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Matthew 24 - The Overview (Part 2)
First posted: February 19, 2017
This article is the 29th and final article in a series dealing with the spiritual events --- as prophesied by the Lord in Matthew 24 --- that are already taking place prior to the coming of the Son of Man. These last concluding articles summarise the previous 27 articles, providing an overview of what Matthew 24 really says in the Spirit and expounding on how it clearly contradicts the matriarchal Church's distorted understanding of the "end times".
These concluding articles are divided into one section for each of the preceding 27 articles in this series. Since these final articles constitute a summary of those earlier postings, you will find very few, if any, hyperlinks scattered throughout the text (unlike most of our postings, which contain a multitude of reference links to previous content). We shall also skip some of the logic detailed in the previous postings and generally jump straight to the conclusions. Therefore, if you wish to revisit the logic and specific passages that led to a conclusion, you can click on the corresponding section header (in large letters) to navigate to the original article with all the details.
The anti-isolation revelation
Lights out!!!
Humanity-transforming wisdom
The passing
The day and the hour
The coming cataclysm
The vigil
The break-in
Rising of the Ready
Angelic service
The kakos servant v. Gabriel
The dichotomous
"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not" (Matthew 24:23)
- The word "then" was translated from tote, which has a strong time connotation
- ⇒ What the Lord declares in verse 23 and subsequent verses happens after what is described in the previous verses
- ⇒ It describes things happening during the 5th-seal Jebusite-Hittite onslaught against God's remnant
- The words "here" and "there" were translated from the same Greek word meaning "here" ⇒ One "here" refers to falsehood from the Jebusite "right" side and the other "here" to falsehood from the Hittite "left" side
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24)
- "False Christs" point to the matriarchal first beast, and "false prophets" point to the matriarchal second beast
- The false prophets endeavour to re-establish the dominion of the "false Christ" demigods that the remnant mortally wound through their 4-horse gallop
- The false prophets are the enemy's equivalent of John the Baptist, and the false Christs are the enemy's equivalent of Yeshua
- "Signs" are manifestations that defy the pre-conceived understanding of particular people; they happen on "earth", meaning that they happen at ground level, targeting a specific group of people
- "Wonders" are events of a large magnitude that impact a great number of people, portraying the prowess of the one carrying out the wonder
- Signs and wonders will be performed by the matriarchal system in an effort to prove that the remnant have not damaged it and that it is alive and well
- These signs and wonders will tempt the remnant to believe that the matriarchal system is unbeatable
- Evil signs during the 5th seal are performed mostly by the second beast of Revelation 13
- Evil wonders during the 5th seal are performed mostly by the matriarchal first beast of Revelation 13
- The remnant perform spiritual signs and wonders of their own, which led to the matriarchal system's weakened state
- ⇒ There is a battle of signs and wonders in the spirit realm between the remnant and the matriarchal during the end-times
- Yeshua's mention of the "elect" means that the faithful disciples who are close to Him are still around when all of this is happening, which, as the word "then" in the previous verse indicates, is not before the period of great tribulation, thereby disproving once again the notion of an escapist, matriarchal "rapture"
- The non-elect are already deceived, and they are comfortable where they are
- Therefore, these false Christs and prophets will include "avant-garde" men and women who go beyond the traditional, stale understanding of the matriarchal Church, thereby attracting remnant or quasi-remnant believers who know that there is more to Christianity than what the matriarchal Church has to offer; unfortunately, these false Christ and prophets go only halfway between the matriarchal Church and God's perfect truth, adding enough elements in their teaching and preaching to be different, but not different enough to call out the matriarchy of the soul and bring about the dominion of the Spirit
- These false Christs and prophets will also include non-believers who will feign some sort of allegiance to legitimate change but who are at heart more interested in Korah-style revolution to quench the rise of the Spirit for good; they will carry out great "feats" and win impressive victories against the remnant, causing the remnant to question themselves (like obastard's unbelievable 2 election wins despite a shady past and a reign mired in ineptness, corruption, and decay)
"Behold, I have told you before" (Matthew 24:25)
- The words "told" and "before" were translated from proereo, which refers to a prophetic flow that looks out into the future beyond what is visible
- ⇒ Overcoming the deception described in Matthew 24:24 requires a great deal of prophetic awareness; it cannot be done with natural or traditionalistic understanding
- The word "behold" was translated from idou, which refers to the eyes of the conscious mind
- ⇒ We must make an effort to remind our minds that the soul matriarchy's apparent victory is but a spiritual mirage by going back to Yeshua's written words and discerning them prophetically
- By refocusing our mind on Yeshua's prophetic warning, we can snap out of the trance of disheartening that the enemy's signs and wonders may inflict upon us
- Besides being a double-witness for the Jebusite-Hittite great tribulation of God's people, the word proereo also points to the following in Scripture:
- A remnant on the verge of extinction (à la Sodom and Gomorrah) that is prophesied to survive through Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts (Romans 9:27-29)
- People willing to go through great sacrifice and who suffer 5th-seal Jebusite "fightings without" and Hittite "fears within" (2 Corinthians 7:1-5)
- People who die in weakness and apparent irrelevance but who resurrect in power later and are vindicated before those who doubted them (2 Corinthians 13:1-6)
- People who are warned about heeding a false message (Galatians 1:6-9)
- Remnant believers who, after sacrificial green-horse death, are in a waiting period, waiting for the enemies to be put under their footstool, because they received and believed the prophetic word about them living under the New Covenant, not the Old Covenant of hierarchies and spiritual limitation (Hebrews 10:12-18)
"Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not" (Matthew 24:26)
- The "desert" refers to places where people separate themselves for a soulish type of "purity" whilst remaining with an uncircumcised flesh
- These are "right-handed" places where a Jebusite spirit and Jebusite wisdom lurk beneath
- The "secret chambers" are places where you go to "enjoy God" in pseudo-intimacy that goes nowhere, places geared towards spiritual experiences to store up self-satisfaction
- These are "left-handed" places where a Hittite spirit lurks underneath
- These 2 types of places emphasise a message of village enclosure that aims to prevent all believers, including remnant-leaning believers, realising that they are called to (spiritually, not soulishly) conquer and retake the Earth unto God
- The "deserts" enforce Perizzite (i.e. poor villager) enclosure
- The "secret chambers" enforce Hivite (i.e. "rich" villager) enclosure
- Through this village enclosure, the "Jesus is coming to take us home in the rapture" notion is reinforced and believers continue to think that they need to be like people gathered on the right rooftops waiting for the helicopter to come and rescue them of this "filthy" earth
- If we are to take Yeshua's end-time prophetic word in a literal way, as the eschatological parrots are so determined to do, are we to conclude that Yeshua is speaking about literal deserts and literal secret chambers or "closets"? Is a place OK if it is not located in a literal desert or closet? Dear reader, how stupid do believers have to be to take Yeshua's words literally without realising that He is speaking prophetically? If words such as "desert" and "secret chambers" are not to be taken literally, why is every other word in Matthew 24 (such as "Judaea") to be taken so literally? Again, the matriarchal Church is very adept at selective acceptance of God's words, accepting what is easy to their souls and passively rejecting what is not. Instead of realising that they must make an effort to unearth the true meaning of what Yeshua is saying, they prefer to simply accept whatever can somehow be taken literally and relegating to "irrelevant poetic figures" whatever they know cannot be taken literally.
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:27)
- Contrary to the Church's self-enclosed manifestations of the Christ, the Lord's manifestation is invasive and violent, as shown by the use of "lightning" (astrape) in Scripture
- The phrase "from east to west" speaks of an iterative process, not an instant flash, as when the sun rises in the east and gradually takes over the entire sky
- "From east to west" also means "from right to left", which means that His manifestation starts with God's foundation of righteous apostolic judgements and then goes into full-blown prophetic, from judgements to righteous grace, covering and penetrating into every spectrum of the human experience
"For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together" (Matthew 24:28)
- The carcass speaks of those who draw the coming of the Lord through their green-horse death. Again, the Lord's Coming is not a mere matter of sitting back whilst we idly wait for Yeshua to "do His thing" in order to "get us out of here" and regenerate the Earth through His magical power. Matriarchals hide their spiritual sloth behind the refrain, "Jesus did everything on the cross; all that is left for us is to receive". Cursed are those who refuse to break away from this vile mindset.
- If we are to believe the eschatological parrots' understanding of Matthew 24, what meaning can the "carcass" have? Again, matriarchals are prone to relegating these verses to "irrelevant poetic figures of speech", shielding themselves from the responsibility of having to inquire in the Spirit to gain true understanding
- If we are to treat this verse as a mere "poetic figure of speech", why would Yeshua use a "carcass" as a figure of His coming? Wouldn't He rather use a more "positive" symbolism, given that His Coming is supposed to bring life to the Earth, not death?
