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The 7 sons of Japheth


This article is the first in a series meditating on the spiritual significance of the sons of Japheth, son of Noah.



The 7 sons of Japheth








Brief intermediate summary

The 7 sons of Japheth

In Genesis 10, the Spirit of God details the descendants that were born from the sons of Noah after God had judged man through the Flood and forced a "reset" of humanity. In verse 2, the Spirit of God lists the 7 sons of Japheth, son of Noah:


"The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras." (Genesis 10:2)


As we have shared before, Japheth is the son of Noah from whom the white Europeans descended, and, as we have shared on Twitter, Europeans can be spiritually divided into 5 "racial" groups, each of which correlates with a tribe of Israel and one of the 12 apostles directly appointed by Yeshua whilst on Earth. This is a very brief list of those 5 groups:


"Racial" group Tribe Apostle
Nordics Dan Matthew
Germanics Naphtali Thomas
Celts Gad Bartholomew
Slavs Reuben Andrew
Latins Asher Philip


Below is a brief description of each of the 5 "racial" groups:


"Racial" group Very general description Country presence
Nordics Scandinavian people Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Britain, Finland, Baltics, Normandy (France), etc.
Germanics People similar to (and greatly intermingled with) the Nordics and who inhabit much of central Europe and parts of Eastern Europe Germany, Austria, England, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, France, northern Italy, etc.
Celts People with the largest "migration path" amongst all the peoples in Europe, migrating west from the Balkans and Baltics to Britain, France, and the north of Spain Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany (France), Normandy (France), Galicia (Spain), Asturias (Spain), England, etc.
Slavs People who stayed mostly in the eastern part of Europe Russia, Poland, (the former) Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Baltics, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, etc.
Latins People who gave birth to the Roman culture and who generally speak a "Romance" language Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Romania, France, etc.
*Note that several countries appear more than once above; this is because there has been a great deal of intermingling amongst the sons of Japheth, which has often made it difficult to distinguish the (5) main roots from which Europe has genetically and culturally grown.


The fact that there are 5 racial groups in Japheth's lineage points to the 5 ministerial endowments of Ephesians 4:11. The fact that the Spirit of God lists 7 sons of Japheth in Genesis 10:2 points to the 7 Spirits of God, and, since the 5 ministerial endowments are spawned from 5 of the 7 Spirits of God, we can say that 5 of the sons listed in Genesis 10:2 correlate with the 5 European racial groups and that the other 2 sons are not directly related to any racial group but are instead related to the other 2 Spirits of God. As we have seen before, these 2 other Spirits of God are not related to any endowment received from birth but are instead imparted to us based directly on the attitudes of our hearts. Hence, it makes sense that the 2 sons of Japheth related to these 2 Spirits would not be genetically linked to any racial group, even if the qualities related to these Spirits have been "genetically" absorbed into the 5 "racial" groups (through the physical descendants of these 2 sons) based on the attitudes cultivated by these "racial" groups.


If the above is the case, the question then becomes, Which 5 of Japheth's sons correspond with the 5 ministerial endowments, and how do the other 2 sons relate with the other 2 Spirits of God? As we answer this question, a second question that is worth maintaining in the background is, What is gained spiritually by understanding the linkage between Europe's 5 racial groups, the sons of Japheth, and the Spirits of God?



The first son of Japheth listed in Genesis 10:2 is Gomer. Interestingly, the name "Gomer" only appears 6 times in Scripture. The first 4 times, it is in verses where "Gomer" is mentioned along with other names (twice where the sons of Japheth are listed and twice where the sons of Gomer are listed). The first time -- and only time, as a nation group -- that Gomer is mentioned outside of a list of names is in Ezekiel 38:6:


"Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee" (Ezekiel 38:6)


Notice that Gomer is mentioned together with Togarmah who, according to Genesis 10:3, happens to be one of Gomer's sons. Hence, Gomer is represented both directly and indirectly in the verse above. Notice also that the verse above explicitly mentions the "north". Given that this is the only explicit clue about Gomer, son of Japheth, that is mentioned by the Spirit of God in all of Scripture, we can conclude that Gomer is spiritually related to the only racial group in Europe that is explicitly linked with the "north", i.e. the Nordics. This conclusion is validated by the fact that, out of all the European racial groups, the one that is most strongly associated with "European whites" amongst non-Europeans are the Nordics, due to their characteristic blue eyes and blond hair. This strong identification of Europeans with Nordics correlates with the pre-eminence of the name "Gomer" whenever the descendants of Japheth are listed in Scripture.


As mentioned above, the Nordics are most directly related to the apostle Matthew, the former tax collector, due to their ready willingness to impose taxes on themselves out of their strong sense of duty to do the "right" thing. Hence, we can safely conclude that Gomer correlates with the apostolic endowment of wisdom and judgements, and, thus, with the Spirit of Ephesus, who is the Spirit of God from whom the apostolic endowment emerges.


