Prophetic word for today
36 stranded dolphins
First posted: August 10, 2004
Word received: August 10, 2004
Received by: Shamah-Elim Bible Studies
On Friday, August 6,
2004, a pod of dolphins stranded themselves on a beach in Hutchinson Island,
Florida, USA. Volunteers worked feverishly to save the stranded dolphins, and after much effort, were able to return all the dolphins to sea; they
even rejoiced as one of the dolphins began to "leap" into the air. By
8:00 PM Friday night, however, the dolphins returned to the beach once again. This time,
however, they were in such bad shape that, of the 36 stranded dolphins, 30 had
to be euthanized. The other 6 were taken to the Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institute to be monitored at a critical care pool.
According to a report
by Tim Malloy aired on TV station WNBC, the veterinarian who had to euthanize
the dolphins said that he had worked as a marine mammal veterinarian for 20
years and had euthanized animals in the past. However, this was the first time
that he had been forced to euthanize so many animals at once. Scientists and
animal experts in the area also shared that, to their knowledge, this was the
first time that such a stranding had ever taken place. They suspect that a huge
passive sonar device installed by the U.S. government off the Bahamas might be
responsible. This device has been known to affect the routes of whales.
According to a report
published on The Palm Beach Post, Gregory Bossart, director of marine mammal
research and conservation at Harbor Branch, suspects that the leader of the pod
must have been sick and led the rest of the pod ashore.
The incident is
considered very rare by scientists and veterinarians, since
dolphins are very smart animals that prefer deep water and rarely swim close to
On Sunday, August 8,
2004, another dolphin stranded itself on the beach, and, according to a
report published on The Palm Beach Post, it is suspected to have been part of
the pod that stranded itself on Friday. The dolphin appeared near the beach on
Saturday, and swam ashore on Sunday. The dolphin was rescued and taken to
Harbor Branch, where the other 6 were being kept, according to another report.
This is the prophetic interpretation of these events:
are known to be smart animals, but they followed a sick leader who was
apparently being misled by a man-made passive sonar. The sonar represents
the promptings of spirits that many congregations are following as they fashion
a gospel to their own liking, i.e.- a "man-made" gospel. Dolphins are
very sociable animals, and the cohesion of their society is created by
unconditional submission to the directions of the leader dolphin, even if that
leader is taking them to their deaths. Just as the dolphins are smart creatures,
God has endowed each believer with the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) and
the ability to have a direct relationship with Him (Hebrews 10:19). We have been
endowed with the ability to recognize the voice of Jesus (John 10:27), which
makes us capable of discerning when the leader is following a man-made sonar and
when he or she is following the sonar of God. Yet, believers have preferred the
cohesion of social unity at church and prefer to submit unconditionally to the
"ministers", leading to their mighty callings in life being stranded
near shallow waters, instead of abiding in a deep-water relationship with
Almighty God where they will grow and become all that God created them to be.
dolphins got stranded on Friday; 36 is 6 times 6. Of those 36, 30 died, and 30
is 5 times 6. This means that exactly 5 out of every 6 dolphins died. The number
"5" in Scripture is strongly related to the "grace to
minister", since Ephesians 4:11 lists 5 ministries, and God has given us 5
fingers on each hand, and hands are designed to serve or minister to others.
Ministers in the Church have exalted themselves over God's people and have
called fellow believers to follow them without questioning their judgments. This is why God
has declared judgments against ministers throughout the Body of Christ, and this
is why God decreed the deaths of 5 out of every 6 dolphins.
fact that the dolphins got stranded for good at 8:00 PM on Friday night also
reaffirms the 5 out of 6 ratio. 8:00 PM is equivalent to 20:00; in other words,
it is the 20th hour of the day. The day has 24 hours, and since 20=5*4 and
24=6*4, we can say that the dolphins got stranded 5 sixths of the way
into the day, and the surviving 6 dolphins were saved during the remaining sixth
of the day. God made this to be so to reinforce the fact that the pod got
stranded because of their unconditional submission to the leader, i.e.- to their
ministers, which, as we said above, points to the number 5.