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken" (Matthew 24:29)
- Sadly, when the Church's eschatological parrots read the words above, their literal, anti-prophetic minds immediately associate it with meteorological events, with no interest in understanding the true meaning behind it.
- If they are right, are we to expect atmospheric turbulence of some sort that will darken the sun for many days, or are we to expect eclipses happening in unprecedented succession (throwing the solar system into chaos)? Are we also to expect these events to also affect the moon?
- If so, should we also expect the star Alpha Centauri to come crashing into the Earth, given that the verse literally says that the stars will fall from heaven (notice that it does not simply say that the stars will stop shining)? If Alpha Centauri and other stars are expected to come crashing down, shouldn't these collisions signify the end of the planet and the entire solar system, given the actual sizes of stars, most of which are orders of magnitude larger than the sun, which is itself a giant when compared to the Earth?
- "Oh, no!!", the matriarchals would quickly shout. "Clearly, the stars falling is figurative since we know how big stars are!!" If so, matriarchal, why is that the only part of the verse that must be taken "figuratively" whilst we can expect the other parts to be fulfilled in a very literal sense?
- Faced with the undeniable reality of that question, some matriarchals may want to save face by claiming that Jesus must have meant that satellite parts, and maybe even the International Space Station, would start falling from the sky. However, there is currently only one Space Station out there whose fall would be newsworthy, and the fall of satellites has happened often enough since Sputnik not to be newsworthy.
- Faced with the above, other matriarchals may want to argue that Jesus was speaking of meteors crashing into the Earth. Again, this has happened off and on throughout history, so we would have to assume that God is planning to send a barrage of meteors that will come crashing into the Earth, with the meteors frequent enough to be newsworthy but small enough not to wipe out life on Earth.
- Even if we were to accept this half-literal, half-figurative option, what would it truly benefit us to have that information in our heads? If a believer plans to make it out of this cruel world on the "Rapture" spacecraft, what use is it to me to know technical details such as "the sun will be darkened", "the moon will stop shining", and "meteors will fall from the sky"? To me, all those details would be irrelevant and could be summarised in the phrase "all hell will break loose". If the "gruesome details" are intended to motivate me not to miss the "Rapture Beam-up", then I would be more interested on knowing what I have to do to stay in the Rapture Flight Manifest, but this is something the eschatological parrots are very sparse on. If all Christians automatically make it into the "Rapture Flight Manifest", are Jesus' "gruesome details" intended to produce an "I told you so" effect on those who are "left behind" and have to watch these gruesome events? If so, I would dare to argue that anyone who refuses to convert to Christianity even after witnessing the literal rapture of hundreds of millions of people from the Earth will be too stubborn to then be swayed by Matthew 24:29.
- In short, to take Yeshua's words as literal descriptions inevitably reduces them to purposeless gibberish, to meaningless trivia for the morbose mind. When we follow the path of the matriarchal parrots, the only usefulness for Yeshua's words is to win Bible "knowledge" games and nothing more.
- Yes, there can be (and usually are) natural, literal manifestations of God's prophetic word, but these are intended as signs to point to the underlying spiritual meaning, the one that actually counts and has eternal effects on people's growth and lives
- The word "immediately" was translated from euthos, which is derived from euthys meaning "upright, true, sincere"
- ⇒ It speaks of a spiritual outpouring coming down unhindered by man, straight from heaven above
- The word "after" was translated from meta, which can also be translated as "according to"
- What is described in the second part of the verse is a "response in kind" to all the tribulation inflicted on the remnant through the first 5 seals of the Apocalypse
- God's response to Cain, Balaam, and Korah:
- The darkened sun refers to Cain's (the 2nd-seal enemy's) influence being disabled
- The moon not giving her light refers to Balaam's (the 3rd-seal enemy's) influence being neutralised
- The stars falling from heaven refers to Korah (the 4th-seal enemy) falling from heaven
- The powers of the heavens being shaken speaks of how the matriarchal system will lose its hold of the resources that it has kept away from God's remnant, meaning that there will be a spiritual transfer of wealth
- This is the 6th-seal manifestation of God's vindicating vengeance
- The shaking happens immediately after the 4th-seal and green-horse death and continues through the 5th seal, but it has its full manifestation until the 6th seal
- The 5th seal waiting period is reflected in the spiritual "regression" into groaning intercession that happens in chapter 62 of Isaiah after describing the shining of God's light on Earth in Isaiah 60 and 61
- As shown in Isaiah 62:8-10, the 5th-seal period is one of "gathering out the stones" that are hindering His manifestation
- The first seal is not explicitly referred to in this verse because the first-seal epiphany happens deep in the hearts of believers, away from the natural view of man
- Implicitly, the first seal is represented in the word "immediately", pointing to the "instant" nature of the first-seal, white-horse epiphany
- The darkening of soulish light described in Matthew 24:29 points to the locusts released by God on the 5th angel's trumpet in Revelation (Revelation 9:1-5)
- The word for "smoke" in Revelation 9:1-5 was translated from kapnos, which is constantly used in Scripture to refer to God and His righteousness
- ⇒ The locusts of Revelation 9:1-5 are a manifestation of God's righteousness and judgements
- ⇒ They are agents of God, not "daemons", as the matriarchal Church so often claims; it makes sense that the anti-judgement matriarchal Church, which is unaware of God's righteous nature, would be quick to demonise God's righteous agents of judgement, especially when they are a representation of the remnant that they have endeavoured so hard to repress and whose manifestation they so abhor
- The judgement inflicted by the 5th-trumpet locusts of Revelation 9:1-5 is the "5th-seal payback" from God and His remnant for the suffering through which the matriarchal system has subjected the remnant for 5 seals, especially during the 4th- and 5th-seal stages
- Unlike what the matriarchal parrots claim, the "fallen angel" of Revelation 9:1 who holds the "key to the bottomless pit" is not satan, as clearly evidenced by Revelation 20:1-3
- Also, the word for "key" in Revelation 9:1, kleis, is never used in Scripture in a negative sense; instead, keys are always given to the righteous; there is only one case in Scripture where a key is held by the unrighteous, but it is because they are endeavouring to withhold it from the righteous and do not intend to use it themselves because using it would mean unleashing God's righteousness and judgements into the Earth and ending the reign of the soul on Earth (Luke 11:52)
- The word aggelos ("angel") and pipto ("fall") in Revelation 9:1 reveal that the fallen star described there refers to believers who worship God, willing to fall to the point of death, and who, as burning lamps, manifest the nature of God Himself. Such believers are strong angels that are willing to die as weak men to enable the multiplication of God's nature on Earth.
- The darkened sun is a reference to what red-horse (2nd-seal) Abel does to the Girgashite sun of Cain, the visible leadership that reigns supreme until Abel appears on the scene and reveals its oppressive Jebusite nature, weakening its hegemony in a mighty way
- In the natural realm, it is also a reference to what happens to God's remnant, for the sun of God's righteousness is darkened when Cain murders red-horse Abel to silence the burgeoning of God's transformational wisdom
- The moon that does not give her light is a reference to the believers who follow Balaam as they spiritually wander through the wilderness during the black-horse (3rd-seal) stage
- In the natural realm, it is also a reference to what happens to God's remnant as they are forced to wander in the dark night of black-horse anonymity, stripped of human validation and covering; devoid of natural light in the moonless night, the remnant are compelled to rely on the Lord's "invisible" prophetic light; and, as they do, their discernment begins to grow and grow, learning to discern the season, like Issachar
- During the black-horse stage, the remnant experience God's "moonlight mercy", a subtle mercy that does not appear to radically change one's external circumstances of "poverty" but which sustains you and enables you to keep getting wealthier and wealthier spiritually
- The falling stars from heaven are a reference to Korah and his followers as they decay into brazenly soulish sub-humans during the green-horse (4th-seal) stage
- The falling stars point to how matriarchal believers are unripe figs (olynthos) that fall off the tree and do not complete their maturation process due to their Canaanite rejection of God's growth-inducing judgements
- These unrighteous stars fall as they are shaken in a fundamental way (seio) by the spiritual work of God's green-horse remnant
- In Scripture, the 2 times when stars (aster) fall (pipto) in the plural, they are unrighteous stars. The 2 times that they fall in the singular, they are righteous stars. All 4 times, the fall of a star or stars happens in the context of the green horse.