The name "Gomer" per se means "complete" and is derived from the verb gamar meaning "to end, come to end, complete, cease" and is used for the first time in the following verse, translated as "come to an end":


"Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins." (Psalm 7:9)


Notice how gamar is used in the context of eradicating wickedness and establishing the righteous, which happens as God's apostolic judgements are unleashed on Earth, putting the hearts and minds of men on trial. Hence, we can say that there is a special anointing/responsibility on the Nordic people to eradicate unrighteousness and cause the righteous judgements of God to rule on Earth. It is this "Gomeric" quality (which permeates European Japhethites in a general sense) that makes Japhethites special in the fulfilment of God's purposes on Earth, and it is through the full-blown manifestation of this "Gomeric" quality that Japheth's destiny on Earth will be completed.



The name "Magog" means "land of Gog", and the name "Gog" means "mountain". Hence, the name Magog points directly to the Amorite spirit in a negative sense, since, as we have shared before, the word "Amorite" means "mountain people". Therefore, we can also say that, in a positive sense, Magog refers to the evangelistic endowment, since Amorites are "evangelists gone bad". As we have shared before, the evangelistic endowment is one of conquest and expansion, which correlates with the fact that the place called "Magog" in Scripture is located in what is now known as Russia, the largest country in the world in terms of area (by a wide, wide margin). As you may know, Russia is a Slavic nation, and ethnic Russians constitute the largest of all the Slavic ethnic sub-groups in Europe, with Slavs themselves being the largest ethno-linguistic group in (Japhethite) Europe, as indicated on Wikipedia.


Therefore, we can safely conclude from the above that Magog, the son of Japheth, points to the Slavs and to the evangelistic endowment in Japheth.



The name of Japheth's son Madai literally means "middle land", and it is used throughout Scripture to refer to the people of Media, i.e. the Medes, in a literal sense. Even though one could simplistically limit the name "Madai" to the Medes only, there is a deeper truth inherent in Madai, a truth that only becomes evident if we are unwilling to be satisfied with the "obvious". This deeper truth is verified through an ethnic group in particular: the Scythians.


The Scythians were a group of Iranian people who lived in western and central Eurasian steppes between the 9th and 1st centuries BC. As indicated on Wikipedia, the Scythians were important in the formation of the empire of the Medes. According to, the 5th century BC Greek historian Herodotus listed the names of 6 Medes tribes, with some of the names being very similar to the Scythians' tribal names, which suggests a strong linkage between the Scythians and the Medes. As far back as the 9th century BC, the Medes and the Scythians are often mentioned together, and in the 7th century BC, they work together to end Assyrian dominion over them. According to Herodotus, Madius the Scythian led an invasion and an eventual domination that lasted 28 years and paved the way for the conquests of Cyaxares the Mede and the emergence of the Medes' mighty empire. The fact that the path for the Medes' ascendance was paved by a Scythian named "Madius" emphasises the intricate linkage between the Scythians and Madai.


Interestingly enough, the Celtic culture also claims a direct linkage to the Scythians. For example, the 1320 declaration of Scottish independence known as the Declaration of Arbroath proclaims Scythia as a former Scots homeland. The 11th-century Irish history work known as Lebor Gabála Érenn ("The Book of the Taking of Ireland") declares that the Irish originated in Scythia and were descendants of Fénius Farsaid, a Scythian prince who is also credited as being the creator of the ancient Irish Ogham alphabet and one of the principal architects of the Gaelic language. This Celtic claim to Scythian ancestry also appears in Auraicept na n-Éces, an important work by 7th-century Irish grammarians that remained in use all the way into the 14th century.


From the above, we can conclude that there is a strong linkage between the Scythians and the Medes and between the Scythians and the Celts, which indirectly certifies the linkage between Madai, son of Japheth, and the Celts. The fact that this linkage needs to be done through the Scythians only emphasises it, since, as we said above, the name Madai literally means "middle land", meaning that it points to people who serve as conduits between two different entities. Thus, it is safe to say that the Scythians, Medes, and Celts are all biologically, culturally, and spiritually related, being all descendants of Madai.


Since we can confidently declare that Madai is the father of the Celts in Europe, we can conclude that Madai is spiritually related to the prophetic endowment, given that the Celts are the most prophetic of the 5 "racial" groups in Europe, as evidenced by the strong mystical and spiritual nature of their culture and music. The Celts' strong prophetic nature is also betrayed by their strong preference for oral traditions over written history, given that prophets do not like to be "contained" (by the written, "static" page, in this case), preferring instead to flow freely in verbal utterances. The Celts' prophetic nature is also evident in the way they fought. As described in an episode of the BBC Radio 4 programme "In our time" (broadcast on 21 Feb 2002), the Celts were famous for hyping themselves into fits of rage before going into war, which made them appear "out of their minds"; this behaviour is consistent with the prophetic endowment's propensity for strong emotional outbursts and for acting in ways that contradict natural reasoning. The Romans also admired the Celts' unusual bravery in battle, which correlates with prophets' inherent boldness and low fear of sacrificial death. Those who fought the Celts also observed in them a strong sense of individuality, meaning that, unlike the Romans, they fought more as individuals than as a well-organised, machine-like group, which correlates with the prophet's strong sense of individuality and uniqueness, as well as prophets' inherent unwillingness to conform to rigid structures and rules. The Celts were also unusually open to giving authority and power to women, which correlates with the prophet's refusal to judge things by external, visible patterns and prophets' tendency to see value in all; this (non-matriarchal) uplifting of women also correlates with the fact that the prophetic endowment is the most "feminine" of the 3 "male" endowments, which, as we have said before, explains why the Holy Spirit names multiple women prophets in Scripture.



