Prophetic word for today
Terri Schiavo
First posted: March 30, 2005
Word received: March 2005
Received by: Shamah-Elim Bible Studies
As you may already
know, America and the world has been paying close attention to the case of
Theresa Marie Schiavo, a woman who has been in what some call a "Permanent
Vegetative State" for 15 years. Her disability was caused by a massive
heart attack in 1990 that caused permanent damage to her brain due to oxygen
depletion. A 1996 CAT-scan (shown on the Fox News Channel) reveals that 80% of her brain had been
Michael Schiavo,
Terri Schiavo's husband, says that Terri would not have wanted to live in the
state she is in, but her parents have fought him tooth and nail in an effort to
keep their daughter alive at all costs. As you all may know, Terri Schiavo's
feeding tube was removed on March 18, 2005, and her parents have used every legal
recourse available to have the tube reinserted, but all the judges who have heard the case have decided to
uphold the initial court order to remove the feeding tube so that she may starve to
The Republican
majority in the U.S. Congress, President George W. Bush, and Florida Governor
Jeb Bush, have all tried to use their executive and legislative power in an
effort to overturn the judicial decision so that the tube may be reinserted, all to
no avail.
Meanwhile, pro-life
Christian activists have been protesting in front of the hospice in Pinellas,
Florida where Terri Schiavo has been, demanding that the tube be reinserted. Millions of believers have been
in prayer in an effort to get God to convince the judges and politicians to
insert the tube. The franciscan monk who acts as the "spiritual
counselor" for Terri's catholic parents has repeatedly pleaded for mercy,
asking the powers that be to stop what he considers to be a "cruel"
and unfair treatment against Theresa.
Two days ago (Monday,
March 28,
2005), an 8.7 earthquake on the Richter scale hit Indonesia once again. The
powerful quake shook the Banda Aceh province, near the epicenter of the December
26 tsunami that killed a quarter of a million people. According to Fox News
reports, some 2,000 seem to have died in Indonesia as a result of the March 28 earthquake.
This is the
prophetic interpretation:
Many of you might be
familiar with the popular evangelical bumper stickers that say "WWJD?",
which is an acronym for the question "What would Jesus do?". While
many believers proudly display these bumper stickers on their cars, it seems as
if the Church in general has changed the question to "WWIWJD?",
in other words, to
"What would I want Jesus to do?"
Why? Because no one
seems to go to the Source in order to ask Him what He wants us to do. Under the
Spirit's anointing, brother Paul wrote the following:
ye followers of me,
even as I also am of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1)
The word
"follower" is a mistranslation of the Greek word mimetes, which
literally means "imitator", and is the word from which the English
word "mimic" is derived. Therefore, the verse above should really say,
"Be ye mimickers
of me, even as I also am of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1)
The question
"What would Jesus do?" implicitly expresses a desire to "mimic
Jesus", and the verse above declares that one of the ways to "mimic Jesus" is by
emulating what those who are obedient to Him
have done and are doing. As we study someone's behavior in the Spirit, the Holy
Spirit will give us testimony as to whether or not that person is a
"mimicker of Jesus". This is why Jesus said the following:
I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath
given me to finish, the
same works that I do, bear witness of me,
that the Father hath sent me. 37And the Father himself, which hath
sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye
have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
38And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him
ye believe not." (John 5:36-38)
thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak
unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the
works. 11Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or
else believe me for the very works’ sake." (John
In order to truly
know what Jesus would do in the Terri Schiavo situation, let us see what the
believers who lived around Jesus' days on Earth did in a somewhat similar
situation, and let us see how God responded to their behavior...
Escape from Herodtraz
Acts chapter 12, the Holy Spirit inspired Luke the physician to write the
about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the
church. 2And he killed James the brother
of John with the sword. 3And because he
saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take
Peter also. (Then were the days
of unleavened bread.) 4And when he had
apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of
soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people." (Acts 12:1-4)
word "Easter" in verse 4 is a mistranslation of the Greek word pascha,
which is derived from the Hebrew word pasach meaning "to pass
over". In other words, verse 4 should say "Passover" instead of
"Easter". The name "Easter" is derived from "Ishtar", the Assyrian version of "Ashtoreth", the principal female deity of the Phoenicians; "Ashtoreth" was the goddess of war and fertility. The
"Easter bunny" and the "Easter eggs" are derived from a pagan ritual in honor of this goddess of fertility. As spring approached, the pagan cultures would celebrate the fertility of the land with ceremonies that involved this bunny and the eggs. The
post-Primitive Church, as always, decided to mingle these traditions with Passover Week in order to make Christianity more palatable to the pagans.
Therefore, every time you say
"Easter", you are actually uttering the name of a pagan goddess.]
