Joel - Part 4First posted: December 8, 2023
In this series of articles, we are meditating on the book of Joel and what God is shouting to today's deaf generation through Joel's prophecy.
Index Skipping this generationSo far, we have talked about the first 3 generations referred to in Joel 1:2:
"Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers?" (Joel 1:2)
The "fathers" of the "old men", or elders, point to the generation of 1948-1978, and the "old men" themselves point to the generation of 1978-1998. The "inhabitants of the land" (whose "fathers" are the "old men") are the generation point to the generation of 1998-2018, which we began to study in the previous posting. Even though we could go into greater detail on this generation, this writer believes that we have in essence been studying this generation in the detail on this website for the past 19 to 20 years. We have narrated the great promises the Lord had in store for this generation, and we have also narrated the many, many warnings that this generation ignored, falling further and further away with each passing year from God's vision for them. Even though God gave them an opportunity in 2018 to "start over" and "retry" the 20-year cycle, this generation proved that it was intent on failing every test in a worse way than they had done in 1998-2018, to the point that God cancelled the whole "retry" a little over 5 years into it (1941 days to be exact) on 6 September 2023. As we have described in the audio snippets, that is the day that America died, a death that stretched up until 18 September, spanning 13 days as God killed off every aspect of America's spiritual nature represented by the 13 original colonies (with New York's and America's "male" nature dying on 8 September 2023, which rendered America "brain dead"). This writer sincerely has no understanding over what lays ahead. Will God take the baton from America's dead, cold hand and hand it over to another nation such as England, Italy, or Germany? Or will the baton be placed in "spiritual storage" to be handed to a more worthy generation in future? Regardless, this writer is certain that America will never be given a "second chance", either now or years down the road. Why? Because it was already given a "second chance" starting in 2018, but, instead of being grateful for God's mercy, America chose to double down on her stupidity, disdaining God's mercy as if it was worthless rubbish, for which reason God has permanently rejected her and will never allow her to rise again.
Because of all of the above, there is no need to meditate on the 1998-2018 in any significant detail here. We shall therefore briefly speak of the 3 generations referred to in Joel 1:3 and then proceed with the rest of the chapter.
The generational cycleJoel 1:3 declares the following,
"Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation." (Joel 1:3)
As we have shared before, verse 3 refers to the generations that follow the 3rd generation of Joel 1:2. Since Joel 1:2 itself refers to 3 generations, we can conclude that the Spirit of God is establishing a "cycle of repetition" where future generations will be allowed to go through the same spiritual cycle that previous generations have gone through. It is important to emphasise that these future generations are not necessarily the immediately following generations. This is because the word "children" used 4 times in Joel 1:3 above was mistranslated from the Hebrew word ben which actually means "son", meaning that it does not necessarily have the connotation of smallness that the English word "children" conveys. As you may know, the Jews of Yeshua's earthly days, and even the Jews of today, call themselves "sons of Abraham", which clearly does not imply that they were born directly from Sarah or that they are actually think that they are literal brothers of Isaac. Hence, we can see how the word "son" in the Middle Eastern culture is more an indication of descendancy, whether that descendancy be direct (with no generations in between) or indirect (with one or more generations in between). As a parenthesis, it is a sad reality that most matriarchal "Bible scholars" are often unaware of this subtle fact, which leads to a great deal of Girgashite misinterpretation of Scripture, especially when they attempt to interpret "eschatological passages" in Scripture.
Because of the above, there is no certainty that we will be allowed to immediately restart the 3-generation cycle that the 1998-2018 generation so callously squandered. One or more painful generations may pass before we can be allowed to start again. If this is the case, this writer has the abiding hope that the 3 generations in the next cycle will not be literal 20-year generations as they were between 1948 and 2018 (where the first generation of 1948-1978 actually spanned 30 years but was actually divided into a 10-year and a 20-year sub-generation). This writer hopes that those generations will be "20 years" or "30 years" long in a figurative sense and not a literal sense, and this writer also hopes that the first two generations will be very short in literal years when compared to the third one, which can happen through accelerated impartations of what was harvested by the Lord between 1948 and 2018, accelerated impartations where the new generations will acquire in 1 minute what we took hours or days to collect. God has stored up the treasure that this worthless generation callously labelled as worthless rubbish and left on the field. It has not been lost, and the Lord shall collect His dividends from His precious investment through a more worthy generation than the human filth that is currently occupying the Earth.