The name "Javan" is translated in the KJV as "Grecia" in its 3 appearances in the book of Daniel and as "Greece" in its only appearance in Zechariah. Interestingly enough, those 4 appearances in Daniel and Zechariah are the last 4 appearances of the name "Javan" in Scripture, meaning that, in its last appearances, it is consistently translated as referring to Greece and the Greeks. This immediately points to the Latins "racial" group in Europe, since Greeks are more directly related, biologically and culturally, to the Romans and Italians, as briefly described on Having said that, it would be too simplistic to think of the Greeks as mere "Latins" (racially speaking of course, not linguistically). This is because, just like most nation groups in Japhethite Europe, Greeks have been influenced by multiple groups and nations. In the case of the Greeks, the external, "non-Latin" influence (biological and cultural) came mostly from Balkan Slavs, who were, in turn, also influenced by the Greeks.


It is believed that the name "Javan" is derived from the Hebrew word yayin meaning "wine", which is, in turn, derived from an unused root meaning "to effervesce". As we have shared before, wine is most directly related to joy, conquest, and the evangelistic endowment in Scripture, which explains the Greeks' connection to the Slavs given that, as we shared above, Slavs are related to Magog and to the evangelistic endowment of conquest. However, the fact that the linkage between the word "Javan" and yayin is not clear-cut illustrates that yayin does not refer to Javan's primary endowment. Instead, we must consider the effects of "fermented" yayin, i.e. wine, especially when taken in large quantities. As you may know, wine leads to the reduction of inhibitions, making people more sociable than normal and leading, at times, to the loss of wise judgement and to uncontrolled behaviour. Therefore, wine points in this context to the pastoral endowment of soul communion in a positive sense and to the Canaanite spirit of lowly passions in a negative sense. Hence, it is no spiritual coincidence that the Greek culture has been strongly associated with soul-communion events such as weddings and "toga parties" and to acts of Canaanite debauchery such as orgies. Despite their massive evangelistic conquests in antiquity and their resulting influence over much of the world, the pastoral/Canaanite elements of the Greek culture are what survive today (at least from the perspective of the modern, outside world), and Greece's modern woes and chaos have evidenced more of a Canaanite tendency than an evangelistic or Amorite nature. A similar thing can be said about the Greeks' Latin cousins, the Italians, who once ruled the world with a rod of iron but are now better known for their soul-communion food and their occasional Canaanite chaos at the political and economic levels.


From all of the above, we can safely conclude that Javan, son of Japheth, is the progenitor of the "Latin" racial group in Europe that comprises the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, and other sub-groups. Javan is also most strongly related to the pastoral endowment, which explains why the pastoral functionality is so strongly associated in the "Christian" (or pseudo-Christian) world with Italian and Greek Orthodox priests.



Safe Tubal

As indicated on, the name "Tubal", which can be translated as "thou shalt be brought", is derived from the Hebrew verb yabal meaning "to bring, carry, lead, conduct". Interestingly enough, according to, people named "Tubal" tend to have a deep inner desire for order and physical creativity, and they are always inclined towards conventional, safe activities. All of this correlates with the teacher endowment, since, as we have shared before, teachers are people who like to organise and create methods of containment (i.e. procedures) in order to rein in disorder and lack of structure, and they are the ones most naturally inclined towards the natural, physical world. This apparent connection to the teacher endowment (as suggested by is confirmed by the name's connection to the verb meaning "to carry, conduct", since the containers designed by teachers have the purpose of "carrying" dynamic "liquid", and their procedures are designed to "conduct" people through the tasks they need to perform by delineating the necessary steps in a clear, unambiguous way.


Weak and last

This subtle connection between the name "Tubal" and the teacher endowment is further emphasised by the fact that, in all its 8 appearances in Scripture, it is never mentioned by itself. Instead, it is always mentioned in a list of at least 2 names. In other words, there is no place in Scripture where the Spirit of God ascribes a quality to Tubal alone. This is a brief list of the number of names that appear in all 8 verses that mention "Tubal":


Verse Position of Tubal
in the list
No. of names
in the list
No. of additional names
preceding the list
Genesis 10:2 5th out of 7 1
1 Chronicles 1:5 5th out of 7 1
Isaiah 66:19 1st out of 2 3
Ezekiel 27:13 2nd out of 3 0
Ezekiel 32:26 2nd out of 2 0
Ezekiel 38:2 2nd out of 2 2
Ezekiel 38:3 2nd out of 2 1
Ezekiel 39:1 2nd out of 2 1
Total: 21st out of 27 9


