Prophetic word for
today (p.i.)
halving line
First preliminary posting: August 17, 2006
June 2, 2006
by: Betty Greene
In the dream, I saw a lady that was a very good
friend of mine when I lived in Seneca Falls. Her name is Betty. I found out
after I left Seneca Falls a few weeks ago that she had died. I had been feeling
like I should go see her but just never got around to it. Then, the dream
switched. I was much younger and going to a Christian school. At the school, a
bunch of us were in the basement, but left to go back upstairs. I had taken
something with me that I needed to put back in the basement. And, while I was
there, I felt a very evil presence. So I went to the janitor of the school and
his family, and I told them what I felt. He was surprised, but, then, he said, "Oh
no; I might have done something wrong". He said he was down there the other
day and was getting prepared for some kind of event going on at the school, and
he took a white piece of chalk and drew a line down the center of the floor. He
felt that maybe that had drawn this evil presence there. So we decided to go
back down and pray to get rid of it.
I asked him if, maybe, we could get more people to
go with us. As we walked out his door, all these other people started appearing
and saying "We know what you are going to do, and we are going with you to
pray also." As we headed down to the basement, I started feeling fearful
because I could not see anyone. They were all shrouded in the color red. The
last thing I knew is that I did not have to be afraid because God has not given
us a "spirit of fear." And, at that point, I woke up.
brief comments
This dream has
several elements to consider:
Seneca Falls,
New York, US
As indicated on
wikipedia.org, Seneca Falls is an important place in the Women's
Rights Movement. Feminist leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who was
born in New York state, organized the first Women's Rights convention
there, known as the "Seneca Falls Convention", in 1848. The "National
Women's Hall of Fame" was established in Seneca in 1969. Elizabeth
Cady Stanton chose to fight for women's rights after attending a speech
by Lucrecia Mott at the International Anti-Slavery Convention in
London, England in the spring of 1840 while on her honeymoon. It is
interesting to consider that the
Women's Rights
movement in America had to be birthed outside America, in the UK. Notice
once again the spiritual connection to
London and the
According to
wikipedia.org, the area around Seneca in western New York was dubbed
"The Burned-over district" by 19th-century evangelist Charles Finney
because of all the revivalist movement that happened there during
America's "Second Great Awakening", which led to very few people being
left to be "converted". There were many mainline Protestant converts in
that area, especially those who belonged to nonconformist sects. Many
strange religious movements were also born in that area, including
and the practice of "séances".
The area around Seneca is also known for the
"Guns of the Seneca", which, according to
are loud booming sounds that are heard along the shores of Seneca Lake
and Cayuga Lake (in New York state). Up until now, no one has been able
to determine the reason for these oft-heard but mysterious booms, which
are sometimes so strong that they can rattle plates.
Seneca Falls is
named after a 40-foot waterfall in Seneca River, which drains 3 lakes
(including the Seneca Lake), which are part of the "Finger Lakes".
According to
wikipedia.org, this is the name given to some
11 linear lakes in
the Western New York state area. Two of these lakes, though narrow, are
particularly deep. According to
wikipedia.org, the Seneca Lake happens to be the second deepest lake
in the United States. Because of this, Seneca Lake has been used as a
submarines testing site. |
The name of the friend that appeared at the
beginning of the dream is "Betty",
which is the dreamer's name (Betty Greene). This name also correlates with "Elizabeth
Cady Stanton", since "Betty" is short for "Elizabeth". The name
Elizabeth also points to the mother of John the Baptist; John is a figure of
the latter-day remnant believers who are paving the way for the Lord's
latter-day parousia.
speaks of hidden prophetic intercession, outside of man's view. This
basement also points to the underground prayer place in the Wall Street area
(in Manhattan, New York City) where a group of faith-filled businessmen
gathered to pray. This "simple" prayer group, initiated in 1857 by a lay
preacher named
Jeremiah Lamphier, launched a massive prayer revival that, according to
a May 2006 CBN news
report, eventually led to the conversion of 2 million people across
America and Europe. I am getting goose bumps as I am writing this to you ...
I have the Spirit's witness that a mighty revival anointing remains hidden
beneath the ground in Manhattan's Wall Street area, just like Elisha's bones
after they were buried (2
Kings 13:20-21). It is a shame that America missed out on the breakout
of that anointing, a breakout whose process would have started in the
spring and
summer of
2005. Because America missed its
door, that anointing will have to remain dormant until the process is
reinitiated in 2009. Shame on the
By the way, sister Betty emailed us the
above-mentioned CBN news report 2 days before sending us the dream. She was
motivated to send that report, entitled "Rumblings of Revival in NYC"
because of all that we have shared regarding
NYC as
epicenter of the
latter-rain revival
in America.
janitor is a person in charge of upkeep, making sure that
everything is in working order. Therefore, it correlates with the 2 "female"
ministries of
pastor and teacher, which, as we have said before, are geared towards
nurturing and maintaining what the 3 "male"
ministries "bring home". As we have also said
"sweeping" is spiritually related to the teaching ministry, while
"garnishing" is related to the pastoral ministry.
chalk line drawn in the basement by the janitor represents
"compromised intercession", i.e.- an intercession that is not 100% focused
on God's will and judgments. Such intercession is 50% interested in God's
will and 50% interested in man's "ministerial" agenda. In response to this
chalk line of compromise, God has
drawn a line down the
middle of America as well, decreeing spiritual civil war over a
land that
between God's will and its religious agenda.