4 types of devourersIn Joel 1:4, the Spirit of God declares the following:
"That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten." (Joel 1:4)
This writer believes that any reliance on the translated insect names in the verse above is relatively futile, especially since most translators seem uncertain about the exact creatures that the original Hebrew words actually refer to. Therefore, we shall rely directly on the Hebrew words, focusing more on understanding the spiritual nature conveyed by the original Hebrew words rather than be concerned about the precise biological species that the Spirit of God may be referring to. Suffice it to say that all 4 insects mentioned here are either locust-like or worm-like and that their function is to produce a judgement through consumption.
The "palmerworm" of apostolic judgementsThe word "palmerworm" was translated from the Hebrew word gazam, which is derived from a word (not used in Scripture) meaning "to devour". The word gazam is only used in Scripture 3 times, twice in Joel (1:4 above and 2:25) and once in the following verse, again translated as "palmerworm":
"I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD" (Amos 4:9)
The word "smitten" was translated from the Hebrew verb naka, which can literally be translated as "to kill" (and is translated as such in many verses). As we have shared before, killing is most directly related to the Jebusite spirit in a negative sense and to the apostolic endowment of wisdom and judgements in a positive sense. This is because God's logos words of judgement are like swords that kill unrighteousness.
The word "blasting", on the other hand, was translated from the Hebrew word shedayfaw, which is derived from the Hebrew word shawdaf meaning "to scorch, burn". Hence, it has the connotation of fire, which once again points in a positive sense to God's judgement fire. The word "mildew", in turn, was translated from the Hebrew word yeraqon, which, interestingly enough, is translated from the Hebrew word yereq meaning "green". The word yereq itself is derived from the verb yaraq, which, of all things, means "to spit". Hence, yeraqon once again points to God's judgements, since the act of spitting speaks of a resounding rejection and humiliation of people who refuse to listen to Him. The connection to the colour green also indicates that this "spitting rejection" from God is manifested most strongly through God's green-horse riders.
Before proceeding with Amos 4:9, we must consider the spiritual meaning of "figs" separately. In Judges 9:7-15, the Spirit of God speaks through Jotham, the youngest son of Gideon, who escaped from the massacre of his brothers at the hands of an ambitious matriarchal momma's boy (Judges 9:1-3) named Abimelech. Jotham, who represents the remnant who escape the matriarchy's deadly pursuit, speaks a prophetic word of exposing black-horse judgement against Abimelech and the matriarchal spirit by speaking a parable where the trees wanted a king over them and chose amongst 4 candidates: the olive tree, the fig tree, the vine, and the bramble. In the parable, the first 3 candidates rejected the offer to be king and lord it over the other trees, and only the bramble accepted, rather readily at that, asking the trees to put their trust in the covering of his shadow. We can safely say the following about each of the candidates:
Now that we have established the spiritual connection between figs and the apostolic endowment, we can continue with Amos 4:9.