Notice how the name Tubal is almost always mentioned towards the end of the lists where the Spirit of God has included it in Scripture. This points to the "weak" nature of the teacher endowment that we have mentioned before and to its "last place" in the list of the 5 ministerial endowments of Ephesians 4:11. Notice also how the sum of the Tubal positions in the list above is 21, a multiple of 7, the number of "completion" or "perfection", which points to the perfectionist nature inherent in the teacher endowment. Notice also that Tubal's "total" relative position is "21st out of 27". Given that the numbers 21 and 27 convey a 7-out-of-9 ratio, it points to the teachers' tendency to aim for "7" perfection instead of attaining power (since the number "9" speaks of dunamis power). In other words, when given a choice, teachers will naturally gravitate towards staying in a state of "completion" or "good order" over moving on to a position of "power". This is why teachers are generally the least ambitious of all the ministerial endowments, preferring the comfort of the current status quo over the risky pursuit of greater power.


Avoiding utter weakness

It is also worth noting that, if you consider the position of the name Tubal in the entire verse (and not just its position within its list), the sum of Tubal's positions in all the verses is 30th (30 = 21 + 9 preceding names) out of 36 (= 27 + 9). Given that the numbers 30 and 36 convey a 5-to-6 ratio, they speak of Tubal being "5th out of 6", which points to the "5-to-6" transition that most believers, especially "ordained ministers", refuse to make. The teacher endowment is the one most directly linked to natural life, and, when it becomes distorted, it exhibits a refusal to surrender that natural life and die in the weakness of "6", despite the ironic fact that it is the weakest of all the ministerial endowments.


Structured Tubal

One last thing worth noting about the total numbers in the table above is that all of them are multiples of 3 (21, 27, 9, 30, and 36). This points to the patterns of order and consistency that teachers are always inclined to pursue.


The uniqueness antithesis

Having said all of the above, the question becomes, Why does the Spirit of God refuse to take the time to ascribe a particular quality to Tubal alone despite mentioning the name 8 times? The reason for this is to contrast Tubal's ministerial endowment against the endowment that is most directly linked to uniqueness, the prophetic endowment. As we have shared before, the prophetic endowment prompts a person to perceive his or her own uniqueness and to reject being "simplistically lumped with others". Even though all the endowments work in harmony when exercised in the Spirit, it can still be said that the endowment most "diametrically opposed" to the prophetic endowment is the teacher endowment, as shown by the fact that distorted teachers (i.e. Girgashites) are the righteous prophet's "natural" enemy, and distorted prophets (i.e. Hittites) are the righteous teacher's "natural" enemy. Teachers seek planning, prophets prefer spontaneity; teachers seek containment, prophets prefer freedom; teachers seek to prolong natural life, prophets do not hesitate to give up natural life in sacrifice. Hence, when the Spirit of God consistently refuses to speak of Tubal by himself, He is pointing out that the ministerial endowment associated with Tubal is the "opposite" of the prophetic endowment of uniqueness and distinctiveness, thereby certifying that Tubal embodies the teacher endowment in the sons of Japheth.



It is worth noting that the name "Tubal" is associated to 2 different "persons" in Scripture; one is Tubal, the son of Japheth, and the other is Tubal-Cain, descendant of Cain. As we studied in an earlier posting, the name Tubal-Cain points to the apostolic endowment when considered in the context of the sons of Cain in Genesis 4:16-26. This is because, in that context, the direct meaning of Tubal, "thou shalt be brought", points more towards the apostolic endowment (or Jebusite spirit, when it goes bad) that enforces laws on one self and on others; this is because Tubal-Cain was a descendant of Cain, a Jebusite murderer who dragged Abel to his physical death and was forced by God to undergo a process to restore what he had destroyed (a restoration process carried out through his children). Thus, we can say that the name "Tubal" has a direct connection to the teacher endowment and an indirect connection to the apostolic endowment (through Tubal-Cain). All of this means that Tubal points to the 5th European "racial" group that we have yet to associate to a son of Japheth: the Germanics. As we have shared before, the German people's main endowments are teacher and apostle, in that order, followed by the evangelistic endowment. This "tertiary" endowment is also consistent with Tubal, given that the last 3 appearances of Tubal in Scripture mention Gog 3 times and Magog once, and, as we shared above, Magog (and Gog, since Gog and Magog are practically synonymous names) refers to the evangelistic endowment.


In conclusion, we can safely say that Tubal, son of Japheth, embodies the teacher endowment in Japheth and is physically embodied in the Germanics "racial" group in Europe.



Notice that we have already mapped all 5 European "racial" groups and all 5 ministerial endowments with the first 5 sons of Japheth listed in Genesis 10:2. This means that the remaining 2 sons in Genesis 10:2, Meshech and Tiras, are not to be mapped to any specific "racial" group or ministerial endowment but are instead to be associated with the 2 Spirits of God who are not directly linked to any particular ministerial endowment, i.e. the Spirit of Philadelphia and the Spirit of Laodicea. The question then becomes, which of the two Spirits corresponds with Meshech?


