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Train of thought

Loaded question

First posted: May 18, 2008

Word received by: Daniel Heidemann (emailed May 4, 2008)



{Hyperlinks added by us}


A Loaded Question?


Is the Lakeland, Florida revival a True move of God or a False move of God?


There are many streams of thought linked to this question, pros and cons. I'm sure everyone is aware/will be aware of what is going on in Lakeland, Florida. After being informed of the so-called revival, I was prompted in my spirit to reread/ponder "The anti-isolation revelation", first posted March 11, 2008. When I saw the very first subtitle, "Deceit right and left", I saw in my spirit/mind a teeter-totter/see-saw with two children facing each other on opposite ends of the teeter-totter. The Spirit of the Lord reminded me of an experience I had on 2/06/2008 [6 February].


During a snow storm on 2/06/2008 [February 6], while walking to a hardware store to buy a snow shovel, I walked past a caution sign. The sign was a yellow diamond-shape sign with 2 children on a teeter-totter/see-saw. It was one of those caution signs that lets you know there is a playground and children playing in the area.




I did a word-meaning search on "teeter-totter", and below is what I found:


[Obtained from]


n. Upper Northern & Western U.S.

See seesaw

Regional Note: The outdoor toy usually called a seesaw has a number of regional names, New England having the greatest variety in the smallest area. In southeast New England it is called a tilt or a tilting board. Speakers in northeast Massachusetts call it a teedle board; in the Narragansett Bay area the term changes to dandle or dandle board. Teeter or teeterboard is used more generally in the northeast United States, while teeter-totter, probably the most common term after seesaw, is used across the inland northern states and westward to the West Coast. Both seesaw (from the verb saw) and teeter-totter (from teeter, as in to teeter on the edge) demonstrate the linguistic process called reduplication, where a word or syllable is doubled, often with a different vowel. Reduplication is typical of words that indicate repeated activity, such as riding up and down on a seesaw.


Noun 1. teeter-totter - a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a
fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end


[Obtained from]



1. A long plank balanced on a central fulcrum so that with a person riding on each end, one end goes up as the other goes down. Also called regionally dandle, dandle board, teedle board, teeter, teeterboard, teeter-totter, tilt, tilting board.

2. The act or game of riding a seesaw.

3. A back-and-forth or up-and-down movement, as of the lead between two
contesting parties.


intr.v. see·sawed, see·saw·ing, see·saws

1. To play on a seesaw.

2. To move back and forth or up and down.


Note: The teeter-totter/see-saw effect is similar to what happens during an earthquake. The plates shift and move up and down.



{Our brief comments}

The seesaw speaks of ...


... things that come and go, which correlates with what the Lord had us say with regard to the signs in Florida. The very word "seesaw" has the connotation of things that you "see" for a season and which fade away, after which you can only say that you "saw" them in the past. The Lord, however, is planning something that shall abide forever (Hebrews 12:22-29).



... entertainment for children, which is what the signs and miracles often turn into, as believers fail to understand that they are a means to an end, the end being spiritual growth.



... motion that goes nowhere; whilst you are on the seesaw, you feel as if you are in the midst of great motion. However, once the ride ends, you end up in the same position that you were in when the ride started. The Church has yet to understand what God wants to do on Earth, and they continue to see His plans in the context of institutions. When they think of "revival", they think of activity going on within the walls of a church building. Fellow believer, as I went back to the "anti-isolation revelation" word mentioned by brother Daniel, I was surprised to see that the section I was looking for is titled "The intimacy that goes nowhere", which correlates with what the Lord is having us say in this paragraph. The Lord has plans that go outside the isolationist confines of religious institutions. He plans a "lightning revival" that is to overtake the entire atmosphere of the Earth. Man, however, keeps thinking about localised revivals that decay into [e]motion that goes nowhere fast.



... constant motion up and down; during the 5th-seal period, God's remnant are exposed to constant 2nd-beast attacks from the (Jebusite) right and the (Hittite) left. Whilst attacks from the right are "visible", attacks from the left are "invisible". Because of this, 5th-seal remnant believers become exposed to people and circumstances that launch unexpected attacks against them. As they recuperate from attacks launched from visible enemies, they are often "sucker-punched" by people who act like friends one minute and like enemies the next. This keeps them in a constant up-and-down [e]motion[al] state. In the same way, believers keep the Lord in a constant "up-and-down state", for they seem to be in love with Him one minute, only to suddenly turn against Him when they feel their soul interests threatened by Him. This is the result of people who continue to straddle the fence, even as they sincerely believe that they have committed themselves to God in full. As a consequence, God's remnant continue to bear the unbearable load.


The date when brother Daniel saw the seesaw, February 6, 2008, has spiritual significance. As I searched amongst the postings for the date "February 6", I came to understand (from the 3 words in which it appears a total of 4 times) that the date "February 6" represents the American Church's self-enclosing "39" stagnation, pointing to how those who have the anointing to release the True revival remain ignored and in the background, even as others continue to grab the American Church's childish attention.