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Questions & Answers

The Canaanite hunt

First posted: February 7, 2012




Thank you for the articles on the 7 [evil] spirits. Can you tell me why there are only 7 when there were 11 descendants of Canaan?


[The 11 descendants of Canaan are listed in Genesis 10:15-18]





Unlike with other questions, the answer to this question is being given as a combination of a video and a basic outline. If you wish, you may scroll down the outline as you are watching the video. You may show or hide the video by clicking on the button below:






Genesis 10:15

"And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth" (Genesis 10:15)

Sidon his firstborn

The name "Sidon" literally means "hunting"


Sidon is highlighted as the "firstborn", and is first in the list


∴ The list of Canaan's sons in Genesis 10:15-18 denotes the "spiritual roadmap" that the Canaanite spirit (of addictions and low passions) uses to hunt people down and have them under its control

==> Sidon denotes the "theme" of the list



Heth points to the Hittite spirit, since the word "Hittite" literally means "son of Heth"


Heth is prominently featured as a single individual (not a group) at the top of the list, alongside Sidon


The name "Heth" literally means terror, which, in a negative sense, speaks of dark, sinister forces


As we have studied before, Hittite spirits are spirits of deceit that target people's emotions and under stealth tactics


∴ Heth indicates how the agents depicted in the rest of the list operate under a dark and sinister left-handed hidden agenda that targets the emotions and uses deceit as its main technique

==> Heth denotes the "overriding strategy" used by the agents in the list



Genesis 10:16

"And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite" (Genesis 10:16)

Notice how the rest of the descendants in the list are not referred to by individual names but rather by "tribal names"

==> The rest of the list delineates the agents that work to fully ensnare a person under the Canaanite spirit

The Jebusite

As we have shared before, the Jebusite spirit is an enforcer of laws that are birthed in the soul and not the Spirit


The Jebusite spirit is a legalistic spirit that places external pressure on people to make them conform to laws and principles that originate from an Amorite king


The Jebusite spirit is a distortion of the apostolic ministry of judgements


∴ The Jebusite spirit points to the pressure exerted by a societal group or subgroup in order to force those within its sphere of influence to accept laws that they may initially not be comfortable with

==> The first thing that the Canaanite spirit does is to reshape the laws in your mind in order to remove any moral or conscientious objection you may have to the things that the Canaanite spirit is trying to get you to do

The Jebusite spirit tries to redefine your concept of "right" and "wrong" by pointing to those around you and saying,

"If everyone around you believes this to be true, then it must be true; besides, you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb and bear all the conflictive consequences of thinking differently, do you?"


The Jebusite spirit twists your judgements to fit soul parameters rather than Spirit parameters


∴ The Canaanite spirit uses the Jebusite spirit to break down your moral scruples and to deceive you into accepting false laws


Through its Jebusite agents, the Canaanite spirit deceives you by using "right-handed" reasoning, appealing to your logical side and thus causing you to think that you are acting rationally and not emotionally


The Amorite

As we have shared before, the Amorite spirit is a spirit of unrighteous conquest


The Amorite spirit is one of unrighteous opportunism that takes advantage of every chance it has to further its own, self-glorifying ends; the Amorite spirit does things "because it can"


∴ The Amorite spirit appeals to your sense of conquest and causes you to purse the thrills of being able to do things that you know are not right


The Amorite spirit is a spirit of fornication that "objectifies" people, turning them into mere objects that it throws away after it has extracted all the benefit it can from them


∴ The Canaanite spirit uses its Amorite agents to erode your ability to recognise the intangible, personal value of others, prompting you to see them as mere objects that can provide you some sort of gratification or benefit


Through its Amorite agents, the Canaanite spirit deceives you into seeing everything and everyone as a means to a self-serving end


The Girgashite

As we have shared before, the Girgashite spirit is, ironically enough, a "de-spiritualising" spirit that causes people to deny the reality of the invisible realm and to focus on the natural, visible realm


The Girgashite spirit causes people to become oblivious to the spiritual transcendence or implications of one's actions


The Girgashite spirit is time-centric, meaning that it focuses on the visible now and ignores the invisible, eternal future


The prophetic anointing is the one that propels people to "sow" a sacrifice in order to reap an eternal reward that may come a long time down the road, and the Girgashite spirit is the prophetic endowment's "archenemy"


∴ The Canaanite spirit uses its Girgashite agents to desensitise you as to the spiritual nature of what it is prompting you to do. You no longer see the invisible spiritual barriers that could be transgressed, and you fail to see the spiritual nature in yourself and in others. You also become incapable of perceiving the long-term consequences of the actions you are being prompted to carry out

==> The Girgashite agents are used to deceive you into seeing things from a 2-dimensional, surface perspective only