Sowing yourself into poverty

The name "Meshech" literally means "drawing out". Interestingly enough, the exact same word is used twice as a noun (and not as the name of a people) in two verses, the first one being the following verse, where it is translated as "price":


"No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies." (Job 28:18)


The reason why meshek (i.e. "drawing out") was translated as "price" is due to the connotation of someone "drawing out" money to make a payment. From this, we can see that meshek has a connotation of "impoverishment" in order to obtain something worthwhile. Notice also that meshek is associated with wisdom, which, as we have studied before, is associated with the right-handed endowment of apostle.


The other verse where meshek is not used as a name is the following verse, where it is translated as "precious":


"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" (Psalm 126:6)


Notice how meshek is used in the context of someone surrendering something valuable (i.e. the seed) in order to obtain something valuable down the road. Hence, we can see how the Spirit of God uses meshek both times to refer to "impoverishment" in order to obtain something valuable, something whose true value can only be measured in the long term (as is the case with wisdom in Job 28:18). Hence, we can see how Meshech points to the Spirit of Philadelphia, since this is the Spirit whose endowment is corrupted into the Perizzite spirit, the "poor villager" spirit, and, out of the 2 "non-ministerial" Spirits of God, the Spirit of Philadelphia is the one that is most right-handed.


All of the above not only illustrates the connection between the Spirit of Philadelphia and Meshech but also sheds greater understanding on what it means to walk in the Spirit of Philadelphia, the Spirit of Dreams of Visions. To be a "Philadelphian", you must be willing to "draw yourself out" and go into a state of temporary poverty in order to acquire something very valuable, something whose value is not immediately perceptible to the natural mind and requires a long time to bear its visible fruit. This corresponds with how people who are willing to allow themselves to dream are then willing to go into a long, "impoverishing" journey to pursue that dream. Consider, for example, how those who dream of being successful actors are willing to leave behind the "security" of their regular lives in order to travel to a big new city and work in low-paying jobs (as part-time waiters, for example) whilst they attend acting classes and constantly audition for different roles, hoping for that one big break that will propel them to stardom. The same can be said about the brave men and women who left the relative security of Britain, paying for an expensive and potentially dangerous trip across the Atlantic Ocean to start a new life in America, even when America was little more than a vast, distant wilderness. It can be said, therefore, that those on the Mayflower and those who followed after them were all spiritual "Philadelphians" enveloped in God's Spirit of Dreams and Visions. They all sowed great sacrifices, going into a state of wilful poverty in order to enable the fulfilment of great dreams for generations that would come many, many decades after them. That is why it is no coincidence that the American nation was officially born in a city called Philadelphia.


The true Jews

This connection between Meshech and the Spirit of Philadelphia is subtly reinforced by the Spirit of God in the 2nd appearance of the name Meshech after Genesis 10:2:


"The sons of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech" (1 Chronicles 1:17)


Interestingly, the list of the sons of Shem in Genesis 10 shows the name "Mash" instead of "Meshech" (Genesis 10:22-23), even when all the other names are left the same. The spiritual reason for this subtle variation in the name is to illustrate the subtle connection between Meshech and Shem, a connection that is hidden from the natural eye (hence, the absence of "Meshech" from Genesis 10, even when he was still there). As we have shared before, the descendants of Shem in the natural are the Jews, Arabs, Persians, and other Middle-Eastern peoples. As you may know, the people most representative of Shem amongst all the Shemite peoples are the Jews, for which reason to be "anti-Semite" is tantamount to being "anti-Jew. Hence, by subtly referring to Meshech as a Shemite in 1 Chronicles 1:17, the Spirit of God is calling him a spiritual "Jew", which correlates with what the Spirit of Philadelphia says in Revelation to those who have embraced Him:


"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee" (Revelation 3:9)


The sojourners

Meshech's connection to the Spirit of Philadelphia is further reinforced in the following verse, which is the next time after Genesis 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5, and 1 Chronicles 1:17 that the name Meshech appears in Scripture:


"Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar!" (Psalm 120:5)


The word "sojourn" was translated from the Hebrew word guwr, which means "dwell for a time" and is used for the first time in Genesis 12:10 to describe Abram's temporary stay in Egypt. This connection between Meshech and guwr points to how "Philadelphia dreamers" depart the comfort of the known (just as Abram did when he left Babylon) to wander like a nomad in pursuit of the dream that was birthed in his heart. And, just like Abram, "Philadelphia dreamers" have their name changed at some point, as declared by the Spirit of Philadelphia to those who embrace Him:


"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name" (Revelation 3:12)


The Tubal shadow

After Psalm 120:5, the name Meshech only appears in Ezekiel, in 5 different verses, where it always appears with the name Tubal. As we shared above, Tubal is related to the Germanics, whom, as we also shared above, have a strong impartation of the teacher, apostle, and evangelist endowments (in that order). As we have shared before,

  • When the Spirit of Philadelphia endowment goes bad, it turns Perizzite
  • When the teacher endowment is distorted, it turns Girgashite
  • When the apostle endowment goes bad, it turns Jebusite
  • When the evangelist endowment goes bad, it turns Amorite


Thus, it is no coincidence that, as we have shared before, the Perizzite spirit of shame relies on the acceptance of the greatness of Amorite superiors, the validity of Girgashite traditions, and the authority of Jebusite officials. In other words, for "Philadelphia Meshech" to go bad, it must remain shadowed by a teacher-apostle-evangelist Tubal that has turned Girgashite-Jebusite-Amorite. Hence, Meshech and Tubal's joint presence throughout Ezekiel yet again certifies Meshech's connection to God's Spirit of Philadelphia.