- As the green-horse riders fall in loneliness to Death and Sheol, they complete the work of exposing the Church's Korah leaders as naked emperors who are clearly fallen and are completely unaligned with God's plans, leaders who are, in truth, defenders of the world's soul system that they claim to be against
- The powers of the heavens being shaken refers to the 6th seal, during which time the matriarchal system shall lose its grip on the physical and emotional resources in human affairs; those resources shall come under the control of God and His remnant, and the Kingship of the Spirit shall be manifest in the affairs of men
- During the black-horse stage, Balaam and his followers use the evangelistic endowment to "shake down" (saleuo) the spirit realm in order to extort natural, unripe wealth from it. This is why God will shake them down as well, and all the material wealth and emotional power that they and the Korah-ites possess shall be drastically stripped from them and come under the possession of the righteous, for the poor shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven
"And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Matthew 24:30)
- The sign of the son of man points to Luke 11:30 and to Jonah, which in turn speaks of the subtle resurrection of a man who, by all appearances, looks as "normal" and "human" as the next man, yet he possessed an invisible anointing that struck fear into an entire mega-city by his mere presence
- The fact that the sign is in heaven means that it will be manifested in the spirit realm first, just as Jonah when he emerged from the fish's belly in a deserted beach outside of the view of all
- The "tribes" (phyles) refer to the 12 racial groups that humanity is divided in; these tribes create spiritual fortresses for unrighteousness on Earth by creating value systems and parameters of behaviour
- When Jonah appeared in Nineveh, he caused the entire city to mourn on account of the unrighteousness that their culture had so strongly defended, i.e. the unrighteousness that they had embraced as a tribe; this is the type of mourning described in Matthew 24:30
- The "cloud" speaks of God's favour for the remnant, just like the cloud that enveloped Yeshua in Matthew 17:1-5
- The son of man coming with power speaks of resources being in full possession of the remnant, taken back from the matriarchals who have hoarded them
- The son of man coming with great glory means that the remnant will manifest the Glory of God in the flesh
- Notice how, if you understand this verse literally, the phrase "sign of the son of man in heaven" becomes meaningless; with a literal mindset, that phrase means little more than a giant Jesus visibly appearing in the sky, making the word "sign" meaningless, as well as the deeper meaning of the verse becoming hidden
"And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (Matthew 24:31)
- If this is the "rapture" that the matriarchal Church is waiting for, why is it happening until now, after the Lord's description of the great tribulation and His appearance for all to see? Wasn't the "rapture" supposed to precede the great tribulation, followed several years later (3.5 for some, 7 for others) by the Lord's appearance in the sky? Doesn't this verse and the verse that follows in Matthew 24 actually contradict the eschatological parrots' sequence of events?
- This verse is indeed talking about the rapture of 1 Thessalonians 4, but not in the way that the matriarchal Church understands it
- The key to understanding this verse is in the phrase "gather together", which was translated from the Greek verb episynago, the verb form of episynagoge, which speaks of the gathering of believers as spirit beings in the heavenly places above the Earth
- Every church gathering on Sunday should be turning into an episynagoge of spirit beings shaking the spirit realm and transforming the Earth unto God. But, because of the matriarchy, these episynagoges are few and far between, outside of man's natural view, and do not include many believers; Matthew 24:31, however, speaks of these episynagoges becoming generalised and fully manifested before all
- Also, why does the Lord say that "His elect" will be gathered together? Doesn't that imply that not all believers will be "raptured up"? Otherwise, why doesn't He say something more blasé and matriarchal like "they shall gather together those who have prayed the prayer of salvation and believed in Me"?
- The word "elect" was translated from eklektos, and it refers to those whom God has evaluated and called out from within the Church because they were found not to have bowed their knee to the matriarchal system; passing this evaluation (i.e. judgement) requires a willingness to embrace God's judgements, which is inherently anti-matriarchal
- The word "sent" was translated from apostello, which points to the apostolic, judgement nature of the angels' gathering
- The word "winds" in "4 winds" was translated from anemos, which points to the soul and to the contamination that the soul matriarchy has inflicted on the development of the 4 spiritual Faces in mankind ⇒ As the gathering of Matthew 24:31 happens, the 4 spiritual Faces of man shall be liberated from their subjugation to the soul system
- Angels are believers acting like "soulless spirits" (Luke 22); contrary to the matriarchal Church's literal understanding of Scripture, these "angels" are not non-human creatures that exist independently of the human race; instead, these "angels" are the faithful avant-garde believers who were able to break away from the matriarchy and who have been gathering in solitude in the episynagoges until now; at the end of days, however, these angels will be empowered to gather their other brethren in the Body who have been "elected" because they did not allow their hearts to be so contaminated by the matriarchy that they became permanently rejected by God
- You start on your path to being an "angel" when you heed God's red-horse shout to separate yourself from the matriarchal Church system; as you go through the black-horse stage, you develop your "sound" (phone), and as you go through the green-horse stage, you develop your "trumpet" (quavering salpigx), meaning that the great sound of your trumpet comes from you having gone through the black- and green-horse stages; the matriarchals, however, are expecting a humongous trumpet to appear in the sky that will be played, blasting a deafening literal sound across the Earth! How sad!
- As these angels sound the great sound of the trumpet, the impartation within them will be "instantly" imparted to the elect, allowing them to experience accelerated growth in the black- and green-horse stages without having to go through the same suffering that these lonely angels had to go through
"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh" (Matthew 24:32)
- The matriarchal Church sees the "fig tree" as nothing more than a figure of the literal nation of Israel, but, in truth, it represents way more than that
- In Scripture, the fig tree points to the apostolic Lion Face of Wisdom and Judgements
- ⇒ Yeshua is referring to the sprouting forth of a special kind of wisdom on Earth
- The word "tender" was translated from hapalos, which points to the word hapallotrioo, which, in turn, speaks of alienation
- ⇒ The "tender" fig tree refers to vessels who suffer great alienation from the matriarchal world around them because they operate on a very different mindset of righteous judgements, making them "tender", i.e. vulnerable to much attack and terrible isolation, but full of God's wisdom sap
- The word "branches" was translated from klados, which is derived from klao meaning "to break"; all 15 times it appears in Scripture, it is used to refer to the breaking of bread
- ⇒ These fig trees will be broken in sacrifice because they go around "breaking" and "dividing" through their judgements. But, through those divisive apostolic judgements and their prophetic sacrifice in being broken, they will forge a unity of the Spirit unlike anything the soul can produce
- The word "leaves" was translated from phyllon, which is derived from phyle meaning tribe; phyle is used 24 out of 31 times in Scripture to refer to some or all of the tribes of Israel
- ⇒ This fig tree will have a strong impartation of the God of Israel. This correlates with what the eschatological parrots say when they equate the fig tree with Israel. However, this connection points to something much deeper: this latter-day fig tree will have a strong impartation of the God of Israel, meaning that they will have a strong awareness of the warrior- and judgement-nature of the "male" God of war (Exodus 15:3). This means that they will have a strong "angelic" anointing of judgement-making apostle and warrior evangelist (Hebrews 12:25-29).
- The word "summer" was translated from theros, which is very similar to theristes meaning "reaper"
- ⇒ Summer speaks of God's harvest: the separation of what is soulish from what is spiritual, both of which are often blended together because they are so similar to the undiscerning heart and mind
- The word "summer" also points to the rise in heat that is uncomfortable to the soul because of its judgement nature, prompting the matriarchy to attack the remnant, just like the viper did against Paul in Malta
- The word "nigh" was translated from eggys, which points to Romans 10:8 and the proactive seizing of the day by launching prophetic rhema in our apostolic-evangelistic angel nature
- ⇒ It speaks of a remnant executing angelic actions under a prophetic anointing
"So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." (Matthew 24:33)
- The word "see" was translated from eido, which speaks of seeing with the natural mind; the word "know" was translated from ginosko, which speaks of knowing with the heart
- There is a need to do a translation from mental understanding to heart understanding; this is the translation that eschatological parrots fail to make once and again as they try to "interpret" Yeshua's end-time words
- If the Church's version of the rapture is real, why would Yeshua say, "when you shall see all these things"? Doesn't that imply that God's faithful believers will see the entire storyline delineated in all the preceding verses play out? if the Church's version of the rapture was real, wouldn't Yeshua instead have said, "when you begin to see these things", know that the end is near?
- The word "doors" was translated from thyra, which points to ...
- ... death and resurrection &
- ... the "village" Spirits of God (Philadelphia and Laodecia), the Spirits that are not conferred as birth endowments but are "seized" through the heart
"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34)
- This verse once again proves how eschatological parrots have to "stretch" Scripture to make it fit their eschatological (mis)understanding. If we are to take Yeshua's words as literally as the parrots do, we should take the word "this" literally. Remember, Yeshua was speaking, not writing to His audience. The word "this", therefore, only makes sense as referring to the "generation" that His audience was living in. Since all the events that Yeshua described did not happen in a literal and generalised way during that audience's lifetime, the parrots are forced to massage the word "this" until it refers to some future "generation" during which the events of Matthew 24 will all happen. That may make partial sense if you absorb Yeshua's words as written words, where the word "this" is often used to refer to words in the preceding sentences, which points to how eschatological parrots constantly perceive God's prophetic word as static and inert, unaware that it is actually dynamic and flowing
- Hence, if the word "this" actually referred to the audience that Yeshua was speaking to, we must understand that "generation" cannot be understood as a specific and short period of chronological time, as the eschatological parrots are so inclined to do. Yes, there may be a literal interpretation of the word "generation" that may fit within a certain limited context, but to try to reduce it to that not only nullifies the spoken word "this", but it also robs Yeshua's words of their deeper, prophetic meaning. Unfortunately, parrots insist on the effort to ascribe a literal number of years to this verse (see how we used the word "this", which would be ludicrous if this writer were actually speaking to you), and they do so like little kids who see Yeshua's words as a clever word riddle that they can solve with their minds. Shame on these worthless men and women! Cursed are they and worthy of eternal shame for perverting God's words and reducing Him to their own Girgashite level.
