redemption is at hand.
As indicated on wikipedia.org, Katrina the black Cleanser made landfall in LA (i.e.- Louisiana) on August 29 [2005] at 6:10 am local time. According to noaa.gov, Gustav the green Vandal is expected to make landfall on September 1 [2008] around noon local time. This means that Gustav will make landfall around 3-and-a-quarter days after Katrina's anniversary. This time difference between Katrina's and Gustav's landfall is designed to represent the 3-and-a-quarter years of Revival delay that have already gone by (the beginning of America's 4-year revival delay was decreed on May 11, 2005).
Interestingly enough, Katrina made landfall on a Monday, and so shall Gustav, exactly 157 weeks later. This is to emphasise that, on the day prior, it shall not be "Easy like Sunday morning" for the Big Easy once again.
According to behindthename.com, Gustav means "staff of the Goths", which points to the race of people who vandalised Rome, blaspheming against her greatness and accelerating her decline (as indicated on wikipedia.org). In the same way, God's green-horse remnant have been vandalising that revered whore, the Institutionalised Church", in the spirit realm, and that vandalism is manifesting itself in the physical and soul realms. |