Prophetic word for today
Tarnished gold (Part 3)
First posting: August 4, 2007
E-mailed: June 6, 2007
Word received by: John Edwards
This is a continuation of a prophetic word posted earlier...
Our comments
Chevymobile revivals
In the dream, brother John saw a Delta-88 type car. According to
wikipedia.org, the
"Delta 88" is a version of the Oldsmobile 88, a car line that became popular in
the 1950s. The "88" in the name refers to the "Rocket V8" engine it
was designed with. The Delta 88 in the dream was from the late 1970s
or early 80s. "Coincidentally", that was the time span during which
the "Chevymobile
Affair" took place. In
carmaker GM was rocked by a scandal in which many customers were sold "Delta 88s"
that had been built with Chevrolet 350 in.3 V8 engines. Many
customers felt cheated, since they had paid a higher price for their Delta 88s
under the fundamental assumption that they had acquired the larger and more
powerful Rocket V8 engine on the inside. Therefore, the late 1970s Delta 88 in
the dream is a figure of a revival that looks fundamentally sound on the outside
but is fundamentally flawed on the inside. As we have said
before, the
"1950s-style" revivals that the American Church is bent on reproducing (over and
over again) lack the
fundamental willingness
to overthrow the
matriarchy of the soul. Such
relieve the world of its "hurt" without judging the
roots of
unrighteousness that led to that hurt in the first place. There is unnecessary
suffering in this world because of wilful unrighteousness in the hearts of men,
and, as long as that unrighteousness remains, the unnecessary suffering can at
best be palliated for a season; after that season, the subdued unrighteousness
will re-emerge, stronger than ever (like bacteria that become resistant to an
antibiotic), and, when it does, the havoc it wreaks becomes all the worse. Thus,
a "50s-style" revival that is bent on "blessing the
soul" and relieving the world of its hurt is like a Delta 88 that
looks like a Rocket V8 car on the outside, but has a smaller Chevy engine on the
Interestingly enough, "Chevrolet" cars were named
after Louis Chevrolet, a Swiss race-car driver who was born on December 25, 1878
(according to
wikipedia.org). As we have shared before, the "xmas spirit" promotes
worthless acts of "charity" and "human mercy" that
do little to change the
underlying problems; it is a spirit that reduces believers to miniscule workers
in a vast ocean of problems that will somehow go away if we all contribute our
little and indistinguishable "drop of love". It is the spirit that promotes
"peace amongst the factions"
without ensuring that the factions have aligned
themselves with the Truth. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Louis Chevrolet
was born in Switzerland, the land of "neutrality". The "xmas spirit" is deep in
the heart of those who want 50s-style revivals that bless the soul, and it is
the spirit that delayed America's awakening process in
As we have said
before, the number "8" speaks of
Noah-style regeneration, i.e.- destroying through judgements in order to start
anew. "50s-style" revivals do have a "V8" regeneration engine, but it is
a Chevy V8 engine that deals with some
surface issues but not with the deeply-rooted and more painful issues of man.
Because of this, these revivals lack the "Rocket"
V8 engine that can propel man from the realm of the natural and into the
realm of the Spirit, which means that they
cannot cause the kingdom of Heaven above to
be manifested on Earth. 50s-style revivals may appear to regenerate the world
around them, but they are doing little more than expel the unclean spirit and "tidy
up the house" for a short season. The unclean spirit's throne in the
people's hearts is left "untoppled" (Matthew
21:12), which means that the unclean spirit is bound to return to reclaim
his throne. Ironically, when the unclean spirit does return, it does so with 7
others (Luke
11:24-26), meaning that it returns as 8 spirits. Therefore, that
which was supposed to be regenerated through judgements (the "8" of God) ends up degenerating beyond all possible repair (the "8" of satan) and is thus
cursed unto total destruction (Hebrews
That 70s show
As we have shared
before, the Lord
suddenly said to me, "You are back in the 1970s"
on Saturday January 14, 2006 as I was walking down a
street called "Cherry Street" in New Jersey, America. This word came to me
exactly 22 days before Super Bowl 40. I was puzzled by the phrase when I
received it, and it is only until now, exactly
80 weeks later, on July 28, 2007,
that I am beginning to understand part of what the Lord meant on that winter
afternoon in 2006.
As we have studied
before, most believers, especially
those inclined towards the prophetic, are prone to erecting "70-level" spiritual
buildings, i.e.- buildings with the 30-level prophetic layer and the 40-level
evangelistic layer, but without the unpleasant 30-level layer of
judgements. A building built in Christ will always have "100 levels" (30
apostolic, 30 prophetic, and 40 evangelistic). Since the 30 apostolic levels are
eminently foundational, and not "graceful", they will always remain hidden
beneath the ground, out of the sight of the grace-seeking soul. By contrast, the
other 70 levels will be more easily visible, since they correspond to
the 2
"grace" ministries (prophet and evangelist). Because of this, both a 70-level
building (with no foundation of apostolic judgements) and a 100-story building
will "look alike" to the non-discerning eye. Since "70-level builders" do not
"waste their time" in the unpleasant foundational task of
judging before
building, their buildings "go up more quickly", so to speak, and they can afford
to spend more time embellishing the building's exterior, thus attracting large
crowds. However, since their buildings do not have a
true foundation, they quickly crumble, and the unwitting throng that
were drawn to them end up perishing under the building's rubble. Though saved
from literal hell, most of those in these buildings are never saved unto
eternal life. They never complete their salvation, and the hidden potential
in them remains forever buried in the rubble.