- The word "generation" was translated from genea, which actually refers to the current corrupt Adamic, fallen-nature generation of mankind, as evidenced by the use of genea in Philippians 2:15, which shows that genea refers to a spiritual genetic pool and not to a chronological time period
- The word "fulfilled" was translated from ginomai, which literally means "be" or "come into existence". Its use in Scripture points to God reaching out from within the Jewish people and into the Gentiles so as to regenerate humanity as a whole. The word ginomai also points to the awareness of the God of Israel and to a people who manifest the God of Israel to all of humanity, birthing His manifestation into existence in weakness. This is why the rebirth of the literal nation of Israel was so important in human history, but the real message behind Matthew 24:34 goes way beyond that.
- As revealed in Luke 3:5, the new generation that Yeshua is prophesying in Matthew 24:34 shall
- Fill every valley ⇒ End the low-level human existence brought on by the Canaanite-Girgashite pastoral matriarchy run by distorted Man-Face pastors and teachers
- Bring low every mountain and hill ⇒ Bring down Amorite strongholds that uphold the matriarchy and oppose God's Ox-Face evangelistic Kingship
- Straighten what is crooked ⇒ End the Jebusite perversion of Lion-Face apostolic judgement-making
- Smooth out the rough ways ⇒ End the Hittite distortion of God's Eagle-Face prophetic flow
- When the new generation arrives, the current "crooked and perverse generation" (Philippians 2:15) will pass away
- The phrase "crooked and perverse" points to 2 spirits:
- The word "crooked" (translated from skolios) points to the Jebusite spirit
- The word "perverse" (translated from diastrepho) points to the Hittite spirit
- These 2 spirits are brought in by the pastoral matriarchy in order to establish some semblance of order and to generate some measure of spiritual power to maintain itself
- The Jebusite and Hittite spirits are the spirits that unleash the strongest attacks against God's remnant during the 5th-seal period, after the soul system and its leadership has been clearly exposed as fundamentally flawed and destructive
- The Jebusite spirit vitriolically punishes those who have dared to oppose the soul system
- The Hittite spirit ruthlessly tortures those who have dared to oppose the soul system
- The word "pass" in Matthew 24:34 was translated from parerchomai, which points to a transition from the first-Adam generation (ruled by the Eve-ish soul) to a last-Adam generation (ruled by a "male", Spirit-centric Adam)
- The word for "generation" (genea) is derived from gune, meaning "woman". Therefore, the Lord is declaring that the rule of the "female" soul will ironically be ended by "womanly-weak" believers who are willing to go through the birth pains required to birth the manifestation of this new generation on Earth.
- Matthew 24:34 is not predicting an event; it is establishing a requirement
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35)
- The words "heaven" (ouranos), "earth" (ge), and "pass away" (parerchomai) reveal (through Matthew 5:18) that God's spiritual laws must be fulfilled (i.e. given their true and full spiritual meaning) before the old generation can pass away and the new generation can emerge
- This contradicts the matriarchal Church's belief that this era of "grace" means that we are in a "lawless" era
- The word "words" was translated from logos, which points directly to apostolic judgement word
- ⇒ Heaven and earth (and, hence, the first-Adam generation) cannot pass away until the awareness of God's judgement nature is restored and His judgements are allowed to flow with freedom throughout the Earth
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matthew 24:36)
- A literal understanding of this verse, along with a matriarchal understanding of what "being God" is, would force us to conclude that Yeshua was not God
- Therefore, this verse reveals that the God Essence can manifest different qualities depending on the role and context it is operating in
- It also points to how God's remnant, who carry out angelic actions on Earth, are forced to abide in a state of 5th-seal ambiguity and uncertainty (which is often frustrating and excruciating) because that is part of the role that we are to play as sons of God
- The words "day" (hemera) and "hour" (hora) together point to Matthew 20:6-12, and, hence, to times of sudden impartations, when people will receive in one instant what may taken others months and years to obtain
- As shown by Matthew 24:48-51 and Luke 12:45-49, the words "day" (hemera) and "hour" (hora) together also point to the permanent demotion of the matriarchal priesthood that has worked to suppress God's manifestation on Earth.
- The phrases "looking for" and "being aware of" in Matthew 24:48-51 and Luke 12:45-49 were translated from prosdokao, which speaks of "expectation" and "foreseeing" and points directly to 2 Peter 3:12-14
- ⇒ The word "day" points to when the elements will be destroyed (2 Peter 3:12-14), a day to be longed for and hastened, which is contrary to what the matriarchals long for and do
- The Old-Covenant, matriarchal Church is not expecting this day, the day of God, because they do not know (ginosko) God at the heart level; being disconnected from God at the heart level, they have no true understanding of what God's day is all about
- The joint appearances of "day" and "hour" in other verses reveal that these 2 words from Matthew 24:36 also point to the following:
- Luke 22:53: A preceding hour of darkness that requires green-horse sacrificial death from the remnant
- Acts 2:15, John 11:9, & Acts 10:3: The release of extraordinary power that releases the Dominion of God into the Earth
- Acts 16:18: The ejection of matriarchal paradigms from the face of the Earth
- Revelation 9:15: The need for the galloping of the 4 horses first, a painful transition process whose weight shall be borne by God's faithful remnant, as clearly revealed by the preceding verses in Matthew 24
- The words "day" (hemera) and "hour" (hora) appear together 15 times in the 4 Gospels and Acts, only to appear together again until the book of Revelation
- ⇒ The "day and hour" of Matthew 24:36 can only be revealed upon the Earth through the deliberate acts of proactive believers, which goes against the passive, "let-us-wait-for-Jesus-to-rapture-us-up" attitude that matriarchal believers are so bent on upholding
- The 4 appearances of "day" and "hour" together in the book of Acts points to the 4 horses of the Apocalypse:
- The white-horse epiphany of Acts 2:15
- The red-horse tradition-challenging of Acts 10:3
- The black-horse journey from Joppa to Caesarea of Acts 10:30
- The green-horse sacrifice (by Paul and Silas) of Acts 16:18
- The words "day" (hemera) and "hour" (hora) appear together in 16 verses of Scripture. Its 17th appearance will be in real life, when the remnant are finally manifested on Earth
"37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark" (Matthew 24:37-38)
- To reduce "eating and drinking" and "marrying and giving in marriage" to literal interpretations is to reduce Yeshua's words to utter foolishness
- Don't these verses reveal that things are supposed to appear "OK" on the surface prior to the upheaval? Doesn't this contradict the eschatological parrots' timelines of a magical "rapture" followed by a period of hell on Earth for the entire unbelieving world before His return?
- The word "flood" was translated from kataklysmos, which speaks of a violent transformation marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition
- The phrase "eating and drinking" speaks of soulish people fulfilling Girgashite, material ends
- Eating: Fulfilling basic material needs
- Drinking: Seeking after earthly things with an evangelistic spirit of conquest
- The phrase "marrying and giving in marriage" speaks of soulish people fulfilling Canaanite, emotion-centric ends
- Marrying: Fulfilling basic emotional needs
- Giving in marriage: Using emotional needs as a way to conquer people (by turning themselves into the source through which those being conquered can fulfil their emotional needs)
- This promotion of soulish "marriage" also works to squelch of the angelic nature in believers; it is through angelic actions that the spiritual Noah's will bring about the flood (kataklysmos) of Matthew 24:38
- The word "ark" was translated from kibotos, which is used 6 times in Scripture: 3 times to refer to Noah's ark and the 3 other to refer to the Ark of the Covenant
- ⇒ The word "ark" refers to believers exercising the Melchizedek priesthood, entering into the fullness of their angelic nature to carry out God's judgements and establish the Kingship of the Spirit
"And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:39)
- The word "knew" was translated from ginosko ⇒ Matriarchals have no heart knowledge
- As shown by the previous verses, the focus of the Lord's words is on the Church, i.e. those who pretend to be with Him but who do not know, or understand, in their hearts the unfolding of all these events
- The phrase "took them all away" was translated from airo, which means "to raise up, elevate" ⇐ This is the closest that Matthew 24 comes to referring to the matriarchal Church's magical rapture
- The word "all" in "took them all away" was translated from hapas meaning "all, the whole, altogether"
- ⇒ Both those inside the ark and those outside were elevated during the flood (those inside as protected beings, and those outside as cadavers)
- Verse 38 does not say "Noe and his family went into the ark". It only says, "Noe went into the ark", meaning that Yeshua was referring to a single person, not to a plurality of people. Therefore, it cannot be simplistically argued that "all" is referring to Noah's family specifically. If Yeshua was focusing on the "rising" of those inside the ark, He would either have said "Noe and his family" in verse 38 or have said "and took him away" in verse 39. That is why "all" must be taken to mean "all". In fact, the only "plural" group that Yeshua refers to in verse 38 are those "eating and drinking" and those who are "marrying and giving in marriage", which can only point to the "unwitting unbelievers", not to "believers". Also, verse 39 clearly says, and "knew not until the flood came", meaning that the "all", if anything, refers to those who were unaware of God's work and had no understanding of what was coming. In other words, if "all" is not "all", then the only option left of who is being "raised up" are the unbelievers, not the believers!!!