Notice that brother
James was killed and was not saved from death, while Peter was
imprisoned. This shows a spiritual principle: under intense spiritual attack
from Amorites like
Herod, some
are meant by God to die while others are meant
to be imprisoned:
also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets
and apostles, and some of
them they shall slay and
persecute:" (Luke 11:49)
we have said before,
this verse illustrates that the prophetic anointing causes us to be "killed"
while the apostolic anointing causes us to be "persecuted". In
a sense, a person under "persecution" is an "imprisoned"
person, because he or she is constantly forced to hide in dark and uncomfortable
places in order to escape his or her persecutors (1 Samuel 22:1-7).]
that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
he that killeth with the sword must be killed with
the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of
the saints" (Revelation 13:10)
When Peter was imprisoned, notice what the believers' reaction was:
therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made
without ceasing of the church unto God for him." (Acts 12:5)
that the believers did not decide to go out on the streets and demand that
Peter's case be heard by the "federal Roman judge" in Jerusalem. The
believers did not demand that the Roman Senate pass a law prohibiting such
unfair imprisonments. They did not even pray for God to touch the hearts of the
Roman Senators or judges so that Peter would be let go!!! They were praying to
God, asking GOD, not man,
not Congress, not the 11th district federal court, to act on behalf of Peter!!!
Were the believers of
Peter's day right in acting like this? To know the answer, we have to read what
God did in response to the prayer mentioned in verse 5:
when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping
between two soldiers,
bound with two chains:
and the keepers before the door kept the prison.
7And, behold, the angel of the Lord came
upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he
smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his
chains fell off from his hands. 8And the angel said unto him, Gird
thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so he did.
And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. 9And
he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by
the angel; but thought he saw a vision.
10When they were past the first and the
second ward, they came unto the iron
gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to
them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and
forthwith the angel departed from him.
11And when Peter was come to himself, he
said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath
delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the
people of the Jews." (Acts 12:6-11)
This passage is a
prophetic figure of how those with the Spirit
of Philadelphia will be liberated
in these latter days from the imprisonment imposed on them by the religious
structures. God willing, we will study the many powerful spiritual principles in
this passage in a future article. For now, let us list the physical hurdles that
Peter had to overcome in order to be free:
- Two soldiers and two chains
- The keepers before the door
- The first guard and the second guard
- The iron gate
of these very real hurdles were overcome as God intervened supernaturally
to get Peter physically out of the prison. The events were so surreal and unfamiliar
to Peter's soul that he thought that he was having a vision. It was only until
the angel departed
and he was completely out of the prison that he realized it had not been a
"vision" (v9, 11). Notice that Peter was obedient in following the
angel, even when the whole incident was foreign to his natural understanding.
Did he ask the angel for some ID before following him? Obviously not, because
Peter's spirit immediately recognized the angel's spirit, even when his soul did
not know what was going on.
Peter was finally all the way out, notice what he said (v11). He didn't say,
"I want to thank the Roman legal system for getting me out of hot
water!" or "I want to thank the brothers and sisters who protested
non-stop outside my jail so that I could be free". He said, "Surely
I know that the Lord has sent His angel and that He has delivered
me out of the hand of Herod and from the religious leaders among my people".
Knock, knock; he is there?
Peter's liberation
was so unfamiliar to the natural soul that even those who were praying for him
did not expect God to respond to them in such a way:
when he had considered the thing, he came to the house of Mary the mother of
John, whose surname was Mark; where many were gathered together praying. 13And
as Peter knocked at
the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken,
named Rhoda. 14And when she
knew Peter’s voice, she opened not the gate for gladness,
but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate. 15And they
said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly
affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is
his angel. 16But Peter
continued knocking: and when they had opened the
door, and saw him, they were astonished. 17But he, beckoning unto
them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how
the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he
said, Go shew these things unto James, and to the brethren.
And he departed, and
went into another place." (Acts 12:12-17)
Notice that sister
Rhoda did not have to see who was knocking
at the door in order to know who it was. By just hearing him, she knew
that it was Peter. This shows that Rhoda recognized Peter in her spirit.
She did not need "natural-soul"
evidence to know that it was Peter. Obviously, the natural soul would have
considered it impossible for Peter to be the one knocking. Yet, she didn't
even bother to open the door to make sure that it really was Peter!!! She was so
overcome with joy that she ran in to tell the others, while Peter continued
waiting at the door.
Ironically, all the
brothers and sisters who had gathered for the explicit purpose of praying
for brother Peter did not believe that it was Peter who was knocking at the
door. Why? Because they were expecting God to liberate Peter in some way that
was familiar to their natural soul. They found Peter's presence at the
door to be so unfamiliar that they even began to sing Patsy Cline's song
"Crazy" at sister Rhoda (v15).
Notice how the Holy
Spirit points out in verse 13 that Rhoda was a "damsel". The
word "damsel" was translated from the Greek word paidiske,
which is the diminutive of the word pais meaning "child (boy or
girl)" or "servant". In other words, paidiske could
be translated as "little girl" or "little servant". Rhoda
was obviously a very young lady, possibly in her teens, who did not belong to
society's ruling class. Here, we have another example of how people who are
supposed to move in the spirit are unwilling to accept the message because they
refuse to discern the spiritual authority inside the messenger. In a sense,
Rhoda was the "angel" that God sent to them in order to inform them of
Peter's freedom. However, they did not receive the young "angel", and
even called her "crazy", just as Jehu's fellow captains called the
young prophet "crazy" in 2
Kings chapter 9.
Angel Peter
The fact that Peter
was forced to stand at the door while the crowd of believers inside continued
with their faithlessness is once again a prophetic figure of how natural-soul
believers are inhospitable to
angels. Notice how they even said, "It can't be Peter; it must be his angel"
(v15), but, interestingly enough, even the possibility that it was "Peter's
angel" did not induce them to go open the door!!! Peter had to keep on
knocking until they finally opened.