In short, when the Lord said to me "You are
back in the 1970s" as I walked down a New Jersey street in January
2006, one of the things He was saying to me was that America was bent on
building a 70-level building, not a 100-level building. Because of this, my soul
was being called to "flee for my life" (Jeremiah 51:6), away from the 70-level building which God
was about to judge. He had sent His remnant spirit to exhort America to build a
100-level building, but America chose to stick with a 70-level view. As a
result, all that was left for the remnant to do was to wipe the dust from their
sandals and "run" as America the
half-hearted was judged into submission.
70-level buildings are for show. 100-level buildings are
for God. Unfortunately,
America chose to stay with that "70s show", and God's immediate plans for
America were sent back on reverse, a reverse that has caused a
delay in
America's revival.
By showing a 1970s Delta 88 to brother
John, the Lord is also revealing a spiritual contrast. For obvious reasons, the
"70s" emphasise the number "7", whilst "88" (8
times 11) emphasises the number "8". Thus, the
Lord is saying that America chose to remain
stuck at "7" during its journey from
"6" to "8"; and, as we have said
before, those who choose to simply "rest"
and are not interested in "resurrecting" (i.e.- regenerating), are bound
to lose their forward momentum and go in reverse. The sad thing about this
"reversal" is that it is imperceptible to the soul, which makes this "Korah
self-deception reversal" all the more dangerous. This is the reason why the
Delta 88 people in the dream were happily going in reverse, with no awareness of
what was truly happening to them. That is
what happens when you are not founded on judgements, because judgements always
bare out the
In the dream, brother John identified the Delta 88
as being either from the late 1970s or the early 1980s. This
speaks of a Church oscillating between "7" and "8", without making up her mind.
That is what sincere but "soul-waving" believers do. They straddle the fence
without being resolute, and, if they do not make up their minds quickly, they are sent
on a "rollback" that is imperceptible to themselves.
Delta for ...
God inserted the word "Delta" into brother John's
dream in order to encode several spiritual meanings:
Delta for Disaster
In the prophetic word titled "Flight
358", posted on August 9, 2005, the Lord had us talk about Delta Flight
191, which ended in disaster on August 2, 1985. Ever since then, the Lord has established a strong connection
in my heart between the word "Delta" and the phrase "tragic disaster".
"Delta" is the name of the 4th letter in the Greek
alphabet (the Greek equivalent of the letter "D");
therefore, it points to the 4th
horse of the Apocalypse, i.e.-
the green horse. The American Church was
unwilling to make the transition from the 3rd horse (the "gamma"
horse) into the 4th horse, and it remained spiritually stuck at "3 out of
4". Because of this, the "delta horse", the horse meant to deliver the
Church from her Deadness became the Deliverer of Disasters.
Delta for Dexterity
In the dream, the Delta 88
passed by the dreamer on his left side as it was going upwards, and on his
right side as
tyres were rolling backwards. As we have shared
before, the
left-hand side is the side of "grace" and "freedom", whilst the right-hand
side is the side of "judgement" and " limiting laws". Therefore, the fact
that the car was going upwards on the left side speaks of how the
forerunners in the American Church were interested in climbing up
Mountain mostly because of the grace and blessings that they expected to receive
once they met God at the mountaintop. However, they were not willing to meet
up with the Lord if that meant judgements that would obliterate all that has
stubbornly stood up against God for ages. That is the reason why the car was
backtracking on the right side.
The Greek word for the
"right" side is dexios, from which we get the word "dexterity" in English.
Therefore, we can say that the American Church was not interested in a
"dexterity-based" revival. Instead, she wanted a left-based river flowing
across America. However, she failed to realise that God's river is a "right
river", a river that flows
from right to left. The letter "delta" stood for
"dexterity" in God's eyes, but man's stubbornness caused it to stand for
The English word "dexterity"
can be used to mean "adroitness, skilfulness". Therefore, it represents the
opposite of "lameness, inability". This is no spiritual coincidence. As we
have shared
before, Scripture declares that we grow through judgements
(Hebrews 5:8-14), meaning that, as we are moulded by God's judgements, we
grow into complete individuals who can operate in all facets of the Spirit
(1 Corinthians 2:15-16). As we progress in His judgements, our ability to
walk in the Spirit expands; and, as we have shared before, "walking" in
the Spirit implies the ability to pronounce
judgements and the ability to conquer.
Thus, God's right-handed judgements mould us into "dexterous" spiritual
beings. By contrast, a revival focused on left-handed blessings turns
believers into "crippled" souls who can do little more than extend their
arms and beg for some "angel" (i.e.- some "minister") to come down from his
"lofty abode" and pour some blessings into their lives (John 5:5-7). God's
right-handed revival shall enable His people; man's left-handed revivals
cripple His people. God's right-handed revival makes us "dexterous"; man's
left-handed revivals make us "lame". |
There is still much more to say regarding this
dream. God willing, we will do so in a
future posting.