Notice that the 3 spirits that Germanic Tubal degenerates into (Girgashite, Jebusite, and Amorite) are the same 3 spirits that comprise the spirit of Cain (the arch-nemesis of God's red-horse riders). Thus, it is no coincidence that the only time that the name "Tubal" is not used in Scripture to refer to Tubal per se is in the name Tubal-Cain, a descendant of Cain who was part of the regeneration process that Cain and his descendants had to go through to compensate for Cain's murder of red-horse Abel.


The Javan nurse

It is also interesting to consider that, the first time Meshech is mentioned in Ezekiel, Javan is mentioned first:


"Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were thy merchants: they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market." (Ezekiel 27:13)


This verse points to how the Perizzite spirit (the distortion of Meshech) starts. As we shared above, Javan is related to the pastoral endowment, and, as we have shared before, Perizzites result from overbearing pastoral nurses crippling them at a young age, just as Mephibosheth was crippled at the age of 5 by the nurse appointed by "Cain-"sian Saul. It is also interesting to note that the verse above is the only time in Ezekiel where Meshech is mentioned after Tubal instead of before, which points to a spiritual time when Meshech was still a minor and was being cared for by the pastoral matriarchy, i.e. the 2 distorted "female" ministries of pastor Javan and teacher Tubal. It is pastoral nurse Javan that drops baby Meshech, and it is Cain-possessed Tubal that creates the system of oppression that keeps Meshech under shame as he grows up. This correlates with the trading of persons and bronze vessels described in Ezekiel 27:13. Javan, Tubal, and Meshech sell away people's "male" potential for the sake of power, giving away their ability to make judgements (hence, the selling of bronze vessels, since, as we have shared before, bronze is spiritually related to judgements).


The circumcision preventers

The next time that Meshech appears after Ezekiel 27:13 is in the following verse:


"There is Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude: her graves are round about him: all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword, though they caused their terror in the land of the living" (Ezekiel 32:26)


Notice how the Lord speaks in the verse above about His judgements against Meshech and Tubal. As we have shared before, God's judgements always expose hidden things and are generally in accordance with the evil performed by the one being judged ("an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"). Therefore, we can infer that the evil performed by Meshech and Tubal consists of leaving people in an uncircumcised state and slain by the sword. This correlates with how places dominated by the Perizzite spirits become a wasteland of aborted dreams and potential, places dominated by murderous Cains that never allow people to enter into a true Abrahamic circumcision covenant with God (Genesis 17:11). In other words, Meshech and Tubal work to prevent people "dreaming" like Abraham and entering into Abraham's "Philadelphia" walk.


Notice also how Ezekiel 32:26 declares that Meshech and Tubal open the way for "terror in the land of the living". This means that distorted Meshech and Tubal enable the influx of Hittite spirits of terror. This is because of the emptiness left in the spiritual atmosphere as people are prevented the opportunity to dream and have visions.


The Slavic connection

The next (and last) 3 times that Meshech is mentioned in Scripture, it is persistently mentioned under the shadow of Gog and Magog:


"2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:" (Ezekiel 38:2-3)


"1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel: 3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand." (Ezekiel 39:1-3)

[The fact that the Lord God annihilates 5/6 of Meshech and Tubal, leaving only one sixth, points to Tubal's inherent resistance to transition from 5 to 6 (mentioned above). When Meshech allows himself to be infected by Tubal's excessive caution, it becomes unable to break out of the limitations of its village in order to journey towards his dream. This is why the Lord God must annihilate the "5" security barrier that Tubal builds for himself and Meshech, forcing them to embrace utter prophetic weakness so that they may travel "from the north parts" and "be brought" (i.e. "Tubal") upon the mountains of Israel.]


As we shared above, Gog and Magog point to the Slavs in general and to Russia in particular. Hence, we can see how all the references to Meshech in Scripture point to the spiritual condition of the descendants of Japheth in Eastern Europe. As we have shared before, Eastern Europe's spiritual atmosphere has, for a long time, been populated by Hittite spirits, and it has lived on many occasions under the shadow of Russia. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union ruled with an iron fist over Eastern Europe, all the way from the Baltic states to East Germany. This means that Magog (i.e. the Soviet Union) was indeed the "chief prince" of Meshech (i.e. Perizzite, Philadelphia-deformed Eastern Europe) and Tubal (i.e. East Germany). Even though the Cold War provided a very literal manifestation of this fact, this spiritual reality has been in effect for a long, long time in varying degrees, and it illustrates the connection between the Spirit of Philadelphia and Eastern Europe, including Germany. As you may know, Eastern Europe is populated by an intricate mixture of Slavs and Germanics. This means that Eastern Europe is a mixture of Magog (i.e. Slavs) and Tubal (i.e. Germanics), with the Meshech spirit sandwiched in between. Let him who has ears pierce through the veil and hear what the Lord is saying through all of this.