Disabling the right side first

As you can see, these 3 spirits form the right side of the triangle of evil:


These 3 evil spirits are a distortion of the right-handed apostolic and teacher endowments, as well as a distortion of the evangelistic endowment


The enemy first targets your mind with seemingly "right-handed" reasoning, just as it did with the woman in the Garden of Eden


Even though the Canaanite agents sound "right-handed" at first, they are always operating under a hidden left-handed agenda; this is why Heth is at the top of the list alongside Sidon, disguising the entire strategy



Genesis 10:17

"And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite" (Genesis 10:17)

The Hivite

As we have shared before, the Hivite spirit is a spirit of self-indulgence that prompts people to isolate themselves in "pleasure islands"


The Hivite spirit prompts people to believe that "the world is their oyster" and that the universe was created for the purpose of pleasing them


∴ The Canaanite spirit uses its Hivite agents to envelop you in islands of hedonistic self-indulgence


After the Jebusite, Amorite, and Girgashite agents have torn down the right-handed wall in your mind, the Hivite agents come to engulf you in the "pleasures" that the Canaanite spirit was prompting you into; that is when you first become trapped in the Canaanites' net


The Hivite agents are used to deceive you into a sense of entitlement over the Canaanite actions you are indulging in


The Hivite agents deceive you into thinking that "it is all about you"


The sad thing is that, by the time you are in the Hivite stage, you have already accepted false Jebusite laws in your mind, you have Amoritely turned people into mere "means to an end", and you have Girgashitely renounced to both your spiritual nature and the spiritual nature of others; that is why whatever pleasure you experience at the Hivite stage becomes so meaningless and self-degrading


The Arkite

The word "Arkite" literally means "gnawing", and is derived from another word meaning "tush"


As indicated on, the word "tush" refers to a canine tooth, especially one of a horse


As some of you may know, dogs can be animals full of "urges", especially certain breeds; many dogs, for example, cannot control their urge to chew up shoes and certain furniture, and some become very excited, barking uncontrollably at the smell of food


∴ The "gnawing" and the canine tooth called "tush" all point to "dogs", which in turn point to the Canaanite spirit of low passions


The word "gnawing" has the connotation of something that persists and will not go away


In the Arkite stage, the person is enveloped by and overflowing with Canaanite soul urges

==> The Arkites enable the acting out of Canaanite urges
==> The Arkites represents the Canaanite spirit being acted upon with "faithful" frequency

It is at this stage that the Canaanite spirit can say that "it has you" and can officially call you a "member of the Canaanite family"


The Sinite

The "Sinites" were people of "Sin". The derivation of "Sin" is somewhat uncertain. It is strongly believed, however, that the Sinites are the progenitors of the Chinese race.  There is multiple evidence supporting this:

As indicated on, the Greeks and Arabs at one time referred to China as "Sin".


Many of the early traders with the Scythians were known as the "Sinæ" and had a capital at Thinæ, in what is now the north-central province of  Shaanxi (陝西) in China. As indicated on, the Silk Road began at this province's capital city, which was also known as Siang-Fu, meaning "Father Sin", and is known as Xi'an today (西安, pronounced "Shi-an"). As indicated on, the area around this city is where the first capital city of China was established when the Qin Dynasty unified China under one government for the first time, around the 3rd Century B.C. In fact, the infamous Terracota Army is located in Xi'an.


Even though this happened in a "roundabout" way, the name "Sin" is associated with China, even to this day. That is why we speak of "Sino-American relations", for example, when referring to relations between China and America. The modern association between "Sin" and "China" is derived from "Qin" (秦), the name of the Dynasty, which, is actually pronounced "Tsin" in Mandarin.


China, as a culture, has many positive aspects, but it also has some negative aspects. As we have shared before, China has a strong influence of the poor-villager Perizzite spirit.


As we have shared before, the Perizzite spirit is an "isolating" spirit that traps you in a village of little vision and hope; therefore, it is not surprising that China went through a long period of severe isolation, even despite its large size, its well-developed civilisation, and its potential influence on world events


∴ The Sinites here represent the Perizzite agents that swarm into your life after you have yielded to and immersed yourself in the "uncontrollable urges" of the Arkite agents


Wherever Perizzite spirits abound, chronic poverty eventually follows

==> After you become fully immersed in the Canaanite addiction, a cloud of poverty sets in, a cloud in which you become increasingly isolated and under which you lose all sense of vision and hope for the future

This is why regions dominated by Canaanite attitudes tend to develop large pockets of perennial poverty where people have little hope for the future


The "Arkite" is surrounded by the "Hivite" and the "Sinite"

The Hivite represents the "rich villager" spirit


The Sinite represents the Perizzite spirit, which in turn points to the "poor villager" spirit


