Prophetic word for
today (p.i.)
First preliminary posting: May 11, 2013
E-mailed: April 24, 2013
by: Cindy Duran
We are cleaning mother's bedroom,
all of us. There are clothes, socks, iron rods everywhere. The back door is
open, and there is a trash bin, and my brother Elias is next to it telling
people (us) to throw it there. Mother's room (no bed) is all stone. There
is a dresser, and I can see them moving about in the hall, a black woman too.
Everyone is in a hurry.
Then, her room becomes a
patio/porch(?) made of stone, and its raining. The clouds are thick and
swirling, and in them I see the tails of whales and fish. On the horizon is the
face of George Washington just like it looks on the dollar bill. I tell my
mother that I saw his face, and I tap my face on the right side with my right
hand twice on my jaw. I tap it again and tell her it was real, but now its gone.
It was as real as my face. She looks towards the direction and sees the swirling
storm, and she begins to run toward the steps saying, "Hurry! That means it's
My sister Lisa asks if we should
get the tree out. I stop and look at it and see that it has grown out of a table
that is stone and shaped like a cross, or [more] like the Red Cross sign, all
the sides the same. I tell her as I look at the tree that we can't get it out;
the roots are as deep as the tree is high. The storm is coming, and my mother
starts running up the stone steps saying, "it's coming! We need to hurry!", and
I run after her.
brief comments
{Fellow believer, if the Lord shares something with you
regarding this dream, please let us know. Thank you.}
These are some of the thoughts
impressed upon our hearts as we meditated on this dream's elements:
Cleaning mother's bedroom
This speaks of
matriarchal spirit from inside the Church.
The clothes everywhere
This represents the
ephemeral soul
covering provided by pastors. Since this covering is deceitful and
useless, it must be shed.
As we have shared
before, walking
is related to exercising spiritual authority. Hence, the socks speak of how
the matriarchal spirit endeavours to
cover up the spiritual authority of God's people.
Iron rods
As we have shared
before, iron rods
speak of judgements of correction, which are the type of judgement that
pastors are best designed for. Hence, the iron rods speak of the judgements
of correction with which the Church's pastors pound believers, especially
those who oppose the matriarchy.
Though they have their place,
iron judgements can only take you so far. Apostolic
bronze judgements
are judgements that yield transformative growth, and they are not
necessarily because of something being literally "wrong" with the person
being judged. Being Canaanite, matriarchal pastors abhor judgements in
general, especially bronze judgements, which they deem cruel and unusual
punishment. The only judgements they deem "justifiable" are those that align
believers to their soulish, ministerial agendas. Therefore, their iron rods
are abominable to the Lord.
The dresser in the dream
is to store all the spiritual robes of "authority" that the pastoral
matriarchy gives out based on soulish parameters. These are the robes
that the Church's believers frantically fight for whilst allowing their
prophetic callings to die.
The name "Elias" is a
variation of the name "Elijah". Hence, it speaks of the
spirit of
described in
Elias outside
This speaks of the
black-horse rider who is
sustained by God
outside of man's view
in the black-horse wilderness (as Elijah was by the black ravens by the
brook Cherith --- 1 Kings 17:1-6).
People moving about in the
hall, including a black woman
This points to the transition
from the red-horse stage to the
black-horse stag[e]. During
this movement,
the righteous transition towards the black-horse wilderness, and the
unrighteous morph from Cain to
in order to minimise the damage done by the red-horse rider and still retain
Everyone in a hurry
This points to the fact that
the transition into the black-horse stage requires a sense of urgency
(Isaiah 52:11).
The room
becomes a patio/porch
In the dream, the place went
from a "fully-covered" room to an uncovered patio/porch. In the same way, as
the false leadership of the Church is left exposed in the spirit realm by
God's red- and black-horse
operations, it becomes like the "naked
emperor" whose nakedness is plain to see for those seeking the truth. In
other words, the room's morphing represents the transition to
Korah means "bald", which, in this context, speaks of lack of true covering,
i.e.- a naked "female" soul with no "male"
Spirit covering.
