with other questions, the answer to this question is being given as a combination
of a video and a basic outline. If you wish, you may scroll down the outline as
you are watching the video. You may show or hide the video by clicking on the
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Genesis 14:3
The 5 evil kings were gathered in the
expanse of Siddim, by the salt sea; salt
points to judgements ==> They
were bound in an atmosphere ruled by judgements, an atmosphere enforced
by the 4 good kings
Genesis 14:4
12 years
"12": number of government and kingdom ==>
They were exposed to the Kingdom-of-God paradigms for 12 years
number "12"
also points to the age at
which a believer must begin to break from the temporary "control" of the
maternal pastoral endowment in order to fully develop as a spirit being
under the direct Lordship of the Father
In the 13th year, instead of yielding to the
Kingdom of God and being moulded in righteousness, they rebelled by
saying, "I can't take this no more"
It was a time for them to
break away, but they broke away in utter rebellion, not to walk
independently in the nature of the Spirit; they broke away like a rebellious teenager
throwing a "hissy fit" at the first opportunity of "freedom" that he
finds (as compared to what Yeshua did - Luke 2:41-52)
The king most influential on them was Chedorlaomer, the "prophetic" king ==> There was a subtle shift away
from apostolic wisdom and judgements and towards the prophetic anointing
as an
emotional glue that held the kingdom in the Siddim valley together
==> The "salt" in the "salt sea" lost its apostolic component and became
purely prophetic
Matthew 5:13 - salt that
"loses its savour" (moraino in Greek); moraino is derived
from moros, which is, in turn, derived from mysterion
moros is the Greek
word from which the English word "moron" is derived
∴ Salt that "loses
its savour" is salt that becomes
"moronic", hiding all judgements in mystery.
Genesis 14:5-6
The Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim
Rephaims = "giants", from
rapha =
to heal ==> evangelistic endowment
Ashteroth = "star" ==>
evangelistic name
in the heavenlies + female goddess
{Info on this false
"goddess" is available at
Karnaim = "2 horns" ==> the larger
pastoral horn and the smaller teacher horn (Daniel 8:3)
==> An evangelistic endowment
overtaken by the 2 "female" ministries and turned into a tool that
exalts the female soul (Ashteroth) ==> Evangelistic greatness gone
feminine and
Amoritely self-exalting
Zuzims = "roving creatures" ==>
arbitrariness, lack of foundation
Ham = "hot" ==> emotionalism
==> An apostolic endowment that
judgements that shift arbitrarily according to emotional
convenience, with no respect for objective logic ==> Apostolic
goneCanaanite mad
===> This is what the
pastoral matriarchy distorts the
Arioch Lion Face into
==> A misused prophetic endowment that
ironically strips people of their
uniqueness, reducing them to
Girgashite commonality through forcible equality, creating 2 groups
of people, the elite and the masses
Elparan: from el = "ram" &
= "place of caverns"
Horite: from hur = "cave"
"Cave dweller" <== speaks of backwardness
Isaiah 42:22: people robbed and spoilt,
snared in holes (hur), hidden in prison houses for a prey and
none delivers, for a spoil and none says "Restore"
Isaiah 11:8:
When things are restored, the
child will play over the hole (hur) of the cobra, and the weaned child will put his hand on the adder's den
Cobra: from
pethen: from a word
meaning "to twist"
Adder: from a word meaning "to extrude"
The Canaanite cobra is a
nursing spirit of
dependence that seduces you to become dependent on emotional ties that
twist the truth to your emotions' content; the Canaanite cobra prompts
you to play with the truth
The Girgashite adder is a spirit of
involuntary thoughts that are pushed out onto other people
without much forethought; these thoughts are no longer tied to a logic
that is yours and well-developed; the Girgashite adder turns you into a
mindless automaton that leans on (i.e.- lays his hand on) traditions
learned from others without much questioning
From Seir unto Elparan:
Seir = "hairy" <== the
quest for
covering, but it is the hairy covering of an animal
... the glory of men covered (1 Corinthians 11:7) ... hairy
"cavemen" living a lower level of existence
<== ram (el) <== the
pastoral-matriarchy ram of Daniel 8:3-4
<== paran: from
beautify, to glorify, to adorn" <== the "adorning" Canaanite
pastor in search of human glory
By the wilderness
Wilderness = midbar: can mean
"pasture" <== a pastoral atmosphere
midbar can refer to large
tracts of wilderness around cities <== backwardness
<== the pastoral and teacher endowments
distorted to the point that they turn men into backward "cave
dwellers" who are ruled by an elite oligarchy that exercises
dominion through
twisted emotionalism and not truth
<=== This is what the pastoral
matriarchy distorts the
Tidal Man Face into
Rephaims in
Ashteroth Karnaim
Amraphel of
Dominated by the "female"
ministries and exalting the "female" soul (Ashteroth)
Zuzims in
Arioch of
Passing distorted paradigms
down through genetically-sick generations
Emims in
Shaveh Kiriathaim
Chedorlaomer of
Forcing everyone into a
simplistic equality that creates 2 castes, a caste of
"elites" and a caste of powerless masses
Horites in
Seir, unto Elparan, by the wilderness
Tidal of
Turning people into backward
cave dwellers with an elite class that rules through
emotional distortions of the truth
The 14th year
The number "14"
speaks of a non-manifested remnant
∴ The 14th
year speaks of an awareness that the remnant
are not manifested and that something has to be done to make them
manifest in plain view (i.e.- to reach the "17th"
year); that is why the 5 kings were rebelling and the 4
kings went after them to defeat them.
God willing, we will continue studying Genesis 14 in
a future posting ...