number "6" in Scripture is the "number of man", since
man was created on the 6th day (Genesis 1:26-31), and is also associated with
the concept of "human weakness", since man in his natural condition is
weak before God. The Church has molded itself according to patterns established
by man, not by God. This is why there were 36 dolphins in the pod, which
is 6 times 6. God will therefore strike down the strength and pride of the
Church, its "ministers", showing it that human strength is weakness
before God. The Church has multiplied itself through human means; they have
tried to turn their weakly "6" into "6 times 6", instead of
turning their weakly, human "6" into a strong, spiritual "7"
by resting in the Lord. God has called man to work 6 days and to rest on the 7th
day (this is a spiritual command, not a literal one), meaning that we are to sow in weakness for 6 days and then rest on the 7th
day to wait for God's supernatural response. In a spiritual sense, the Church
operates on 6-day weeks; they work and work and work, and never rest in the
Spirit so that God may manifest His supernatural power and glory. The Church
believes that it can multiply itself through human methods and efforts, when the
true spiritual growth can only be given by God:
"5 Who
then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the
Lord gave to every man? 6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God
gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing,
neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." (1 Corinthians
word "increase" at the end of verse 7 comes from the Greek word auxano,
which literally means "growth"]
that the dolphins got stranded on August 6, and that the
"extra" dolphin appeared near shore on Saturday, August 7, and
swam ashore on August 8. God separated this dolphin from the rest of the
pod to illustrate a point. He will cut down the pride of human multiplication,
cutting the Church from 36 to 6, and once the Church recognizes Her weakness, He
will add what only He can add to make her perfect in Him. When the
"extra" dolphin arrived, the number of surviving dolphins was
completed, changing from 6 to 7. As many of you may know, the number
"7" is associated in Scripture with the concept of
"perfection" or "completion", since the Lord completed the
work of regenerating the Earth in 7 days.
fact that the "extra" dolphin stranded itself on the 8th speaks of
"regeneration", since the number "8" is associated in
Scripture with the concept of tearing down bad structures to start anew; there
were 8 people in Noah's ark, when God wiped out the corrupt human race and
started from scratch through Noah. God is about to bring a process of deep
regeneration into the Church, but He will first have to wipe out the 30 dolphins
that have been preventing Him from completing His work. 30 is 5 times 6, and
refers to the ministers ("5") who have led the Church through human
means and strength ("6"), and who have ordered their brothers and
sisters to submit to them unconditionally, thereby denying that the anointing of
Christ is not exclusive to them.
fact that the 36 dolphins got stranded on Hutchinson Island also has prophetic
meaning. I searched on the Internet for a possible meaning of the last name
"Hutchinson", and found in two
different places
that a possible meaning is "son of the hutch dweller". The word
"hutch" refers to a coop or pen where animals are kept, so it speaks
of animals who are being cared for by humans at the price of their freedom.
Believers all over the Body of Christ have resigned themselves to receive a
comfortable provision of "soul food" by making themselves prisoners of
human structures that teach them that those who care over them are somehow made
of a "superior" spiritual material, in the same way that humans are
similar but superior to the animals they care for. A good human parent does
place his or her child in a cradle while the child is a baby, but he or she
would never turn the cradle into a prison. A good parent wants his or her child
to grow and to be able to leave the cradle, and never considers him or herself
to be inherently superior to the child. On the contrary, any good human parent
believes in the potential of his or her child and wants the child to accomplish
greater things than he or she accomplished.
fact that this whole incident occurred near the Palm Beach area also provides a
prophetic message for the United States. It was around this area where the
famous "hanging chads" controversy took place during the November 2000
Presidential elections. Florida became the battleground that was to decide the
spiritual future of the United States. If Florida had voted for the other
candidate, the United States' spiritual calling would have been taken away
from it, and it would have entered into a state of spiritual decline out of
which it would have never recovered. However, Florida voted for the
candidate who is currently President, which was a vote in the eyes of God for
"spiritual regeneration". During the 2000 elections, America had to
decide between a leader whose government would do everything for them and a
leader who believes in a government that would work to empower people to
be all that they can be. The November 2000 elections were, in a prophetic sense,
a spiritual poll on the type of leadership the country would want, and the
country chose a vulnerable man whose natural presence does not instill a sense
of visible "regal" authority; this is why he is so strongly criticized
and hated by many. However, despite his human frailties (and spiritual flaws), he
represents a man of conviction and principle who believes in the potential of
other people. He considers "little people" to be so important that,
even when it was being whispered to his ear that airplanes had been used as
missiles against the Twin Towers, he continued sharing with the little kids in
that now-famous classroom. He did not consider little kids to be so irrelevant
that he had to simply excuse himself and leave them stranded while he
went to deal with more important issues. He remained in that classroom with a
look of awe and shock, but he never belittled his tiny hosts by telling them
that he had more "important" things to do.
him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
following the voice of man, for you are My sheep, not theirs, and I am
your God, says the Lord. I shall come down against My Church and judge it, and
purge it from the ministers who have lorded themselves over her. I will chastise
My Church for following man, and I will regenerate it, for only I can complete
what needs to be completed on the 7th day.