Notice, therefore, how, when you come under the full influence of the Canaanite spirit in the Arkite spirit, you become enclosed by the 2 village spirits

==> You become enclosed in a downward cycle of Hivite self-indulgence and Perizzite blindness and hopelessness



Genesis 10:18

"And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad" (Genesis 10:18)

The Arvadite

The word "Arvad" literally means "I shall break loose" and is derived from the word ruwd meaning "to wander restlessly, to roam"


Interestingly enough, Arvad was a city-island near Sidon (the name of Canaan's firstborn)


∴ Once you become trapped in the Hivite-Arkite-Sinite cycle, you break from the anchors that tie you down to a sober and well-grounded life, and you become an aimless wanderer, a person with no sense of purpose or direction


This is why many people who are trapped in Canaanite addictions feel literally called to leave their homes and wander aimlessly as homeless people. Even when you help them to return to a bit of normality and escape from their state of poverty and hopelessness, such people are often tempted to return to their aimless, wandering ways for no reason at all, even if it means returning to depressing poverty.


The Zemarite

The word "Zemarite" is derived from "Zemaraim", which literally means "double woolens"


To understand the meaning of the "double woolens", we must meditate on the following passage:

"36 And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said, 37 Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor; and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said. 38 And it was so: for he rose up early on the morrow, and thrust the fleece together, and wringed the dew out of the fleece, a bowl full of water. 39 And Gideon said unto God, Let not thine anger be hot against me, and I will speak but this once: let me prove, I pray thee, but this once with the fleece; let it now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all the ground let there be dew. 40 And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground." (Judges 6:36-40)


Both fleeces speak of the Christ's visitation on the Earth. The first fleece speaks of how the Anointed one appears imbued with the dew of God's anointing in the midst of a spiritually dry land. The second fleece speaks of how the Anointed one is willing to "bleed himself" dry so that others may participate in the anointing that is in him/her.


The "double woolens" of Zemaraim point to a similar process, but only with a negative outcome. The first woolen, the moistened woolen, speaks of the Canaanite immersed in the "pleasures" of his Canaanite behaviour. The second woolen, the dry woolen, speaks of the state of extreme and pathetic dryness that the Canaanite ends up in at the end of his road; this dryness is so extreme that it makes those surrounding him seem imbued in "moisture". As opposed to the Anointed one's dryness in Judges 6:40, the Canaanite's dryness is not a voluntary one; it is not one accepted in sacrifice in order to liberate others. Instead, it is a curse of dryness imposed upon someone who pursued "waters" to an unrighteous extreme.


The Hamathite

The word "Hamath" literally means "fortress" and is derived from the Hebrew word chowmah meaning "wall"; chowmah is generally used in Scripture to refer to city walls; in ancient times, the city's walls acted as a source of military protection from attackers


 ∴ In a negative sense, Hamath speaks of an Alcatraz prison that walls you in and prevents you escaping to freedom


At this stage, you have become a full-fledged slave of the Canaanite spirit, and you have become another successful catch in its "Sidon" hunting expedition


And "afterwards were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad"

Canaan is the only one whose descendants are described as being "spread abroad" in Genesis 10

==> Because of their "contagious" nature, Canaanites are the ones most "naturally" prone to spreading and contaminating vast areas; this is why Canaanite cultures in the world vastly outnumber the cultures of Shem or Japheth

This phrase at the end of verse 18 illustrates that the descendants of Genesis 10:15-18 illustrate the path through which the Canaanite spirit hunts down more and more souls and enlarges her queendom, all in an effort to detain the spread of the "male" Spirit's kingdom on Earth


Descendant Evil spirit Category Description
Sidon   Theme The theme is to hunt you down and enslave you to the Canaanite matriarchy and enlarge the soul's queendom
Heth Hittite Tactic The overriding tactic is one of deceit that will eventually envelop you in dark terror
Jebusite Jebusite Breaking down your "right" wall Soulish laws are imposed on your mind
Amorite Amorite You become an opportunist who sees others as mere means to further your own ends
Girgashite Girgashite You are desensitised to the spiritual nature of your actions
Hivite Hivite Enclosing you in Canaanite delight You are enclosed in a self-indulgent island in which you think that the world exists to please you
Arkite Canaanite You become like a dog loaded with uncontrollable urges, gnawing and gnawing without ever being satisfied, feeling emptier the more you "eat"
Sinite Perizzite You are enclosed in a pathetic state of chronic poverty and desperate hopelessness
Arvadite   Consequences You become an aimless, restless wanderer incapable of living out a well-grounded, productive life
Zemarite   You go from being "exceedingly wet" with happiness to "tragically dry"
Hamathite   You become trapped in an Alcatraz prison, and you become another notch in Canaanite Sidon's belt