So far, we have seen how the first 6 sons of Japheth are spiritually associated with 6 of the 7 Spirits of God. Hence, it is safe to say, by a process of elimination, that the 7th son, Tiras, is associated with the remaining Spirit of God, the Spirit of Laodicea, the Spirit of Prosperity. This conclusion is reinforced when considering the sons of Tiras.


As indicated on Wikipedia, the historical group most directly linked to Tiras are the Thracians. According to Wikipedia, the Thracian civilisation was not big on "city building", and it can be said that their largest cities were, in actuality, "large villages". This points to a strong connection between the Thracians and a "village spirit". This, in turn, correlates with God's Spirit of Laodicea since, as we have shared before, the Laodicea endowment degrades into the "rich villager" Hivite spirit, meaning that the Spirit of Laodicea has a (righteous) "village" quality about Him.


It is also interesting to consider that the region occupied by the ancient Thracians was rich in gold, which once again points to the Laodicea Spirit of Prosperity. This subtle connection between the Thracians and wealth is so real that entire books describing the wealth of the Thracians have been written (such as the book titled "Ancient gold: the wealth of the Thracians: treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria"). There is even an entire posting on Wikipedia titled "Thracian treasure" that describes how the Thracians (who were centred in modern-day Bulgaria) made beautifully ornate golden and silver objects, which speaks of a culture that abounded in wealth.


Besides Tiras' historical linkage with Thrace, the name "Tiras" itself also points to God's Spirit of Prosperity. It is believed that the name Tiras literally means "desire", which speaks of someone who is free to pursue the desires of his heart due to his wealth. By contrast, a poor person cannot afford to focus his attention on things that he desires, being forced to focus instead on what he needs to survive.


Interestingly enough, the word for "Tiras" in Hebrew is very similar to the word tiyrowsh, which literally means "wine, fresh or new wine" and is used once and again throughout Scripture to refer to abundance, as shown by its first appearance in Scripture:


"Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine" (Genesis 27:28)


It is also worth noting that, just as in the verse above, tiyrowsh constantly appears paired with corn (i.e. "wheat"), so much so that, out of the 38 verses where tiyrowsh appears in Scripture, 29 also include the word dagan meaning "corn". This pairing of "corn" or "wheat" and tiyrowsh "wine" correlates with the "wheat" and the "wine" mentioned by the Spirit of God when speaking about the black horse of the Apocalypse in Revelation 6:6 (where the "wheat" and "oil" refer to the prophetic anointing and the "barley" and "wine" refer to the evangelistic anointing). Thus, it is no coincidence that the followers of Balaam, the black-horse riders' arch-nemesis, are so susceptible to the "prosperity" gospel and to the banal use of grace to pursue their hearts' earthly desires.


Brief intermediate summary

Now that we have briefly meditated on each of the 7 sons of Japheth in Genesis 10:2, let us quickly summarise the connection between the sons of Japheth, the 7 Spirits of God, the 5 ministerial endowments, and the 5 "racial" groups in Japhethite Europe:


Son of
"racial" group
Spirit of God
Gomer Nordics Apostle Ephesus (Wisdom and Judgments)
Magog Slavs Evangelist Pergamos (Conquest and Head Authority)
Madai Celts Prophet Smyrna (Sacrifice)
Javan Latins Pastor Thyatira (Service)
Tubal Germanics Teacher Sardis (Perfection)
Meshech -- -- Philadelphia (Dreams and Visions)
Tiras -- -- Laodicea (Prosperity)


Japheth the angel

Notice how Japheth's first 2 sons are related to the apostolic and evangelistic endowments, which correlates with "angels" since, as we have shared before, angels are apostolic-evangelistic by nature. This means that Japhethites have an inherent "angelic" nature about them. Hence, it is no surprise to this writer that angels have generally been depicted as white, blue-eyed and blond (or red-headed) in art and popular culture (i.e. as strongly "European", and not because of any racist bias, as liberal fools would quickly retort). Europeans in the natural, and "Japhethites" in the spiritual, are "angelic" by nature and very much willing to engage in the "angelic actions" required to further kingdoms and establish law. This is why, wherever they go, Europeans can turn savage, untamed lands into thriving and orderly societies (consider, for example, how Europeans turned a savage and inhospitable desert such as Australia into a highly-developed and prosperous nation).


Japheth the true male

Notice also that the first 3 sons of Japheth mentioned in Genesis 10:2 represent the 3 "male" ministries (apostolic Gomer, evangelistic Magog, and prophetic Madai), which are ahead of the 2 "female" ministries (represented by pastoral Javan and teacherly Tubal). This points to Japheth's inherent tendency to place the "male" spirit over the "female" soul, as evidenced when Japheth joined Shem in covering father Noah from the shame that mother-loving Ham was trying to inflict on him (Genesis 9:18-27). This is why God blessed European Japheth and enlarged him, giving him a dominion that matriarchal Hamites deeply resent to this day.