The "gardens", "vineyards", "fig trees", and "olive trees" in Amos 4:9 above point to the 5 ministerial endowments:
Notice that the 2 "female" endowments are mentioned first (through the word "gardens") in Amos 4:9. This points to how God's scorching and spittle is provoked by the people of God allowing the "female" endowments to gain pre-eminence over the "male" endowments, turning the "male" endowments into instruments to advance the matriarchy of the soul instead of the Kingship of God's Spirit. The fact that the evangelistic "vineyards" are mentioned second points to how the pastoral matriarchy loves to "hire" the services of submitted, emasculated evangelists to draw more sheep into their flock. Said another way, the only reason why they embrace the evangelistic endowment is because they know that their flocks would eventually dry out without evangelists committed to do their bidding. The reason why the "fig trees" are mentioned next is because matriarchal pastors know that they need a system of "law and order" to police and control the captive flock, which is why they so readily resort to Jebusites (i.e.- apostles gone bad) to produce soulish wisdom and to enforce the soulish laws that are spawned from that soulish wisdom.
The prophetic "olive trees" are mentioned last in Amos 4:9 because the prophetic endowment is greatly feared by matriarchal pastors for two reasons. For one, it is the endowment most prone to rebelling against human authority, following the "beat of its own drum" instead of the beat of the human leaders' gong. This turns the prophetic endowment into an "unknown quantity" that may or may not be beneficial to the matriarchal agenda. The second (related) reason why the prophetic endowment is generally the last "male" endowment "embraced" by matriarchal pastors is that it points people away from the natural realm and towards the things of the spirit realm. Therefore, the prophetic endowment produces fruit that generally go beyond the soulish understanding of matriarchal pastors and teachers, thereby exposing their acute spiritual deficiency and highlighting the ridiculous nature of their self-imposed title of "spiritual leaders of the people". Therefore, matriarchal pastors usually "open the doors" to the prophetic endowment in the black-horse stage, after red-horse Abel has ridden through the congregation and exposed the bloody nature of their tyrannical, Cain-sian domination during the red-horse stage. In other words, they open the doors to the more "exciting" spiritual things of the prophetic when they are afraid that the dryness and legalism exposed by the red horse will lead to their permanent demise. However, when they open the door to the prophetic, they make sure that it remains under their pastoral thumb, which leads to the anointing in God's prophetic people becoming distorted, leading to the infusion of Hittite spirits of deceit that turn the spiritual things of God into little more than emotional entertainment for the soul that produces no true spiritual fruit or growth.
Because of all the above, God releases the gazam "palmerworm" of scorching and spitting apostolic judgements through willing agents on Earth (such as Amos and Joel) to consume the fruits produced by the misused ministerial endowments.
The "locust" of evangelistic dominationThe word "locust" in Joel 1:4 above was translated from the Hebrew word arbe, which is derived from the verb raba meaning "to be or become great or numerous". Hence, it clearly points to the evangelistic endowment, since that is the endowment most directly related to spiritual tallness and to the expansion of kingdoms through the conquest of spoils and souls from the enemy. Thus, it is no "coincidence" that the first two verses where raba appears in Scripture are the following verses, where raba is translated as "multiply" each time:
"And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth" (Genesis 1:22)
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28)
Notice how Genesis 1:22 above speaks of man being given authority by God to multiply things in the natural realm. If man did not have authority over the Earth's natural events, why would God tell man and woman to "fill the waters in the seas" and to multiply the fowl in the Earth? From the matriarchal, soulish perspective, wouldn't those "duties" actually belong to "Almighty God", since man is supposedly this feeble little creature incapable of "supernatural" feats? Thus, Genesis 1:22 shows that God's view of man (and woman, since He said "them") is very different from the matriarchal soul's lazier and faithless view of itself.
