Prophetic word for today (p.i.)
The light house of Jubilee
First preliminary posting: September 30, 2006
E-mailed: September 21, 2006
Word received by: Martina Webley
The moment I read the heading "Giant house in the
meadow" {from a
word posted 10 days ago} , I thought, "Wow, another house dream!
Now I got to tell [them] mine".
Prior to this dream God spoke to my heart, telling
me "I free you of everything (so I'll be free to follow Him.)" He brought my
attention to the concept of the Jubilee: In the fiftieth years every debt was to
be forgiven, everything lost was to be returned. This happened right around my
50th birthday! He arranged that my money debt was paid off. But the debt He
referred to was a lot more comprehensive than just monetary. The money debt was
just the beginning of the paying off of debts. It was right around that time,
that I had this dream: and all these three things seemed to happen within a 7-10
day time period.
(I dreamt this early this year.)
Looking for a house to live in, I entered a small
vacant house that was located in a quiet neighborhood. It was an older house,
but in good repair. It was light green. It had a very clean atmosphere. As I
entered it, I noticed a lot of light coming into this house through all the
windows. I liked this very much and realized this was going to be my house. I
walked through it, and exited the backdoor to check the fenced backyard. I
noticed that the plants and the grass were in somewhat neglected shape, and was
looking for a hose in order to water the lawn. As I was looking for a faucet, I
noticed with delight that the yard had an underground sprinkling system.
I believe the light represents spiritual light, and the underground water system
represents the well of living water that Jesus speaks of.
Our brief comments
{Fellow believer, there are many threads in
this dream that are yet unexplored. We pray that
you will follow up on these threads. If the Lord shares something with you
regarding this dream, please let us know. Thank you.}
These are a few thoughts regarding this dream:
As I read this dream, it immediately took me to
a literal place that the Lord sent me to on
September 11, 2006. Many of the
physical descriptions in the dream coincide with a large
2-story building where I was for hours that day. As I walked (and at
moments ran)
towards that place, I was immediately reminded of the "meadow"
dream; and, as I was inside the building, I kept being reminded of that
dream. Interestingly enough, that was the very dream that prompted sister
Martina to email this dream to us.
Sister Martina's reference to
the year of Jubilee
points to several things:
The Lord had us speak about the "Year
of Jubilee" in the "meadow
house" dream posting. Sister Martina had not yet read that posting
when she saw a spiritual connection between that dream and her house
dream. She had only read the posting's title; yet, she perceived that it
was related to a dream of hers which was in turn related to the year of
Jubilee, this without knowing that the year of Jubilee was mentioned in
the midst of that long posting.
As God's remnant believers have been willing to give the "10th gift",
their own (and the Church's) "Matthew"
gift has been preserved and rendered eternal. Through their sacrifice,
Britannia's, America's, and the world's calling has been "stowed away"
in the "house of light" described in sister Martina's dream.
As we shared
before, the Thames river in London supports an artificial secondary
channel between Maidenhead and Windsor that is known as the "Jubilee
River", which is a prophetic figure of how the Lord shall manifest the "Year
of Jubilee" "rose revival" in London and the UK.
its Year of Jubilee because of her Judas-like
betrayal against God's remnant spirit. Spiritually speaking, the
American Church
withdrew her support of God's remnant spirit, instead of proactively
enabling it in
the zeal of God. America did not know that she was in her "Green
Day", at the point in
kairos time when the matriarchal
was to be broken so that America could enter into a
new day.
The Year of Jubilee mentioned by sister
Martina speaks of the "violet"
band of prosperity
at the end of the rainbow. God's remnant people shall enter into
their well-deserved rest and enjoy the fruit of all their righteous
works (Psalm 31:19-24, Psalm 33:12-22).
light green color speaks of God's
green horse of the Apocalypse.
The spiritual house portrayed in the dream is reached as we complete our
spiritual "green-horse gallop", a gallop that takes us through
death and
In the dream,
a lot of light was coming into
the house through all the windows. When I read that the first
time, I immediately thought of the
window at the end of the "meadow house" dream; in my heart, that window
was like a huge bright light at the end of a dark and turbulent tunnel.
fenced backyard speaks of a safe place of refuge where God's
remnant calling can be "stowed
away" for a season, away from the
contamination of the enemy. This is the reason why the house had such a
"clean atmosphere".
In the backyard, the plants and the grass were
in "somewhat neglected shape".
This speaks of the UK's (and Europe's) spiritual condition. It is in a state
of neglect after decades (and centuries) of "inactivity". The
sprinkling system speaks of the wealth of anointing that remains buried
beneath the neglected surface, an anointing waiting to be released.
As I began to meditate on this dream, the Lord
would constantly bring the word "lighthouse" to my heart (because of
all the light that was coming into the house). This means that such houses,
whether literal or figurative, are lighthouses that provide spiritual light
for remnant believers as they sail
the middle of utter darkness. Unbeknownst to natural man, the Lord has
set a spiritual lighthouse in the UK, a lighthouse that shall bless the
world. |