Notice that when
Peter entered, he emphasized that it was the Lord
who brought him out of prison (v17). The Holy Spirit did not even bother to
report any "thanksgiving" to the brethren on Peter's part. Peter did
not say, "I want to thank you all for having prayed for me. It was through
your prayers that I was released". Why? Because Peter was at that moment in
"angel mode". As we have said
before, angels
are like "soulless spirits" who do not engage in "soul
communion". Angels don't visit you to have a "chat" with you.
Angels are messengers who have a specific message to give. Angels are like the
pizza delivery guy, who visits you for the specific purpose of delivering a
pizza; he does not go in and eat a slice of pizza with you and strike up a long,
warm conversation. This is why the angel who liberated Peter did not stick
around to chat with Peter. Once Peter was completely out of the prison, the
angel simply departed (v10). In the same way, once Peter finished confronting
the "believers' unbelief" over his liberation, he did not stick
around to eat a celebration dinner with the brethren. The Lord clearly declares
that Peter simply "departed, and went into another place" (v17). Peter
could not let down his "spirit guard" and have soul communion with
people who were still hesitant to believe in the strange acts of the spirit,
even when they had invested of their own time to pray for him.
Notice also how Peter
charged them to tell James about the matter (v17). There is a hidden
message in this. The name of the brother who was killed by Herod prior to
arrest was also "James" (v1). The James who died was "the brother
of John", and, as we have said before, the name "John"
is spiritually related to the prophetic ministry.
As we have also said
prophets are the kamikaze squad in God's army who are not afraid to lay
down their lives. This is why James, the brother of John,
was called by God to lay down his life in sacrifice. God did not rescue James
from death, because that is what God called him to do. By sending the brethren
to tell the other "James" that Peter had been rescued, God was saying
the following:
are Jameses whom I will rescue, and there other Jameses whom I will not
rescue. I am the One who makes the call. Even if you had prayed until you were
blue in the face, I would not have rescued James the brother of John, because I
had decreed that he would die, and even when I did want you to pray for
Peter, I rescued him in a way that your stubborn souls had not expected. I am
the Lord your God".
It is useless to pray for the "Jameses, brothers of John", and those who do
are opposing God and do not know God.
The question is not, "What would I want Jesus to do?" The question is
"What would Jesus do?". A similar question we should ask is "What
would Jesus have me do?"
Powerless fools
heart is filled with anger as I watch preacher after preacher parading on TV demanding
that Terri Schiavo's tube be reinserted. My heart is filled with anger as I
watch believers on TV who are kneeling and intensely praying to God so that He
may touch the judges' hearts. I even heard a minister angrily shouting to the
supporters in front of the hospice that the Republican politicians who refused
to save Terri Schiavo were going to pay in the next elections. He said that they
would "feel the wrath" of the people. How pathetic!!! How
nonsensical!!! When I heard such a comment, I said to myself, "What are you
all going to do now? Vote for the liberal, pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality
Democrats in the next elections?" Talk about shooting blanks!!! All that
this "reverend" could threaten the politicians with was the "wrath of the people
in the voting booths". If this man sincerely believes that God wants Terri
to live, why didn't he threaten them with the "wrath of God"? Why
didn't he speak of God's spiritual judgments coming down upon these politicians
in a supernatural way? He didn't do any of this because he does not believe that
such things would come to pass. He is afraid to assert that God would strike
these people with mortal diseases and accidents because his faith does not reach
that far. Besides, he does not really know in his heart if God really
considers these men worthy of such treatment, even though the claim that these
men are "mercilessly murdering" Terri Schiavo would definitely make
them worthy of such a treatment from God.
Why doesn't any of
these hotshot ministers stand up in front of the hospice and pray for Terri
Schiavo to be supernaturally healed? Why don't they pray for Terri's
80%-liquefied brain to suddenly be healed and for her to suddenly begin talking
and recognizing people? Why doesn't any of these men ask police to let them in
in order to pray for Terri and heal her? Wouldn't that end all the controversy?
Wouldn't that glorify God more than a court decision ordering the tube to be
reinserted? Any well-organized activist group without supernatural power
can work in the flesh in order to get a court order reversed. There would be
nothing "awesome" or "miraculous" about that!!! Yet, these
hotshot fools persist in dragging God's name through the Girgashite
mud, making claims in His Name that God never called them to make,
making a mockery out of God's Name in the eyes of unbelievers with an inherent
fear of what they call "zealous, religious radicals" who want to impose
their faith on others through legislation.
We have seen what the
Primitive Church did when Peter was imprisoned. None of them tried to organize
a "special operations squad" that would storm the prison and snatch
Peter out. None of them tried to take Peter's case through the Roman court
system in an effort to get the Romans to release Peter (by the way, the court
system used throughout the Western Hemisphere was built on the model implanted
by the Romans; the Romans were very law-and-order oriented, as can be seen from
multiple passages in the New Testament). The believers did not paint signs and
storm the streets in a massive effort to get Peter liberated. They simply
gathered inside the house of Mary, mother of John Mark (and possibly in other
houses) to pray for God to do something. When Peter came out of prison,
there was no one who could take the credit but God. No court injunction could
take the credit, no attorney could take the credit, no federal judge could take
the credit, no state governor could take the credit, no Congress could take the
credit, no president could take the credit. It became obvious that God and God
alone had done this, and no one could deny it, even the "unbelieving
believers" who called Rhoda "crazy".