Japheth's 2 wildcards

The above table may prompt some to wonder, if there are 7 sons of Japheth, why would it be correct to say that there are only 5 "racial" groups in Europe? For one, only 5 distinct "super groups" can be discerned upon objective observation of Europe's current state and its history. And, as a posteriori confirmation of this, the presence of exactly 5 groups (and not more) happens to fit in perfectly with the spiritual connection between the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 "racial" groups that humanity can be divided into (if there were more major racial groups in Europe, the linkage between the tribes of Israel and the major "racial" groups in humanity would be broken). Besides all of this, the relationship between a list of 5 ("racial" groups) and a list of 7 (sons of Japheth) correlates with the relationship between the list of 5 ministerial endowments and the list of 7 Spirits of God, which makes the presence of only 5 "racial" groups in Europe easier to understand.


You may also have noticed that the connection between some of Japheth's sons and modern-day "racial" groups in Europe was rather straightforward. As even the spiritually-retrograde matriarchal pastors know, Magog points directly to Russia, and hence to the Slavic peoples. Javan was a name used by Hebrews to refer to Greece, and hence to the Latin peoples (do recall that we are using the word "Latin" in a different sense than normal, referring to the peoples who are genetically and culturally linked to Italians and to Mediterranean, southern Europeans). Madai's linkage to modern-day Europeans was (as the meaning of "Madai" would suggest) a little more indirect; Madai is clearly linked to the Scythians, and the Scythians are linked to the Celts (as evidenced by the Celts' own oral testimony). Even when Madai is historically linked to the nation of the Medes, to relegate him to that ancient nation is to miss Madai's relevance today, especially since the Medes do not exist as a modern nation and have, in reality, migrated west, becoming the Celts of today.


The linkage between Gomer and a modern-day European group was more subtle, but, as we saw earlier, the Lord God left a clue in Ezekiel 38:6, the only time where the Spirit of God takes the time to say something specific about the nation of Gomer. There, the Lord links Gomer to the "north" and, hence, to the most northern of all Europeans, the Nordics (i.e. "those of the North"). This connection between Gomer and Nordics is reinforced by the fact that Gomer is always the first name mentioned in any list of Japheth's sons, and, as anyone would have to admit, the facial image that most immediately comes to people (around the world) when asked to picture a "European" would be a white, blue-eyed, and blond, Nordic face.


Subtle as Gomer's connection to a modern-day group of people is, Tubal's connection is even subtler, especially since Scripture never describes anything explicit about Tubal by himself. However, by discerning the 3 endowments that are implicitly embedded in both his name and the names that surround him in Scripture, it becomes clear that Tubal's spiritual nature is consistent with that of the Germanics. This writer has no additional external evidence to certify that Germanics descend from Tubal other than to point to the following subtle fact: even from youth, this writer has always been puzzled by the fact that Germany was not born as an independently identifiable nation until very late in the 19th century, in 1871. Such a late birth would be understandable if Germany was some minor nation or some 3rd-world colony, but to have such a relevant nation and peoples arise as an independent nation-state so late in European history correlates with the hidden nature of Tubal as a clearly identifiable state. And, just as Germany only arose as a clearly identifiable people and nation until the end of modern world history, its connection to Tubal shall become evident to all only until the end of the matriarchal age and the dawn of the age of God's Spirit on Earth.


Given that the first 5 sons of Japheth basically account for all the peoples of Europe, it was safe to conclude that the other 2 sons, Meshech and Tiras, did not correspond to a literal group of peoples but, instead, represented spiritual qualities that could potentially be shared by all the other sons of Japheth. As indicated on Wikipedia, some historians have associated Meshech with the Mushki and the Phrygians, 2 ancient Iron-Age nations that dominated Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), but the fact that these nations fizzled away as clearly recognisable entities reveals that Meshech was never intended to be identified with any particular group of people. Instead, as Meshech migrated west along with the rest of his Japhethite brothers, his physical descendants were intended to blend in with the rest of the Japhethites so as to embed their "Philadelphia" nature into them. However, it seems, based on Scripture and European history, that Meshech became embedded mostly within the Central and Eastern European peoples of Tubal (the Germanics) and Magog (the Slavs), meaning that he is intended to be manifested from there and into all of Europe in the latter days.


Just as with Tubal, Tiras' "current whereabouts" as a modern group of people is also rather obscure. As indicated on Wikipedia, some historians associate Tiras with the Etruscans of northern Italy, but, even if this historical link is literal, the fact that the Etruscans were eventually absorbed into the Italics, the Romans, and the Celts once again would certify the fact that Tiras was never intended to be linked to any particular group of people. Also, the notorious power and wealth of the Etruscans in ancient times only solidifies Tiras' spiritual connection to God's Spirit of Prosperity. Tiras' linkage to the Thracians, another extinct nation, solidifies yet again that God never intended Tiras to be permanently equated with any specific group of people. Unlike with Meshech, this writer has some difficulty discerning what European groups may have the strongest presence of Tiras' DNA, but this writer is certain that, just as with Meshech, Tiras' presence within the sons of Japheth shall be made evident in the latter days.


{God willing, we shall share more on the sons of Japheth in a future posting.}