The chalk line was drawn by the janitor because
of an event being held
at the school, which emphasizes the fact that this line was motivated by
man's matriarchal activities and interests. "Women's
events" keep getting in the way of God's agenda on Earth, and the
brown loaves remain adrift in the sea. As we have said
before, the last
prophetic-intercession movement (of the late 1990s and early 2000s) perished
as it
turned Canaanite, trying to work with
the pastoral-matriarchy spirit rather than
against it.
The chalk line down the center of the basement
also correlates with the Finger Lakes in western New York (mentioned
above), since these narrow lakes are oriented on
a "vertical", north-south axis. This orientation also correlates with the
spiritual line drawn by God, a line which ran from north to south, splitting
America down the middle and dividing her between "east" and "west".
In the dream,
people suddenly appeared out of
nowhere who wanted to pray also. These people represent the
hidden prophetic remnant in America. This precious remnant is the only
reason why America has not been cast off the way
America was cast off (as a region) in 2003. In America, there are also
"janitors" (i.e.- pastors and teachers) who are willing to admit that the
"pastoral matriarchy" is contrary to God's will, and these in-the-shadow
"janitors" are willing to have that matriarchy removed. These men and women
may have inadvertently aligned themselves with the matriarchy spirit in the
past, but they are willing to change their ways and fight against that
spirit if a "sister Betty" approaches them and makes them aware of it.
The fact that these praying people were
shrouded in red points
to the red, black, and green horses of the Apocalypse. The shroud points to
anonymity, which, in turn, points to the black
horse, since that horse launches
from the lonely
wilderness outside. These invisible praying people are the army of
intercessors who are not out for human notoriety, but who are sincerely
interested in God's purposes (not
theirs) being fulfilled. There is no white chalk line dividing these
believers' hearts. They are the army prophesied in Joel 1 and 2, the army
that has sold its mantle in order to buy a devastating invisible sword (Luke 22:36).
The color red points to the
red horse of pestilence. As we have said
those of you imbued with the red-horse anointing become non-conformant
believers who are indignant about the current state of things and who
agitate the atmosphere by teaching truths to their brethren that reveal the
inherent flaws in the status quo. This act of "teaching" can be manifested
in many ways, and when it is, the "boat" is sure to be rocked. True
red-horse riders are out to destroy the
pastoral matriarchy altogether, not to
cautiously work with it, which
heightens their "spiritually violent" nature.
Cloths used to wrap a corpse for burial are
called "shrouds". Therefore, the shrouds in the dream also point to
green-horse believers who are
willing to go to
so that God's purposes may be fulfilled on Earth.
In a spiritual sense, sister Betty's awareness
that there was evil in the basement points to the
horse. As we have said before, the other 3 horses of the Apocalypse
operate under the
umbrella of the white horse. That is the reason why the people shrouded
in red (representing the other 3 horses) appeared as sister Betty and the
janitor were heading for the basement.
Sister Betty felt fear as she headed down to the
basement with the rest of the shrouded believers. This
fear has 3
The red-horse
component in the red-shroud people creates uneasiness in those who are
afraid to "rock the boat" and "stir
trouble". |
The black-horse
component in the red-shroud people creates uneasiness because it
involves believing in the "strange"
things of God. |
The green-horse
component in the red-shroud people creates fear because it implies
descending to Sheol and
facing the terrors of death and Sheol; this is the reason why sister
Betty's fear intensified as she began to descend to the basement
with the rest of the praying people. Many believers in America are
willing to go "red" and "black", but most of those believers are
unwilling to go "green", because "going green" implies facing
obliteration yourself in order to
obliterate the enemies of God. |
In the dream, sister Betty
Greene overcame her fear of the green horse as she placed her
trust in God, and, then, she woke
up, which is a figure of green-horse believers
from the ashes
of death into a new level of Spirit-relationship with God. Those who
overcome the fear of death and die shall overcome the one who has used the
fear of death to keep man in bondage.
"1Then Job
answered the LORD, and said, 2I know that thou canst do every
thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. 3Who is
he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I
understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. 4Hear,
I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou
unto me. 5I
have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
6Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and
(Job 42:1-6)
[Job spoke these words after going through a
experience that is described along 40
chapters (Job 2-41). This is the reason why Job speaks of "ashes" in verse
6. These are the ashes of obliteration from which green-horse riders must
rise. In verses 5 and 6, Job is describing his transition "from 5 to 6".]
then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself
likewise took part of the same; that
through death he might destroy
him that had the power of death,
that is, the devil; 15And deliver them
who through fear of death were
all their lifetime subject to bondage.
16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took
on him the seed of Abraham. 17Wherefore in all things it behoved
him to be made like unto his brethren, that
he might be a merciful and
faithful high priest in things pertaining to God,
to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. 18For in that
he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are
tempted." (Hebrews 2:14-18)
[The word "tempted" in verse 18 was translated
from the Greek verb peirazo, which can also be translated as "tried".
Notice how this passage speaks of
through death in order to be an intercessory priest.] |