If people want to
know what Jesus would have done, all they have to do is see what the Jesus
inside the Primitive-Church believers did.
Pathetic victors
can most definitely assure you, fellow believer, that the crowds of "prayer
warriors" in front of the Florida hospice would have shouted "Mission
accomplished!!" the minute after the tube had been reinserted.
They would have leapt for joy and would have gone on TV saying that the tube's
reinsertion was "proof" that God does answer prayer! They would
have then returned to their regularly-scheduled, religiously-dead lives. How
pathetic! How shameful! How lame!
When Jesus raised
Lazarus from the dead, Lazarus did not wake up in a semi-vegetative state,
unable to walk, unable to talk, unable to think for himself. Can you imagine Yeshua saying, "Yes, he is a vegetable, but I
brought him back to life, didn't I?"
people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they
came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he
had raised from the dead. 10But
the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death; 11Because
that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus." (John 12:9-11)
Do you think that
people would have praised God and "believed on Jesus" (v11) had they
seen a semi-comatose Lazarus who had to be carried around on a stretcher?
Lazarus had been dead for 4 days, and all of you know what happens to a dead body after 4 days. Wouldn't 4 days of decomposition be a "bigger
challenge" to overcome than what happened to Terri Schiavo? Reinserting the
feeding tube would have been an embarrassment to God more than a victory, but I
can assure you that most believers would have been more than satisfied
with such a result.
If I were living
around Pinellas Park, Florida, and I knew in my knower that God wanted Terri
Schiavo to live, I would not leave that place until the woman could stand up and
say, "Jesus healed me and made me whole", even if the tube had
been reinserted!!! Where are the tenacious Elishahs and Peters who just wouldn't
let "well enough" alone? Where are they, I ask? Where are they?
Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but
there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and
told him, saying, The child
is not awaked. 32And
when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the
child was dead, and laid
upon his bed. 33He
went in therefore, and shut
the door upon them twain,
and prayed unto the LORD.
34And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his
mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he
stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm. 35Then
he returned, and walked in
the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him:
and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. 36And
he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he called her. And
when she was come in unto him, he said, Take up thy son.
37Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the
ground, and took up her son, and went out." (2 Kings 4:31-37)
forasmuch as Lydda was nigh
to Joppa, and the disciples
had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he
would not delay to come to them. 39Then Peter arose and went with
them. When he was come, they
brought him into the upper chamber:
and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments
which Dorcas made, while she was with them. 40But Peter
put them all forth, and kneeled
down, and prayed;
and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and
when she saw Peter, she sat up. 41And he
gave her his hand, and lifted her up,
and when he had called the saints and widows, presented
her alive. 42And
it was known throughout all Joppa; and many
believed in the Lord." (Acts 9:38-42)
how Peter kicked everyone out of the room (v40). No amount of soap-opera
sentimentalism and weeping was going to bring Tabitha back!! The work had to be
done in the Spirit, not in the soul.]
The "Jesus" treatment?
that Peter's imprisonment and liberation in Acts chapter 12 happened around
Passover. God made sure that the Terri Schiavo "incident" would reach
its climax around Passover as well for a reason: to reveal the Church's non-understanding
of what He did at Golgotha!!!
I have heard and read
believer after believer equating Terri's situation with what Jesus suffered at
Calvary. One religious minister who is
closely involved in the case said on TV that the police force surrounding the
hospice were keeping Terri's supporters away from Terri, just as the Roman
soldiers had kept Jesus' supporters away from Jesus. Such a comparison between
Terri's case and Jesus sounds very "poetic" and
"convincing", yet there are two major problems with it. One of
the problems is that Jesus did not want the disciples near Him when He
was arrested and crucified. He was not longing for Peter, James, John,
and all the others to be by His side, giving Him "moral support" as
He suffered. The Scriptures make that very, very clear:
answered, I have told you that I am he: if
therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:
9That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which
thou gavest me have I lost none. 10Then Simon
Peter having a sword drew it,
and smote the high priest’s
servant, and cut off his
right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. 11Then said Jesus unto
Peter, Put up thy sword
into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? 12Then
the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him," (John 18:8-12)
answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if
my kingdom were of this world,
then would my servants
fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews:
but now is my kingdom not from hence" (John 18:36)
Does it sound like
Jesus wanted "His supporters" to stand outside the courthouse,
shouting and demanding for Jesus to be liberated? Did Yeshua congratulate Simon
Peter for his heroic effort to save Him from His suffering? No, because Simon
Peter was brave enough to fight using human means, but not brave enough to
battle in the Spirit. Had Simon been in the Spirit, he would have understood
that it was God's will for Jesus to suffer and die. He wanted Jesus to live, and
he was willing to fight using earthly means in order to see his personal
wish concerning Jesus fulfilled. He never sat down to ask God, "God, do
you really want Jesus to die? That doesn't make sense to me. I thought He was
supposed to become king and rule over Israel? How is He going to do that if you
allow Him to die?" Even when Jesus called Simon Peter
"satan" (Matthew 16:23) on the day when he was trying to convince
Jesus that He shouldn't die, Simon Peter refused to accept Jesus' death.