- ∴ Even if you try to twist verses 38 and 39 into becoming "proof" that Yeshua spoke of the matriarchal rapture in Matthew 24, you must conclude that only the non-believers will be "raised up"
- ⇒ Verses 38 and 39, like the rest of Matthew 24, contradict the notion of escapist rapture where only the (devout) believers are raised up whilst the rest are "left behind" to suffer
- Since Yeshua says that "all" will be "raised up" (airo), we can conclude that this is the time when God will force all people, especially believers, to rise from the earthly level and operate as spirit beings (which is what God intended from the beginning when created Adam). Those who are not ready or willing will perish in the process, and those who are ready will thrive and regenerate the Earth
"Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (Matthew 24:40)
- The word "taken" was translated from paralambano meaning "to embrace, to welcome with open arms"
- As we saw with verses 38 and 39, the matriarchal concept of a rapture does not apply here
- This is reinforced by the fact that the word paralambano does not have a "vertical" connotation to it (i.e. it does not speak of being "caught up" or "taken up". Instead, it has a direct connotation of being either accepted or rejected.
- The word "left" was translated from aphiemi, which is the word used throughout Scripture to mean "forgive". Therefore, a perfectly valid translation could say "one shall be received, and the other forgiven"
- ∴ Unless we are willing to ignore the entire context of Matthew 24 up until verse 40, we must conclude that Yeshua is declaring that one (believer) will be embraced by God unto Himself, whilst the other (believer) will simply be forgiven of his sins and nothing more (as per 1 Corinthians 3:15)
- "Going out" (to the field) speaks of the "male" endowments (of apostle, prophet, and evangelist) ⇒ This verse speaks of God's judgement of how believers use the 3 "male" endowments
- Considering how literal the eschatological parrots are about interpreting these verses, are they willing to believe that Yeshua is speaking about people out in the literal field? What if they are not farmers? Are Yeshua's words so shallow that He could only be talking about farmers, or people "at the office" (if you want to stretch the concept of "field" a bit)?
"Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left." (Matthew 24:41)
- The verse does not mention women, but it is safe to infer (for several reasons) that the 2 referred to are indeed women, meaning that, just as verse 40 points to the "male" endowments, this verse points to the "female" ministerial endowments of pastor and teacher
- The word "grind" was translated from aletho, which is only used twice, both times in the same context, and is derived from aleuron meaning "wheat flour", which itself is ... only used twice as well
- The first (and only other) time that aleuron is used is in Matthew 13:33, which speaks of the 3 types of righteous leaven that the "female" ministries should enable so as to foster the 3 "male" endowments:
- Apostolic anger
- Prophetic< rebellion
- Evangelistic confidence
- The matriarchal "grinders" will promote distorted versions of these 3 types of leaven:
- Jebusite anger against anyone who opposes the religious, matriarchal system
- Hittite distortions that rebel against God's truth, favouring what is appealing to the soul
- Amorite pride based on earthly credentials validated by the religious, matriarchal system
- The word "mill" was translated from mylon, which is not used in any other verse of Scripture, and is derived from mylos meaning "millstone"
- The word mylos is strongly related in Scripture to the word skandalizo, which is used by the Holy Spirit to speak of religious rocks of stumbling
- Therefore, the word "mill" spiritually points to the religious rocks of stumbling that suppress the righteous leaven, putting religious hindrances around it in order to quench it
- It is like standing at an exit waiting, in case something comes out in order to kill it (Hosea 6:9). This is what the matriarchal grinders do at the mill. These are the ones "left behind", i.e. not embraced by God but simply forgiven of their sins and nothing more.
- The word mylos reveals (through Revelation 18:21-22) that the stumbling block that the matriarchal grinders erect shall be destroyed through horme acts of (spiritual) violence carried out by a group of people (the remnant) determined to obliterate those who are engaged in matriarchal activities. This requires exhibiting behaviour that will be seen as unsightly and inappropriate, as devoid of "Christian" qualities of "love, tolerance, and mutual understanding"; these violent believers will forcefully steer the "humanity ship" into the straight direction of the Spirit and away from the wayward and wasteful wanderings of the soul.
- If the above is not the true meaning behind the passage above, what could it possibly mean? If this verse is to be taken literally, as the eschatological parrots are so inclined to do, should we take it to refer only to an agricultural setting where women stand around a mill grinding (something that rarely applies in modern times)? Or should we simplistically reduce it to Yeshua talking about women performing menial house chores? If so, why wouldn't the Lord simply talk about a woman cleaning up or watching over the kids at home? Or was Yeshua simply using vague poetic language? Are evangelicals willing to be that insulting to Yeshua, belittling His words and making them verbose and redundant?
- Also, if we are to take these words literally, is Yeshua predicting a 50% rapture ratio? If the matriarchals are so right about the churchgoers being the ones "raptured up" when the magical moment comes, why are these 2 women at the same mill? Wouldn't all the "good Christian women" be in one "mill" (the "Church mill") whilst all the "unsaved/wayward women" are grinding at another mill (the "mill of the unsaved")? Why does Yeshua reduce it to single individuals (one embraced and one simply forgiven)? Why is there no sense of "collectiveness" about Yeshua's words in these verses? Don't all the previous verses in Matthew 24 actually validate that those who will be embraced (paralambano or "taken") shall be believers going through a lonely journey of persecution and affliction that will only be exacerbated by the religious system, not the pagan world? This is why the Lord speaks of individuals, not groups, in these verses.
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matthew 24:42)
- The word "watch" was translated from gregoreo, which has the connotation of a "vigil"
- In the matriarchals' understanding of the end times, what use is there for this verse? If the basic concern is to be a church member in good standing at the time of the rapture, what are we to be in a state of "watch" or "vigil" for? Shouldn't the rapture just happen automatically without us having to do anything other than go about our daily affairs? Also, if we are willing to accept the Church's magical rapture, wouldn't this verse actually hint that some "Christians" will be "left behind" to suffer in the matriarchal Church's "great tribulation" period? Doesn't this begin to cut into the "saved by grace" message, the automatic-salvation message of the Church? As we have said before, the contradictions that the Church's theology logically lead to derive from its simplistic understanding of what "salvation" is. Since "salvation" is nothing more to the matriarchals than escaping from hell and going to church until you kick the bucket, they end up with many "uncomfortable" passages throughout Scripture that begin to contradict the concept of a salvation that is not forged by works.
- The word gregoreo points to watching lest one's shame is revealed (aschemosyne)
- Those who do not watch are those who work (katergomai) aschemosyne ("shame") by abandoning the "natural (physikos) use of woman"
- The "natural" use of "woman" (i.e. the "female" endowments) is done by ...
- ... providing pastoral refreshing of the soul
- ... providing pastoral temporal support (for the moment)
- ... providing teaching without falling into repetitive, long-winded traditions that pretend to be prophetic but do not break through
- ... providing teaching without binding the flow of prophetic freedom and snuffing evangelistic boldness
- Pastors work shame by their omissions; teachers work shame by their overdoing
- Those practising the "female" endowments in a distorted way believe that their work is inherently eternal in nature, without accepting that it is temporary work to further an eternal, "male", Spirit-centric end (i.e. a means to an end rather than an end in itself)
"But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up." (Matthew 24:43)
- The word "goodman" was translated from oikodespotes, which literally means "ruler of the house" and is related to posis meaning "husband"
- ⇒ It points to the male head of the house and to a believer carrying out a spiritually "male" role
- The despotes portion of oikodespotes is derived from deo meaning "to bind", which Scripture shows is spiritually related to establishing God's evangelistic Kingship on Earth
- Again, how does this verse make any sense in the matriarchal Church's "eschatological timeline"? If the rapture is about us being taken out of danger, why should we be on the lookout? Wouldn't it be a "good surprise" if the "thief" suddenly shows up, since that mean that we are being taken up to heaven to get away from the Great Tribulation? in fact, why should we even think of the Lord as a "thief" ? What is He coming to take from us? Wouldn't He instead be coming to give us something we all would "desire", namely safety from the judgement to come?