The patio/porch
The patio/porch per se speaks
of waiting for someone to arrive, i.e.- the coming of the Lord, the
full-blown manifestation of God's remnant on Earth. This therefore points to
green-horse watchman
The rain
The rain in the dream points
to the
latter-rain that the green-horse remnant are longing for. The rain's
manifestation within the dream is what the green-horse remnant are
visualising and stirring up in the spirit realm through their actions; their
goal is to have that rain plainly manifested in the natural realm.
Thick clouds
These thick clouds point to the
cloud from which the
of Man is to be manifested.
Swirling clouds
They speak of the
judgements of transformation stirred up by the remnant.
They point to
Jonah's green-horse journey
into Sheol.
They point to God's
seafarers, i.e.- believers who "live" in the "sea" and are enamoured
with the
God-potential they see in it.
The horizon represents the
vision of hope that God's green-horse riders harbour.
Face of George Washington
This speaks of the foundation
of a new nation through
a fundamental transformation, not a mere "tweaking" or
"improvement" of the existing system.
Dollar bill
This speaks of an "atomic
currency", which, in turn, speaks of
the removal of the old,
elements and the establishment of God's
elements, i.e.-
fundamental paradigm shifts that will permeate
the whole of
human experience. Believers who become stuck in the black-horse stage
fail to comprehend both the need for and the nature of this "fundamental
transformation", for which reason they perceive a green-horse death as
unnatural and unnecessary.
{To better understand the
spiritual meaning of the word "element", we recommend viewing the video
entitled "Rapture
thoughts - Part 10"}
The dreamer tapping her face
twice on the jaw
The jaw is a face bone.
Therefore, the double tapping of the jaw points to the 2 stages of
prophesying required to bring about the great and mighty army from the field
of bones:
The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the
LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,
And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many
in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O
Lord GOD, thou knowest.
Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon
these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the
Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to
enter into you, and ye shall live:
And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover
you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know
that I am the LORD.
So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise,
and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the
skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.
Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto
the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the
Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain,
that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they
lived, and stood up upon their feet,
an exceeding great army." (Ezekiel 37:1-10)
Ezekiel being "carried out"
into the valley (v1) points to the red-horse exodus into the black-horse
wilderness. The dreamer's first tap, i.e.- Ezekiel's first prophesying
(v4-6) correlates with the black-horse development (the
university) that believers go through in the black-horse wilderness as
they are fleshed out from their previously dead state.
The dreamer's second tap,
i.e.- Ezekiel's second prophesying (v9-10), correlates with the point when
God's black-horse believers finally
turn into
a mighty green-horse army
(i.e. the start of the green-horse stage).
The dreamer tapping her
face again
Just as the 2nd tap signifies
the start of the green-horse stage, the 3rd tap
correlates with completing the green-horse stage by going through the
fullness of the green-horse
The face disappearing after
the 3rd tap
descending to
Sheol, there is a brief moment during which it seems that the promise is
gone and the war has been lost, as when Yeshua died and it seemed as if His
work had been aborted. Hence, the face's disappearance points to the stage
that follows the green-horse stage: the stage of
This stage is intended to be a brief one but which man elongates through the
of his heart.
The tree inside
Based on what we have studied
before, we
can conclude that the tree in the dream represents the invisible
of believers.
The tree having the shape
of the Red Cross sign
This points to the stunted
God-potential of believers. Instead of growing vertically towards God in a
big way, the believers who grow under the covering of man grow sideways as
much as they grow upwards, which makes for a misshapen cross unfit for a
Golgotha sacrifice. The cross may be "symmetrically pleasing" to the natural
eye, but it is ultimately useless in God's eyes. It may "thrive" to a
certain extent during the black-horse stage, but it must be thrown in the
fires of
during the green-horse stage, for it is a cross you cannot
die on.
The tree growing indoors and
having to be left behind for judgement
This points to believers who
grow in a spiritually unnatural environment, an environment that tries to
combine the natural ways of man (i.e. the horizontal) with the things from
above (i.e. the vertical) without genuinely
prioritising the spirit over the
soul (which would make for a cross that is more vertical than horizontal).