The second problem
with the comparison to Jesus' suffering is the fact that Jesus wanted to
die. The people who claim that Terri wants to live are contradicting themselves
when they compare her case to Jesus!!! If they want to make sense, they should
compare her to someone who fought to stay alive, not to a man who did not
fear death and who had the power to save Himself but chose not to:
said Jesus unto him, Put up
again thy sword into his place:
for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. 53 Thinkest
thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more
than twelve legions of angels?
54But how then
shall the scriptures be fulfilled,
that thus it must be?" (Matthew 26:52-54)
Stupid arguments like
the Jesus comparison make it very, very evident that these "ministers"
are not speaking in the Anointing of the Spirit.
Ministerial arrogance
have heard protestors angrily complaining that Florida governor Jeb Bush should
simply send troops to storm the hospice and take Terri away. Doesn't
that sound like what Simon Peter was trying to do when he cut off Malchus' ear?
Besides a clear dependence on the arm of flesh (Jeremiah 17:5), such comments
reveal a very deep and sinister spirit that has ruled the
"Christian" Church for centuries.
Judge after judge
(including Christian judges) who reviewed the case said that the legal evidence
pointed towards Terri Schiavo not wanting to live in her
current condition. The fact that the judicial branch proved to be so
"uncooperative" with Terri's parents prompted them to demand that the
politicians in the executive and legislative branches intervene to stop the
"judicial madness". As all of you may know, judges in the U.S.
government system are removed from political maneuvering. The people who are
appointed as judges are people who have studied law and whose interest is geared
towards the application of law, not towards political notoriety and greatness.
Therefore, the judges in this case represent the people of God who pay attention
to the Law of God in the Spirit and whose sole interest is to see God's justice
On the other hand,
the desire for executive and legislative branch intervention represents the
people in the Church who attribute "superpowers" to full-time
"ministers" and who see in them "kingly
authority". As you may know, kings in ancient times could easily
override any court verdict and impose their wills, using military strength if
necessary. Why? Because, as "kings", they were "sovereign"
and were not accountable to any other human being for their actions. In a
sense, kings, especially the "nastier" ones, were above the law, and
could do whatever they felt like doing. Many believers see "ministers"
inside the Church in a similar way.
"ministers" do not really see themselves as accountable to God's Laws.
What evidence is there to say such a thing? Well, just look at their reaction
when an "average" believer takes out the book of spiritual laws (the
Bible) and starts confronting them about all the spiritual laws that they are
breaking! Their first reaction is:
dare you, plebeian, talk to me like that? Who are you to interpret the book of
spiritual laws, anyway? Who do you think you are? I am Mr. Minister. What title
do you hold?"
In America, any
average citizen can sue a high-ranking politician and even send him to jail if
it can be proven that he broke any law. The high-ranking politician would be
forced to go through a trial and would be judged by a jury made up of 12
"average" citizens. If the jury of "average folks" finds the
politician "guilty", he would not be able to "get off the
hook" on account of his political position, even if he was the President of
the United States!!! The fact that all citizens are accountable before
the law in America is precisely one of the reasons why America can call itself
the "land of the free" and the "home of the brave".
The Church, however,
cannot say that about herself. The Church is divided into two camps: the kingly, full-time
ministers and the plebeian, "non-ministerial" churchgoer. The carnal, Girgashite
is used to seeing the full-time ministers wielding their "spiritual
authority" at will, and they do not "dare" hold the "ministers"
accountable to God's spiritual laws. It is as if the carnal, Girgashite believer
gives "ministers" some sort of "ministerial immunity"
that allows them to stand above the spiritual Law of God. The demands in the Terri
Schiavo case to have the politicians supersede the established law is a physical
reflection of this.
"That's you in there"
is releasing His apostolic
judgments against His Church, and His judgments always expose the hidden roots of sin and iniquity:
Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain
by my sword. 13And
he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy
Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation,
and dry like a wilderness. 14And
flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both
the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their
voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for
he shall uncover the cedar work.
15This is the rejoicing city
that dwelt carelessly, that
said in her heart, I am,
and there is none beside me:
how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every one
that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand." (Zephaniah 2:12-15)
to Zechariah 11:1-3, the "cedar work" in verse 14 is a prophetic
reference to the "work of pastors". The reference to
"Assyria" and to "Nineveh" (Assyria's capital) is a
reference to the spirit
of Assyria which promotes a left-handed Gospel of happiness and blessings.]
wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine
anointed; thou woundedst
the head out of the house of the wicked,
by discovering the
foundation unto the neck.
Selah." (Habakkuk 3:13)
the LORD saith, Because the
daughters of Zion are haughty,
and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they
go, and making a tinkling with their feet: 17Therefore the Lord will
smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD
will discover their secret
parts." (Isaiah 3:16-17)
we have said before, "woman" in Scripture is a figure of the soul
while "man" is a figure of the spirit. Therefore, since
"mount Zion" refers to the Temple of Jerusalem, the "daughters of
Zion" are a prophetic figure of the religious leaders of the Church who
rule her in the soul and who do not allow the Spirit to rule. This is
confirmed by Isaiah 3:11, where Isaiah declares that "women rule
over God's people", and, it is evident (both historically and in the
Spirit) that he was not referring to literal "females".]