Notice also how Genesis 1:26 speaks of man and woman being given the authority to establish dominion (i.e.- kingship) over the Earth. This means that man and woman have a "natural" ability and tendency to expand, multiply, and dominate. Thus, it is interesting that the matriarchal soul resents this ability in man, complaining constantly, for example, about the white man's (i.e. the Japhethite's) ability to dominate territories and produce fruitfulness and prosperity in them when other races have failed so miserably to do so. The matriarchal soul also resents man's natural tendency to bring civilisation and industrial development to untamed wildernesses overrun by animals and vegetation. The matriarchal soul sees this as an affront to "mother Earth" and to the souls of the animals being "displaced" by the progress of man's civilisation. Even though there is a valid point in being careful not to show disregard for animals and vegetation (for they are also part of God's Creation and have a basic right to life), it is important to emphasise that the matriarchal soul's apparent regard for God's non-human creation is, in truth, motivated more by a deep resentment of the "male" conquering authority given to man by God than by a concern for animals and vegetation. This can be seen, for example, by their willingness to embrace power generation through massive metallic windmills that are often deadly to birds and create deadly confusion (through their vibrations and heat) to marine life such as whales and dolphins. If the radical matriarchal souls truly cared for animal life, they would be willing to surrender some of their favourite causes to protect them. But, as is always the case, their radical ideology is always more important than the right to life of any life form (human or not), no matter how much they claim to have deep compassion for living beings.
It is interesting to consider that the 3rd verse where raba appears in Scripture is the following verse:
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." (Genesis 3:16)
The word raba is actually repeated twice (in the phrase "greatly multiply"), showing how the evangelistic rabas are sent by God to devastate the matriarchal soul. As we have shared before, God's judgement against man was for having obeyed the woman, which speaks of the "male" spirit of man being submitted under the "female" soul. Therefore, God's judgement in Genesis 3:16 was brought on by the matriarchal state that man had fallen into. This is why God ends the verse with a prophetic word against the "female" soul when He declares that the "male" spirit shall rule over the female soul.
The word "desire" in Genesis 3:16 was mistranslated from the Hebrew word teshuqa, which is derived from the verb shuq meaning "to be abundant, to overflow (as with water)". Hence, teshuqa has the connotation of an overflowing emotional longing, meaning that the restoration of the "male" spirit's dominion over the "female" soul (i.e.- "he shall rule over thee") shall happen as the soul prophetically longs for that restoration, a longing that God has prophetically encoded in the DNA of human history, a longing that is manifested through those willing to embrace it. Doing so (i.e.- embracing that longing) does require the willingness to go through the profound pregnancy pains that God has ordained for the soul in Genesis 3:16. Woman is required to bear the pains of pregnancy before the physical birth of every human because humanity's continuation is predicated on the eventual fulfilment of the "male" spirit's domination over the "female" soul. Without that fulfilment, there is no point in any more humans being born or for human history to be allowed to continue. This is why women are forced to pay the price and bear the physical pains of childbirth, even if their souls do not truly long for the spirit's domination. In the same way, those who are working to fulfil God's prophesied dominion of the human spirit over the human soul must pay a price in their souls, a price that will at times feel as if their hearts are so filled with sorrow that there is no room for the blood, causing it to pour forth from it (like an overflowing cup), leaving a trail of blood wherever they walk.
From the above, we can conclude that God releases the arbe "locust" of swarming evangelistic conquest to consume the fruits produced by the misused ministerial endowments. These arbe locusts are released through agents (such as Joel and Amos) who are willing to embrace the authority given to man by God, as per Genesis 1:22-26, and who use that authority to call those swarms of arbes upon those abusing the natural and/or spiritual gifts that were given to them by God. The overwhelming nature of these swarms that you release on God's enemies will be intensified if you show a willingness to bear the childbirth pains of Genesis 3:16.
The "cankerworm" of pastoral serviceThe word "cankerworm" in Joel 1:4 above was translated from the Hebrew word yelek, which is derived from the verb laqaq meaning "to lick up". This word is first used in Scripture in the Judges chapter 7, where it is used 4 times in the following 3 verses, translated as "lappeth" or "lapped":
"5 So he brought down the people unto the water: and the LORD said unto Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink. 6 And the number of them that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water. 7 And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place." (Judges 7:5-7)
The reason why the "water lappers" were more worthy fighters than the "kneelers" is because the lappers were choosing the indignity of lapping their water like dogs in order to remain standing, which allowed them to keep an eye on the hills around them in case the enemy was about to pounce on them. By contrast, the kneelers were so concerned about satisfying their thirst that they gave themselves over to it completely, descending to the ground and burying their faces in the water, with no concern over any potential attack.