- Even if we overcome the above questions, a deeper question would remain? Why would we want to prevent Yeshua breaking into our home? Wouldn't it be a good thing for Him to enter our home? All of these questions reveal why the matriarchals' understanding of the end makes absolutely no sense. A matriarchal may want to argue that Matthew 24:43 is only for unbelievers, but there is absolutely no evidence in the surrounding context that Yeshua suddenly stopped talking to believers and started addressing unbelievers. Even if we could convince ourselves that Yeshua was somehow talking about unbelievers, the question would be, Why should unbelievers be sure to keep Yeshua out and not allow them to break in? Besides, Matthew 24:42 says, "you do not know what hour your Lord comes?" Does that sound like a word to unbelievers?
- Some other matriarchals may want to argue that the passage above is a warning to lukewarm believers in order to prevent them being left behind in the "rapture". If that is the case, what is the criterion that God will use to determine which believers go and which "stay behind"? Is it based on whether you are attending church on a regular basis? Is it based on whether you are reading your Bible passage of the day every day? Even if those questions could somehow be cleared up somehow, isn't the rapture about us being taken away, as opposed to any possession of ours being taken away (for that is what "thieves" do)? Notice that Matthew 24:43 speaks of someone staying put, not escaping. Because of all of this, the only way that Matthew 24:43 can make any sense is by discarding the Church's eschatological "understanding" and discerning the true spiritual meaning (hidden from natural view) that is behind the words spoken by the Lord.
- The phrase "broken up" was translated from diorysso meaning "to dig through", which, as shown by its use in Scripture, speaks of someone hiding something that has been entrusted to him and who is only thinking in terms of self-benefit
- ⇒ The "thief" is actually coming back for something that is actually His
- God detaches Himself from the gifts and the callings that He gives to us, allowing us the opportunity to show how we would behave if the gifts were ours, with no need to worry about a constant supervision from the ultimate owner. Those who bury their gift because they see no point in prospering someone else's gift will be left eternally deprived when the owner digs through and into his house to take back what is His. Those who take the gift unto themselves and hide it from the real owner, using it only for their own benefit, will also be left eternally deprived when the owner digs through and into his house to take back what is His. The first case are those who work shame for themselves through pastoral omissions; the second case are those who work shame for themselves through teacherly "overdoings". In both cases, eternal shame shall be dealt out when the "thief" comes and exposes them for what they really are. This is the real reason why the Lord called us to watch for the time when the "thief" comes (and not for the time when God's "rapture" spacecraft will come to take us to a magical la-la land of pastoral bliss).
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44)
- The word "ready" was translated from hetoimos, which, in Scripture points to ...
- ... readiness to wage war and avenge
- ... readiness to evangelistically expand God's Kingship on Earth
- ... readiness to apostolically make incursions into new spiritual territories
- ⇒ The word hetoimos speaks of readiness to carry out angelic actions
- The word "think" was translated from dokeo meaning "opinion", which points to the choice between the individual stance of a lone John the Baptist and the collective opinion of the religious establishment
- In the latter days, the Temple's stones will not be allowed to stand one upon another
- The readiness of verse 44 is individual in nature and cannot depend on collective support; those who depend on collective support to form their opinions shall not be ready for when the Son of Man shall come
- Those ready to develop an individual opinion in the Lord are those who rise (egeiro) from collective slumber. Those who worship the temple (i.e. the religious structures) and what is within it will not be ready. Only those who are willing to measure and judge the temple with a reed shall be ready.
- Those unwilling to move away from repeating the same thoughts over and over again will not be ready
- Those unwilling to hear God pray into their hearts, who treat Him as a distant entity that they mail requests to, will not be ready
- Those who embrace the tax-extorting matriarchal system will not be ready for the Lord's coming and will instead be ready to spiritually murder those who speak of the Lord's manifestation in the Spirit
- Those who expect a "second coming" that fits their natural understanding will not be ready. The Lord's return will be so foreign and terrifying to their natural souls that they will only begin to discern it until it is too late to be ready for it.
- To avoid being unready, you must be ready to see a blurring of the lines between the natural and the spiritual when the Lord manifests Himself. This is what the eschatological parrots who claim to understand God's prophetic word fail and refuse to understand. That is why they are not ready for the coming of the Son of Man.
- Those who shall be ready will appear weak on the outside, and they shall have gone through a process of separation from the soul system in order to be given an infusion of the Spirit through "angel food". That is how they shall become ready.
- If we are to discard all of the above and simply read Matthew 24 from the light of the matriarchals' eschatology, what is there to be "ready" about? Shouldn't we just go on with business as usual, as verses 40 and 41 seem to indicate to the matriarchals? Shouldn't we simply continue going to church and living our lives before being pleasantly surprised by Jesus and his "magical rapture"? The matriarchals may want to argue, yet again, that being ready boils down to being "saved", i.e. repeating the prayer of salvation, and attending church regularly, accepting and defending the church's religious paradigms and structures as you do. But, then, we must ask again, Why would Yeshua be saying these words to His close disciples? Wouldn't they already be ready given that they already believe in Him? Or do the matriarchals think that Yeshua looked away from His disciples and spoke into the cold night darkness as He uttered the words in verse 44, as if talking to the unsaved masses that would be reading His words in a printed Bible? Really? How much do you have to twist and alter God's words to make it fit your soulish agenda, matriarchals?
"Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?" (Matthew 24:45)
- The phrase "faithful wise servant" points to the 3 "male" endowments:
- "Faithful" (pistos) points to an evangelistic nature
- "Wise" points to an apostolic nature
- "Servant" points to a prophetic nature
- These "male"-endowed believers will take down the soul stronghold of Jericho, bringing down the moon's dominion and allowing the Spirit's Sun of Righteousness to shine
- The phrase "hath made ruler" was translated from kathistemi, meaning "to establish"
- ⇒ The servant is established, given a position and the authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities that come with that position
- The word "household" was translated from therapeia, which literally means "therapy" and has a pastoral connotation to it
- ⇒ The Lord is speaking of believers operating in the 3 "male" endowments carrying out pastoral work
- ⇒ The Lord is speaking of angels pastorally serving in righteousness, "descending" to perform pastoral comforting that is "female" in nature. Whilst doing this, they will be imparting of their "male" angelic nature to those whom they are comforting.