God has allowed the
Terri Schiavo spectacle in order to expose the Church's utter
spiritual impotence. The Church has shown itself to be spiritually
incapable of manifesting God's supernatural power. It has shown itself to be
full of believers who are at the mercy of others. If the judges don't do
something, nothing can be done. If the Congressmen don't do something, nothing
can be done. If the governor doesn't do something, nothing can be done. The
Church has shown itself to be as spiritually impaired as Terri Schiavo is
physically impaired. The Church is full of Terri Schiavos who can go
nowhere if no one takes them, can say nothing if no one else says it for them,
and can think nothing if no one else thinks it for them. Without realizing it,
all the believers who are standing in front of the Pinellas Park hospice are
standing in front of a mirror. That is you, in there, stubborn believers. You
are as spiritually dependent as Terri is physically. You are as spiritually
impaired as Terri is physically. The sad thing is that you don't realize it, and
when you do, you refuse to accept it!!! If you accepted it, stubborn
Girgashites, God would heal you, but you are set
in your ways, stubborn as a mule (I say that without meaning to offend the mules).
The woman with the
issue of blood spent all her money on natural means to cure her problem (Luke
8:43), but she at least came to the realization that her ways reached a dead
end. When she humbled herself and was willing to die to her earthly methods, she
found the true solution that not only dealt with her physical problem but also
dealt with the spiritual roots of the problem. On the contrary, you, stubborn
Girgashites, are too proud
to admit your wrongdoing. You are too proud to die to your ways.
Your effort to keep Terri Schiavo alive is a reflection of that unwillingness to
Like Cain, you
continue bringing vegetables as sacrifice,
even when all the evidence points against you. Eventually, you become what you
offer in sacrifice, and that's what you are, spiritual vegetables, just
as Terri's condition has left her a physical vegetable.
You are comfortable
living out a mediocre, religious existence. You have no zeal to manifest the full
potential of your calling. As long as you have a spiritual feeding tube that
allows you to maintain your basic "vital signs", you are satisfied.
You don't care to walk in the authority and dominion of the Spirit. You don't
care to speak in the Anointing of the Spirit. You don't care to think in the
judging authority of the Spirit. As long as you are the member of some lame
congregation (and I mean "lame" in a spiritual sense), and as long as
you perform a few "good works" at church every week, you are
satisfied. As long as you have "daddy minister" to take care of your
"spiritual needs", you don't care to grow in the Spirit yourself. That's why you
wouldn't mind that Terri Schiavo continue living in a dependent, vegetative
state for years on end. You have done it in your spiritual life. Why shouldn't
Terri do it in her physical life?
"Don't take my life"
If you have
read through other articles where we share on the Girgashite spirit, you may have
already concluded by now that the Terri Schiavo case is exposing the Girgashite
of earthliness inside the Church. As we have said before, Girgashites are so
attached to temporality that they develop a terrible fear
of death. Even though Girgashite believers may say with their mouth that
they believe in "resurrection" and an after-life, they act as if they
don't, and they literally "hold on for dear life". Contrast this zeal
for physical existence to what the Scriptures reveal:
to me to live is Christ, and to
die is gain. 22But
if I live in the flesh,
this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23For
I am in a strait betwixt
two, having
a desire to depart, and to be with Christ;
which is far better:
24Nevertheless to abide
in the flesh is more needful for you." (Philippians 1:21-24)
The only reason Paul
saw for "sticking around" was to impart to others in the Spirit. Paul
would never hold on for dear life. He knew this was not "it", but most
believers, especially the pro-feeding-tube believers, are spiritually unaware of
the hope of resurrection:
I would not have you to be
ignorant, brethren,
concerning them which are asleep, that ye
sorrow not, even as others which have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
As we have said
before, Girgashites are like pigs who would rather drown
with their blood inside of them before shedding it in sacrifice. Terri's parents
see Terri as an extension of their life. I have even heard her mother saying,
"She is my life". Therefore, their effort to maintain Terri in
her vegetative state is a selfish effort to save their own life, not
Terri's life. Again, this is evidence of a Girgashite spirit, since Girgashites
are very self-centered
by nature.
If Terri's mother
truly believes in Christ, how can she say that her daughter is "her life". No
one, absolutely no one under the Anointing would ever, ever, ever say
such a thing:
your affection on things above,
not on things on the earth.
3For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4When
Christ, who is our life,
shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." (Colossians 3:2-4)
Obviously, we can
have a deep, abiding affection for certain people, but it should never reach
the point where we feel comfortable with calling the other person "our life".
Verse 4 above clearly declares that Christ is "our life", and,
when we start calling other people "our life", we are saying to God
that someone else has taken His place in our hearts, and our God is a Jealous
God (Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 4:24).
The catholic connection
The strong influence
of the Girgashite spirit that is revealed by the Terri Schiavo spectacle
correlates with the fact that Terri's parents are catholic.
As we have shared in previous articles, the catholic church is known for its
rigid ceremoniousness,
religiosity, focus on tradition,
and focus on religious
all of which points to the Girgashite spirit.