As we have shared before, dogs are a figure of the Canaanite spirit in a negative sense meaning that, in a positive sense, they point to the pastoral endowment and to God's Spirit of Service, given that the Canaanite spirit results from the distortion of the pastoral endowment. Therefore, we can say that the lappers were manifesting a Godly Spirit of Service even as they were engaging in "male" warfare. In other words, they were willing to reduce themselves to a lowly waiter or server when necessary in order to please God. Hence, the "water lappers" of Judges 7 show how we can operate in the "female" pastoral endowment without falling into a matriarchal mindset and without reneging on our "male" spirit responsibilities. God loves those who are willing to act like servants and perform "menial" (and apparently "demeaning") tasks when called upon by Him because their hearts are bent on pleasing God (like a dog that endeavours to please his master). These "menial" tasks may involve apparently meaningless actions that are associated to certain "special operations" in the spirit realm, or they may involve operations of literal service to brothers and sisters in Christ, for when we do one such service in the Spirit for one of His little ones, we are doing it for Him (Mark 9:41-44).
It is worth noting that the first appearance of laqaq (yelek's root word) in Scripture outside of Judges 7 is in verse 19 of the following passage, where it appears twice, translated as "licked" and "lick":
"15 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead. 16 And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. 17 And the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, 18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, which is in Samaria: behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, whither he is gone down to possess it. 19 And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou killed, and also taken possession? And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine." (1 Kings 21:15-19)
A few verses later, the Spirit of God declares the following:
"23 And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. 24 Him that dieth of Ahab in the city the dogs shall eat; and him that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat. 25 But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. 26 And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel." (1 Kings 21:23-26) [Notice how this passage's first verse number is "23", which, as we have shared before, points to the pastoral endowment.]
Hence, we can say that the yelek "cankerworms" released by God come with a thirst for the blood of Ahab and a hunger for the flesh of Jezebel. They come like lowly servers committed to carry out God's vengeance against the Jezebel spirit of the pastoral matriarchy, licking up the soul life in the Ahabs who use the matriarchal system (wittingly or "unwittingly") to exercise Amorite kingship over God's people. They also come with a determination to eat up the human structures that allow the Jezebel spirit to operate on Earth (i.e.- Jezebel's "flesh"). This is so that God may finally be fully manifested in the flesh through His remnant.
{As a parenthesis, the connection between yelek and the pastoral endowment is further reinforced by the fact that laqaq, its root word, which means "to lick up", is literally associated to the tongue, as is explicitly emphasised by the Spirit of God in Judges 7:5 above. As we have shared before, the gift of tongues is imparted through the pastoral endowment, and the tongue points to verbal communication, which correlates with the pastoral endowment's propensity to foster soul communication amongst people. This also emphasises the worthiness of the 300 Gideon warriors who lapped up the water from their hands, for, as Judges 7:6 declares, they pulled their hands up towards their mouths, meaning that they did not lower their mouths to satiate their thirst. This points to believers who are not willing to lower their soul communication to fit their souls' needs but who, instead, elevate their soul communication to fit the requirements of their "male" Spirit responsibilities. Soul-centred individuals are willing to engage in soul communication that may be spiritually counter-productive to satiate their soul's need for companionship; spirit-centric individuals are willing to forego that soul communication, even if it leaves their soul thirsty for companionship, and they are actually willing to engage in certain communications that soul-centred individuals would rather bypass because of the risk of losing friendships or losing little pleasures that their souls crave.}
From the above, we can conclude that God releases the yelek "cankerworm" of pastoral service to sweep up the corrupted fruits produced by the misused endowments. These yeleks are released through agents who are willing to act like humble maids who hoover up the unrighteous fruit so that the matriarchal system may not be strengthened from it. Lowly and "female" as they may appear to the naked eye, these yelek "maids" are actually warriors à la the 300 warriors of Judges 7:5-7 who are used by God to carry out important spiritual missions for His Glory and His honour. These yelek "dogs" are very mild and sweet towards God and His righteous people but are like vicious pit bulls against Ahab, Jezebel, and those who uphold the matriarchal system, for they know that it pleases God that these souls be torn to shreds.