- Angelic ministering can transcend limitations in the natural realm
- They can provide material needs for the naturally "hungry and thirsty"
- They can provide soul support for people who have been ostracised by the matriarchy and who have no one to protect them ("the stranger and the naked")
- They can provide spirit-level support for those who are "weak and in prison", helping them to overcome any weaknesses and limitation barriers so that they may achieve mighty feats in the Spirit
- We become like angels as we "stoop down" (parakypto) to look into the New-Covenant perfect law of liberty and into the resurrected nature that has been placed inside of us through Yeshua's sacrifice and resurrection, acting on what we behold instead of just accepting it as a theoretical truth
- The word "meat" in Matthew 24:45 was translated from trophe, meaning "nourishment", which points to teacherly provision
- Since this meat is intended for long-term benefits, it can grow into "strong meat" to produce a true increase in judgement-making, apostolic wisdom
- The phrase "due season" was translated from kairos, which speaks of doors of opportunity and refers to time that is advanced by prophetic actions on Earth (as opposed to chronos time, which advances on its own, even as those enveloped in it do nothing)
- Hence, the phrase "due season" speaks of a teacherly provision that does not oppose the prophetic but actually furthers it (which is contrary to the soul's Girgashite teaching "provision", which works feverishly to suppress God's prophetic anointing)
- Luke 12:42 is Matthew 24:45's parallel verse in the Gospel of Luke
- "And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?" (Luke 12:42)
- Luke 12:42 uses oikonomos ("steward") instead of doulos ("servant")
- oikonomos points to a fusion of the evangelistic and the teacher endowments
- A perfected evangelist becomes a teacher
- A mature evangelist sees his conquests as an opportunity to institute transformational educational systems
- Luke 12:42 uses sitometrion ("portion of meat") instead of trophe ("meat")
- sitometrion points to a fusion of the prophetic and teacher endowments
- A perfected teacher becomes a prophet
- As a mature evangelist institutes these transformational educational systems, he enables prophetic growth in them
"Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing" (Matthew 24:46)
- The word "servant" was translated from doulos, which again points to the prophetic
- The word "find" was translated from heurisko, which speaks of finding prophetically
- This means that Yeshua will appear, look around, and prophetically detect those who share in His anointing, "heuristically connecting" with them as He perceives their presence in the atmosphere
- The word "doing" was translated from poeio meaning "to put into practice" ⇒ It speaks of proactive angelic action
- The Anointing that God will identify with will not be a passive, matriarchal one
"Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods." (Matthew 24:47)
- The word "say" was translated from lego, which points to speaking logos judgement and to the apostolic
- The phrase "make him ruler" was mistranslated from kathistemi, which literally means "to establish" and points to apostolic foundations
- The word "over" was translated from epi, which points to evangelistic tallness
- The word "goods" was translated from hyparchonta, which is derived from hypo ("under") and archon ("ruler, principality")
- The word hyparchonta ("goods") speaks of things over which someone has evangelistic, kingly dominion
- ∴ Matthew 24:47 points to both the apostolic and evangelistic ⇒ It points to angels
- Whereas Matthew 24:46 emphasises the prophetic connection between God's remnant and Him, Matthew 24:47 emphasises the other 2 "male" endowments of apostle and evangelist
- ∴ The Lord is speaking of "small" apostles who are raised to the height of evangelistic kings, i.e. angel kings
- The word hyparchonta ("goods") is used mostly in the context of people giving themselves in prophetic sacrifice (sacrificing earthly possessions to obtain the eternal)
- ⇒ Those who prophetically sacrifice themselves (Matthew 24:46), carrying out acts of apostolic righteousness, shall be established over eternal possessions
- The word hyparchonta ("goods") is derived from the verb hyparcho
- Because there is no English equivalent, hyparcho is often translated as the verb "to be" in English
- The verb hyparcho can be translated as "begin from below" ⇒ It speaks of something that comes into being as it sprouts forth from beneath the surface
- The verb hyparcho is used in Luke 8:41 to refer to how Jairus "was" the ruler of the synagogue, meaning that he rose from below to become the ruler (archon) or "king" of the synagogue
- hyparcho speaks of someone who rises from the depths of apostolic foundation-laying and is made evangelistic king
- "Jairus" is the Greek form of the Hebrew name "Jair", which points to Numbers 32:39-42, where the name "Jair" is mentioned for the first time
- The sons of Machir, son of Manasseh, went to Gilead and took it, dispossessing the Amorites there
- Machir, meaning "sold", points to people given over in prophetic sacrifice (as when Joseph was sold to Egypt)
- ⇒ Machir points back to the "prophetic connection" of Matthew 24:46
- Manasseh means "causing to forget", and it points to the apostolic endowment of judgements that the Church so conveniently forgets. God, however, shall not forget the Church's iniquity until God's judgement nature is finally allowed to rule the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth.
- ⇒ Manasseh points to the apostolic side of Matthew 24:47
- Overcoming the Amorites points to the evangelistic endowment
- ⇒ Overcoming the Amorites points to the evangelistic part of Matthew 24:47
- Gilead points to the "balm of Gilead" and to the pastoral soothing that the Church has carried out so unrighteously because of its hatred of God's judgements
- ⇒ The prophetic remnant who operate in apostolic righteousness shall rise as evangelistic conquerors over the pastoral matriarchy and the soul matriarchy that currently rules over the Earth
- Jair, the son of Manasseh, went and took its villages and called them Havoth-Jair
- ⇒ The latter-day Jairuses will remove the Perizzite and Hivite spirits and enable the manifestation of the Spirits of Philadelphia and Laodicea, and "villages of light" (Havoth-Jair) will ensue
- Nobah (whose name means "barking") took Kenath and its "daughters", and renamed Kenath as Nobah
- This points to the restoration of the emotional zeal (of Simon the Qananite) that has been hijacked by the sons of Ham and is often deemed by the pastoral matriarchy as unrighteous and "unforgiving" when exercised in righteousness
- The "female" souls that the pastoral matriarchy has unrighteously possessed ("Kenath") will be taken back from the matriarchy, and the pastor's barking shall be called as such, as barking from a dog that is supposed to please, as opposed to being treated as the commands of a self-appointed "king"
- When this Nobah transition happens, righteous, judgement-making Noah shall finally be multiplied, and he shall finally have a multitude of sons and daughters
- ∴ The word hyparchonta in Matthew 24:47 points to Jair and to the prophecy in Numbers 32:39-42
"48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken" (Matthew 24:48-49)
- "evil servant shall say in his heart"
- The word "evil" was translated from kakos, which spiritually points to the Hittite spirit (distorted prophetic)
- The word "servant" was translated from doulos, which points to the prophetic in a positive sense and to the Hittite in a negative sense
- The word "say" was translated from eipon, which points to kingly commands and to Amorite kings (distorted evangelist)
- The word "heart" points to the evangelistic in a positive sense, and to the Amorite in a negative sense
- ∴ The "evil servant who says in his heart" speaks of a Hittite with Amorite aspirations
- "my lord"
- Clearly, the phrase "my lord" reveals that the Lord is talking about a believer, not the heathen. This emphasises once again how Scripture contradicts the eschatological parrots' belief that Matthew 24 is a warning to non-believers about a rapture that will suddenly happen and leave them behind.
- The use of "my" (instead of "our") reveals a hierarchical view of the Body of Christ where God stands at an unreachable upper layer, followed by a middle layer of demigod (i.e. daemon) ministers, followed by a lower layer of spiritually-limited laymen (as evidenced also by the verse that follows, Matthew 24:49)
- "delayeth"
- The word "delayeth" was translated from chronizo, which points to chronos time and to the Girgashite spirit that lives entirely within the realm of chronos time
- The Girgashite spirit is the antithesis of the prophetic endowment ==> the evil servant not only distorts the prophetic in a Hittite way but also attacks the true prophetic in a Girgashite way
- chronizo is only used 5 times in Scripture, the 3rd time being in Luke 1:21 in reference to Zechariah hearing from Gabriel that his prayer had been answered
- Zechariah and Gabriel
- Zechariah was "priesting" before (enanti) God, which has a connotation of "standing before"
- ⇒ Our righteous, narrow-gate prayers constantly stand before God in the eternal realm, transcending chronos time (Zechariah's prayers were still before God, even though he had uttered them long before)
- Zechariah and his wife were "righteous before God" (Luke 1:6)
- The word "before" was translated from enopion, which speaks of fellowship and harmony (different from enanti prayers, like Jacob wrestling with the angel of the Lord)
- Gabriel and Daniel
- The first appearance of "Gabriel" is in Daniel 8:15-16, in Elam, by the river Ulai
- The name "Elam" means "eternity", which speaks of prophetically transcending chronos time
- The name "Ulai" means "my mighties", which points to God's weak remnant, whom God calls "my mighties", the ones who can manifest the powerful and earth-shaking nature of God on Earth through their prayers, especially as they cannot be held back any longer (like Zechariah's prayers at the time narrated in Luke 1)
- The second appearance of "Gabriel" is in Daniel 9:21; when Daniel was in prayer, Gabriel appeared to him
- This emphasises the connection between the name "Gabriel" and prayer
- Gabriel was "made to fly swiftly", which describes God's swift, prophetic reaction to our prayers
- The word "prayer" in Daniel 9:21 was translated from tephilah, which is derived from palal, which, in turn, has the connotation of "entreating" and "judgements"
- ⇒ It speaks of someone pleading a case before a judge in an effort to convince Him
- Gabriel in Luke
- The third appearance of "Gabriel" is in Luke 1:19 as John the Baptist (i.e. the Spirit of Elijah) is manifested on Earth
- The fourth appearance of "Gabriel" is in Luke 1:26, which narrates the moment when Gabriel announces the manifestation of Yeshua on Earth
- ∴ "Gabriel" is related to the manifestation of God's nature on Earth through men in the flesh
- Gabriel means "warrior of God", which points to prayers that manifest the warrior nature of God. These are not matriarchal, "kind", and goody-two-shoes prayers; they are "violent" prayers intent on unleashing God's judgement on the Earth
- These are the prayers that unleash Yeshua's manifestation, i.e. the prayers that unleash the Second Coming of the Lord
- The only appearance of chronizo ("delayeth" in Matthew 24:48) outside of the 4 Gospels is in Hebrews 10:34-39 ("for yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry")
- Hebrews 10:34-39 points to the 5th seal of the Apocalypse
- The phrase "little while" was translated from mikron meaning "(very) small" and hosos meaning "as great as"
- ⇒ It points to a minuscule thing that goes as far as it is required (or forced) to
- The soul may work to cause a chronos delay in the manifestation of God's nature and judgements, but it can only go so far, and, beyond that point, He will not tarry in being manifested
- The remnant are to look away from the temporal realm and project themselves into the eternal realm to avoid getting deceived by the chronos delay and to accelerate the manifestation of what is to come
- In the phrase "he that shall come will come", the second "come" was mistranslated from heko, meaning "to have arrived, be present"
- ⇒ It speaks of a sudden manifestation and a sudden awareness of the presence of Him whom we have been waiting for
"48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken" (Matthew 24:48-49)
- The word "begin" was translated from archomai, which is derived from archon meaning "principality", which, in a negative sense, speaks of Amorite exaltation
- The word "smite" was translated from typto, which is used in Scripture to refer to the visible head attacking the invisible head authority of Yeshua in God's people
- Matthew 27:30 speaks of Yeshua being typto-ed with a reed
- The word "reed" was translated from kalamos, which, in a negative sense, points to Jebusite judgements that apply the law based on visible, Girgashite parameters of evaluation
- When you are typto-ed (i.e. smitten) in the cheek, we are to turn the other cheek, which means to continue in the confrontational attitude that "won" us the smiting to begin with; in doing this, we expose ourselves to more smiting, at which point we are offering the other cheek. As we do this, we also trigger the public shaming of our attackers by exposing the purposelessness and unrighteousness of their attacks against us.