As we have also said before,
the catholic church also has a strong influence of the Jebusite
spirit, which, according to Leviticus
18:21-22, opens the door for the spirit of homosexuality because it erodes
people's "spiritual
manhood". This explains why the franciscan monk who is acting as the
"spiritual counselor" for Terri's parents speaks with such a soft, effeminate
tone. If I heard this man speaking on the phone for the first time without
knowing who he was, his voice inflections and tone would make me think that he
is a homosexual, not an anointed man of God. He might or might not be
homosexual, but his effeminate voice clearly reveals how the Jebusite spirit has
slowly but steadily eroded this man's spiritual authority.
The catholic church
is a matriarchal church, i.e.- a church ruled by the pastoral
matriarchy. From what we have seen before,
this means a strong influence of the Canaanite
spirit; the catholic church is ruled by a Canaanite atmosphere, but under very
rigid Girgashite and Jebusite structures. As we have said before, the Canaanite
spirit leads "ministers" to "adulterous
possession" of the sheep; they become like "serpents"
who long to swallow people up in order to possess them forever, even at the
price of the people's calling in life. This explains the obsessive desire by
Terri's mother to "possess" her daughter's life forever. She does not
care about God's purposes for Terri. Even if God audibly told her to let Terri
go, she would not let go. She would simply deny that it was God's voice.
Her maternal zeal to possess Terri is simply too strong.
The schi-sm
As I meditated and
asked the Lord about the Terri Schiavo case, He brought to my attention the fact
that both the Schiavo and the Schindler last names begin with the
letters "Schi" ("Schindler" is Terri Schiavo's maiden name).
As I thought about this, the Holy Spirit placed the word "Schism"
in my mind, which then brought this passage to my heart:
was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared
sumptuously every day: 20And there was a certain beggar
named Lazarus,
which was laid at his gate, full
of sores, 21And
desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table:
moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22And it came to pass,
that the beggar died,
and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died,
and was buried; 23And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments,
and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24And he cried
and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip
the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this
flame. 25But Abraham said, Son,
remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise
Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26And beside all this, between us and you there
is a great gulf fixed: so
that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to
us, that would come from thence." (Luke 16:19-26)
The word
"gulf" in verse 26 was translated from the Greek word chasma,
and is the word from which the English word "schism" is derived.
Notice how this passage speaks of a beggar who led a pretty miserable life, but
who went to "Abraham's bosom" when he died, where he was
"comforted" from all his suffering (v25). This is exactly what God
wants to have happen to Terri Schiavo. Remember, she has been in her vegetative
state for 15 years, and, to this moment, I have not heard any man or
woman under the Anointing of the Spirit who would boldly declare that God wants
to physically restore her, and I, in my private time with God, have not heard
the same thing either. All the believers who speak in favor of reinserting the
tube show no manifestation of speaking under the Anointing. When one ponders the
things they say, it becomes evident that their words and attitudes contradict
the Spirit of Scripture.
The passage above
clearly shows how different this life can be in comparison to the after-life.
The rich man represents the people who placed their faith on temporal existence,
while the beggar represents the people who placed their
faith on resurrection life. There are many
other things to consider in this passage, but, for now, it is worth considering
the name of the beggar. The fact that his name was "Lazarus" is
no coincidence. The only other "Lazarus" in the New Testament is the
man whom the Lord resurrected from the dead. This goes to show that some Lazarus
are physically resurrected in this life, while others are called to experience
resurrection only after they die.
To this moment, I
have not heard a single pro-feeding-tube believer voicing his or her concerns
over Terri's eternal destiny. Have they for a moment given consideration to this
question? They are so concerned about the feeding tube that they have forgotten
the most important issue of all. Terri will eventually die, and she will
definitely be dead within 3 days. Even if the tube had been reinserted, she
would always have to die some day. Why hasn't any of the public characters in
this melodrama asked about her eternal destiny? I have an inkling in my heart as
to where she is going when she dies, and I do not believe that this flesh-driven
effort to prolong her life will do anything to change that. The decision
about her eternal destiny happened in anonymity, in a private moment between God
and this woman's soul, even while her body was in a vegetative state, and I
believe that it was the God of Israel who set in motion the events that are
leading to her eventual death because it is time for Terri to rest from her
sorrows. All these foolish believers are not fighting the U.S. court system.
They are fighting God!
I feel sorry for the
young men and women who have gotten arrested for following their parents'
undiscerning footsteps in this situation. They can at least claim
"naiveté" in the matter, but their parents will not get off as easily
before God!!! It is utterly foolish to oppose God, especially when you should be
mature enough to know better!!!
The hospice of lameness
I am getting goose
bumps as I am writing these words, because I am awed at God's timing and
purposes. As you may have noticed from our recent words, the Lord has had us
writing a great deal on "spiritual hospitality" and on
"angels". Therefore, it is not surprising to me that the word "hospice"
has been floating around so much as a result of this case.
As we have said in
previous words, the Lord intended the Church to be a military camp with a
hospital to treat those wounded in spiritual battle, but man has turned the
Church into a full-blown hospital that gives comfort to spiritually indolent
believers who never "go out" to engage in spiritual battle.
"Ministers" don't mind turning the Church into a hospice full of
believers whose spiritual condition is equivalent to Terri's physical condition.
They invest a great number of material and soul resources in maintaining these
believers in a vegetative spiritual state while those in whom they should really
be investing get thrown by the wayside.