The "caterpillar" of prophetic sacrificeThe word "caterpillar" in Joel 1:4 above was translated from the Hebrew word hasil, which is derived from the Hebrew verb hasal meaning "to consume, finish off, bring to an end". Interestingly, hasal only appears once in Scripture, translated as "consume" in the following verse:
"Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it" (Deuteronomy 28:38) [Interestingly, the word "locust" in this verse was translated from the evangelistic word arbe mentioned above.]
Notice how hasal is associated in the verse above with "seed". As we have studied before, the ministerial endowment most directly related to sowing and reaping is the prophetic endowment. Therefore, we can say that the hasil "caterpillar" comes like a prophet that destroys the prophetic future of the matriarchal system so that it may be no more. Instead of sowing into the matriarchal system, the hasil "caterpillar" comes to eat the spiritual seed that gives the matriarchal system any hope of a lasting future. Being sowers, they are able to identify seed, and they have the spiritual authority to destroy unrighteous seed, for they have shown a willingness to sow their own "blood" (i.e.- their very soul life) into the ground for God's purposes.
The word hasil also appears in the following verse, translated once again as "caterpiller", in reference to what God did to Egypt to rescue the Israelites out of it:
"He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and their labour unto the locust." (Psalm 78:46)
The word "increase" in the verse above was translated from the Hebrew word yabul, which is derived from the word yabal meaning "to bring, lead, carry, bear along". Therefore, we can say that the "increase" that is given over to the hasil "caterpillar" is connected to the concept of bearing a burden. As shown in the following verses, the concept of a "burden" is spiritually associated with prophecy in Scripture:
"The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite." (Nahum 1:1)
"The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi." (Malachi 1:1)
"And as for the prophet, and the priest, and the people, that shall say, The burden of the LORD, I will even punish that man and his house." (Jeremiah 23:34)
"The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see" (Isaiah 13:1)
Hence, when the Spirit of God declares in Psalm 78:46 above that the yabul "increase" will be handed over to the hasil "caterpillar", He is emphasising the connection between hasils and the prophetic endowment. Because they have been willing to bear the prophetic burden when called upon to do so, they will have the authority and ability to pick up and carry away the prophetic burden in the matriarchal system in order to deprive the matriarchy of any prophetic future.
A devouring summaryHaving meditated individually on each of the 4 beings mentioned in Joel 1:4 above, we can now summarise them in the following table, associating them to the 4 beings of Ezekiel 1:10:
The devouring sequenceNow that we have a better sense of what each being of Joel 1:4 represents, the question then becomes, why does God refer to them in that sequence? In other words, why does the apostolic gazam come to carry out the initial devouring, with the evangelistic arbe devouring what the gazam left behind, with the pastoral yelek devouring what the arbe left behind, and with the prophetic hasil devouring whatever remains from the first 3?
To answer this, we must consider that the first two endowments of apostle and evangelist point to angels, since, as we have shared before, angels are apostle-evangelists. We must also consider that angels are "soulless" executors of God's judgements, meaning that they are "non-emotional" by nature. This correlates with the fact that apostles target the mind and evangelists target the heart, meaning that the only part of the soul not directly targeted by apostles and evangelists are the emotions. Therefore, we can say that the 4-devourer attack against the matriarchal system must start with an angelic action that is "cold" and "emotion-less", much in the same way that an executioner would carry out a death sentence against a prisoner in the olden days. The executioner cannot worry about "hurting the feelings" of either the prisoner or his family and friends. He must lift his axe over the prisoner's head with no emotions, and he must strongly swing the axe down on the back of the neck with ruthless precision, after which he must show no emotion as the blood gushes out of the prisoner's body and his head falls onto the basket below. This "heartless" mindset is completely contrary to the lovey-dovey, emotion-centric, and anti-judgement nature of the matriarchal Church, which is why it is the only mindset that can initiate its destruction.