- The Spirit's judgements smite the heart in order to provoke repentance and change. The soul's judgements aim straight for the cheek (which speaks of vulnerability) and the head so as to induce (Jebusite-induced) shame and (Amorite-induced) inferiority, especially on those who dare to place honouring the truth above honouring them.
- The Spirit's judgements can aim for the cheek and head, but only after the person has refused to submit to the Truth and remains recalcitrantly defiant of God's nature and authority
- The word "fellowservants" in Matthew 24:49 was translated from syndoulos, which literally means "co-servants" ⇒ God did not see them as people at a level inferior to that of the kakos servant, who saw them as inferior enough to be lorded over (because he operates on the Old-Covenant paradigms)
- This verse again refutes the matriarchal, eschatological parrots' insinuation that Matthew 24 is a word of warning for the unbelieving masses so that they will repent, join a church, and be ready for the magical "rapture". Matthew 24 is a chapter aimed at the Church and the spiritual abuse committed by the pastoral elite who have dared to monopolise God's anointing and authority.
- The phrase "eating and drinking with the drunken" in Matthew 24:49
- This phrase points to the servants who are supposed to serve God, who is Spirit , but who instead choose to align themselves with the soulish mindset of the world, "eating and drinking" with them rather than openly warring against them
- To "eat" in this context is to embrace the Girgashite teachings that have no lasting eternal value and that do not threaten the dominion of the soul over the Spirit
- To "drink" in this context is to embrace the Canaanite mindset and behaviour that suppresses judgement (just like alcohol can do with the natural body when taken impulsively)
- As shown by Matthew 24:45, the faithful and wise servant can act as an angel that provides disinterested pastoral support to his brethren, enabling their spirits' growth without imposing soulish demands of loyalty and "submission" on them
"The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of" (Matthew 24:50)
- "The lord of that servant"
- This phrase speaks of God distancing Himself from the kakos servants
- It also speaks of God rejecting the kakos servant's reference to Him as "my lord" (Matthew 24:48)
- The word "come" was translated from heko, which actually means "to have arrived, to be present"
- ⇒ It speaks of the Lord coming and establishing His presence over the Earth, which will bring with it His judgements, filling the Earth's atmosphere with them (Psalm 105:7)
- The phrase "looketh for" was translated from prosdokao, which has the strong connotation of having an opinion that "foresees" something
- As we have seen before, the kakos servant of Matthew 24 speaks of the Church leadership that subjugates the rest of the brethren (their syndoulos) under their feet. Hence, this verse clearly declares that the "day" of the Lord's coming shall not be a day that fits their opinion. Magical "rapture" and all, the Church leadership's opinion (and hence, the Church's opinion) of the Lord's coming is misguided and destructively wrong.
- The presence of prosdokao in 2 Peter 3:12-14 reveals that the day of the Lord, as foreseen by the righteous, is not a day of soulish glee and hippie "happiness" but is, instead, a day of fiery judgements that destroy the "elements", i.e. the fundamental paradigms of thought and action that the soul matriarchy has upheld since the fall of Adam
- prosdokao also appears in Acts 28:1-6
- This verse speaks of believers who are receptive to the remnant's truth but who are easily distracted by the remnant's apparent failure in the natural
- The remnant are "foreseen" to die because they have been spiritually sentenced to death by "Dike", the religious, matriarchal justice system. However, the Lord's Coming will disprove this opinion as the Old-Covenant, hierarchical system is exposed and man's direct access to God and His Very Nature is manifested. That is what the day of His Coming shall bring.
- The "swelling" that the Maltese were expecting in Paul points to Numbers 5:11-28 and to the accusation of adultery that the pastors lay on the remnant, since pastors see themselves as both the "priest" and the "husband" of the souls under them. Anyone who dares to defy their unrighteous hegemony over the Spirit is immediately judged as an "unfaithful" soul that is "fooling around" with "inappropriate" doctrines and "uncertified" structures
- The "thigh falling" in Numbers 5:11-28 points to the matriarchy's expectation that the remnant and their Spirit-centric Truth will inevitably fall by virtue of the matriarchy's judgements, never to rise again, just as Paul was expected to fall down suddenly when he was bitten by the viper
- The word "thigh" was translated from yarek, which is derived from a word meaning "to be soft" ⇒ It points to the weakness and vulnerability that the remnant are wrapped in, which makes them seem like unlikely candidates to prevail against the ruling soul matriarchy
- yarek is also used as a euphemism for loins ⇒ It also points to spiritual reproduction
- This speaks of how the remnant look like they will die childless and the matriarchals will die with many children. Yet, upon the Lord's Coming, the childless remnant shall become very fruitful and have a multitude of spirit sons and daughters, and the matriarchals' soul children will perish along with their stubborn parents
- The phrase "aware of" was mistranslated from ginosko, which speaks of heart knowledge
- The kakos servants, i.e. the matriarchal pastors and their followers, are not "aware of" the day because they have no heart knowledge of God. Therefore, they do not truly understand His Nature, meaning that they have no understanding of what a day when that Nature is manifested would look like. This is why the eschatological parrots are so shamefully off when they try to understand the end times through Scripture.
"And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 24:51)
- The phrase "cut him asunder" was translated from dichotomeo, which literally means "to cut in two"
- dichotomeo points to how the matriarchals have split the Body in two parts: the lower-level "laymen" and the demigod "ministers"
- It also points to the schizophrenic view that the matriarchal Church has about God, dividing Him into a "judgemental" Old-Testament "meanie" and a "kind and gentle" New-Testament "nice guy"
- This is why God will divide them as well, as a testimony of what they dared to do to Him (and to His people) in their hearts
- Matriarchals, especially their pastors, also like to split the universe into 2 realms: the "religious" (i.e. the realm of those that recognise their dominion) and the "secular" (i.e. the realm of those who "foolishly" reject their dominion). Anything from the "secular" realm is automatically deemed "unclean", with absolutely no redeemable "spiritual" content, and anything from the "religious" realm carries the automatic stamp of approval as being "clean" and "kosher", much like the more literal Old-Covenant Jews of today do. As a result, matriarchals automatically drive away from God all those who operate in the prophetic and who realise that there is something wrong with the matriarchal Church. Because of this, God's punishment against them shall be great, for, even though every person is eventually accountable for his own decisions, the matriarchal Church's influence in driving away these souls from God's full purposes shall not go without vengeful recompense from the Lord God of Israel.
- The phrase "appoint him his portion with the hypocrites"
- The word "appoint" was translated from tithemi, meaning "to establish" ⇒ This verse speaks of where these matriarchal servants will be established for eternity
- When making judgements, hypocrites schizophrenically split (dichotomeo) the world in two groups, those whom their souls like and those whom their souls dislike, applying a different system to each group. To those whom their souls like (for reasons that are purely subjective), a more lenient system of judgements is applied; for the other group, an insatiable, impossible-to-comply-with system of judgements is applied.
- The world, which is inherently soulish, operates by this schizophrenic judgements paradigm. And, by sharing in this paradigm, the matriarchal believers deserve to have the same "portion" (i.e. eternal inheritance) that the world's hypocrites have. Therefore, matriarchal believers will be deprived of their eternal inheritance, as if they had never been "saved" from hell. They will be spared from eternal damnation, but they will have nothing to inherit, as a man who escapes from a fire with his life but loses all his possessions in the fire (1 Corinthians 3:9-15).
- The phrase "weeping and gnashing of teeth"
- The "weeping" points to the emotion-centric nature of Canaanite pastors
- The "gnashing of teeth" points to the repetitive, mechanical, and spiritually destructive methodologies of Girgashite teachers
- ∴ The "weeping and gnashing of teeth" speaks of how, at the end of the day, the kakos servants of the Church operate in little more than the 2 "female" ministries of pastor and teacher. And, since they refuse to submit these "female" ministries under the "male" Spirit, they operate in them in a distorted and soulish way, for which reason they shall have their eternal inheritance stripped when the Son of Man is manifested.