The Woodside hospice
where Terri is slowly dying has been forced to pay part of the cost of
maintaining the police force that is holding all the flesh-trusting
"believers" at bay outside the hospice. Policemen are being paid
overtime in order to guard the hospice 24 hours a day, and the small community
of Pinellas Park has been forced to pay the remaining cost that is not being
covered by the hospice. Pro-life activists have invested a great amount of money
in order to finance all the futile legal motions. Instead of using all this
money to provide a better care for the non-vegetative patients at the hospice or
to pay for orphanages that might help deter a future mother from committing an
abortion, believers have thrown their resources into a cause God did not call
them to fight. This is typical of the Church. The faithful warrior believers who
need support and encouragement are ignored, while the irremediably lame and
indolent believers who do not need that support and encouragement receive
it, all "in the name of love".
The death of injustice
In a stroke of poetic
justice, God took the life of Johnny Cochran yesterday (Tuesday, March 29,
2005). As most of you may recall, Johnny Cochran was the lead attorney who
helped O.J. Simpson escape justice after murdering his
wife. Some days ago, I saw the image of Johnny Cochran on TV, and the
Lord prompted me to once again pronounce death judgments against him for having
used his God-given mental abilities to carry out such a blatant injustice.
Therefore, I was overjoyed to find out that
he died yesterday of a tumor in his brain. How appropriate that a man who
used his brilliant brain to promote injustice and to make himself rich and
famous died of a tumor to his brain. It is also appropriate that Terri's
vegetative state was caused by brain damage and that Johnny Cochran died of a
problem in his brain. Hallelujah! Johnny
Cochran is the rich man in the Lazarus story, and Terri Schiavo is the beggar.
I still remember how
the "renowned" minister Rosie Grier went out of his way to
support O.J. Simpson during his trial (simply because O.J. is black). I remember
how O.J. Simpson even pretended to be a "Christian" for a few months.
In the presence of Rosie Grier, he would mention the name of "Jesus"
and would play the role of "innocent martyr" under persecution from
the "enemy". Once he was acquitted, he apparently forgot about
"Jesus" altogether, and he wakes up laughing every morning, thinking
about how he was able to defeat the judicial system. Rosie Grier is a typical
example of ministers who allow their Canaanite emotions to cloud their judgment.
God's judgments are upon you, Rosie Grier, and God's judgments are upon you,
O.J. Simpson!
It is interesting to
consider that the judge who is getting death threats and is being hated by all
the pro-feeding-tube believers is called George Greer. As some of you may
know, Mr. Greer was kicked out of his Baptist church for having upheld
the written law in the Terri Schiavo case. Mr. Grier, on the other hand,
continued with his pathetic Saturday morning program on TBN long after his
public support for O.J. Simpson. While the law-defending Greer is kicked out,
the injustice-supporting Grier is well-received.
While Michael Schiavo
is being called a "wife murderer" by "believers", O.J.
Simpson, a true wife-murderer, roams the streets in total freedom without being
condemned by a single religious evangelical. Where were all these believers when
O.J. was acquitted? If they have such a zeal for justice and such a bitter
hatred against "wife-murderers", why wasn't any of them pronouncing
spiritual judgments against Johnny Cochran, Rosie Grier and other supporters of
a blatant and arrogant wife murderer?
God is tired of the
perverted sense of justice in His Church. God is tired of the "good"
being called "bad" and the "bad" being called
"good". The judgments will continue to intensify as the days go by.
I just found out that
Jerry Falwell is on a respirator and is in critical condition in a hospital.
Hallelujah! One of the biggest promoters of legislated morality is being
judged by God! How appropriate for him to be on a respirator at a time when
believers are mobilizing so strongly in an effort to impose "life for
Terri" through legislative efforts. The Lord prompted me to pray for
judgments against this man once again when I recently saw him on the
"Hannity & Colmes" program that is aired on the Fox News Channel.
God is sentencing those who are being called "righteous", and He is
vindicating those who are being called "unrighteous".
The fact that the
husband's name is Michael also has spiritual significance. As you all know,
Michael is the name of an "archangel", and, as we have been
saying in recent
words, "angels"
are unfamiliar and contrary to the natural soul. This explains why all the
natural-soul believers are so mad at this man. He has been willing to be hated
and reviled by millions of people in order to uphold the decision to
terminate Terri's life. He has created a "schism",
a "chasm" that has divided America and the world, much like red-horse
riders like Michael
the angel are called to do.
It is not a
coincidence that Terri's first name is "Theresa". As we share in a
previous word, mother
Theresa is a figure of a Girgashite-Canaanite spirit that believes that the
Lord's work is advanced through useless "works of human mercy"
that do nothing to change the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth. People's
desire to see Terri "live" is a manifestation of "human
mercy", not Godly mercy, and all the tireless human efforts to
"save" her are indicative of the "mother Theresa" spirit.
Therefore, it is only
appropriate that God hit Indonesia with another massive and deadly earthquake
two days ago (Monday, March 28, 2005). God is saying,
your humanitarian work will never be enough to keep up with My destruction, for
I am coming against the Girgashite spirit of human effort. Cursed are those who
uphold and support the unrighteous but who forget about My righteous remnant.
Cursed are those who do "humanitarian" work in My name without
considering My zeal for Righteousness. For every drop of human mercy, I will
unleash a tidal wave of judgment destruction. Cursed are the humanitarians who
dare to "keep up" with Me.