Now that we have discerned why the apostolic gazam and the evangelistic arbe need to go first, we must ask, why does the gazam go first between the two? As we have shared before, the Lord God always builds on a foundation of wisdom and judgements, which is why the apostolic-judgements gazam must go first. Once the judgements have been established, the swarm of evangelistic arbes can proceed with their "devouring" conquest on the foundation placed by the gazams.
The 2 beings that follow the gazam and arbe, i.e.- the yelek and the hasil, correspond to the 2 ministerial endowments most directly related to emotions. Pastors mainly target the emotions, since they are designed to be empathetic and soothing by nature, constantly "feeling other people's pain" and doing their best to minimise the pain (mind you, there is nothing inherently wrong with such pastoral behaviour, for it is part of how God Himself built pastors to be; the problem is when such behaviour is controlled by the soul and not the Spirit). Prophets also operate at the level of emotions, but they do so in a different way. Whereas pastors channel their emotions towards exercising compassion towards others, prophets channel their emotions towards the vision that God has placed in them, and they use their emotions as antennae to better hear the voice of God in the Spirit and be in tune with what is resonating in God's heart. Hence, we can see how God first sends the "emotionless squad" to destroy the matriarchy and then sends the "emotional squad" to finish it off. The reason why the hasil prophets are sent in last is twofold: First, the prophetic endowment is "male", which makes it fitting that the devouring of the "female"-dominated matriarchy be completed by "males" (so as to reaffirm the dominion of the "male" Spirit over the "female" soul. Second, the prophetic endowment is the one most directly related to "death", "Sheol", and "obliteration", since prophets are the ones most intrinsically willing to die in sacrifice and go through Sheol (i.e.- hell) for the Lord's sake. This means that, when the hasil "caterpillars" are allowed to finish the devouring, they leave behind a visible environment of death, obliterating devastation, and overwhelming Sheol emptiness. This is a fitting end for the matriarchy, since it is a system that produces overwhelming devastation and emptiness as it strips God's people of their Spirit potential, leaving them like biological beings that are little better than animals. The matriarchy carries out this destruction in a way that is invisible to the unwitting soul, masking it with a layer of empty actions that feed the emotions and keep the soul entertained. God's 4 devourers of Joel 1:4, however, come to eat away at that layer and expose the Sheol of utter emptiness and devastation underneath, which is why the prophetic hasils are the best fit to "finish the job".
"15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. 17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. 18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it." (Isaiah 28:15-18) [The word "hell" in verses 15 and 18 was translated from the Hebrew word sheol]
"8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us. 9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? 11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Isaiah 14:8-15) [The Hebrew word sheol appears in verses 9, 11, and 15. For some odd reason, it is translated as "hell" in verses 9 and 15 but as "grave" in verse 11. This whimsically inconsistent translation of the same word (within a few verses of each other!) is part of why translations such as the KJV are not reliable enough to get an exact understanding of God's Scripture.]
The missing endowment during devourmentAs some of you may have noticed, the table above refers to all the ministerial endowments except one: the teacher endowment. There is a spiritual reason for this. As we have shared before, the teacher endowment is the one most directly related to "accumulating" and to "storing up in warehouses". Hence, it makes sense that the teacher endowment would be explicitly absent from a list of devourers, since devourers subtract and accumulators add. Even so, this writer believes that, as these devourers hoover up the matriarchal Church's spiritual resources to weaken it, they are implicitly gathering up what can be rescued from the matriarchal system so that it may be used for God's Kingdom, but not before they digest it first and cleanse it of their matriarchal impurities.
God willing, in the next posting, we will continue meditating on Joel chapter 1. |